
What is eDisability?

eDisability is a confidential online service that allows you to ask a Disability Advisor questions from the privacy of your own device. It's perfect if you've wanted to talk to a Disability Advisor but weren't sure how to go about it or were uncomfortable making an appointment.

There are a number of reasons you may choose to utilise this easy access service including:

  • Difficulties managing the impact of your condition on academic performance
  • Eligibility criteria  - is your diagnosis considered a ‘disability’
  • Confidentiality parameters associated with disclosing your disability to the Disability Service
  • Explore the range of supports available for someone in your circumstance
  • Challenges with physical access on your university campus
  • Options if academic progression is compromised, for example, ‘at risk’ of conditional enrolment or exclusion
  • Concern that you may not fulfil course requirements and may need to consider another career direction
  • Services that are available to online and International students or those studying a HDR / PhD or doing clinical placement / practicum

eDisability is not intended as a replacement for seeing a Disability Advisor. All responses are provided directly by a Disability Advisor and are of a general nature only.

Submitting your question to eDisability is a great first step to getting the information and support you may need. All you need to do is send an email to edisability@westernsydney.edu.au from your student email account or your personal email account if you are a prospective student or external service provider. This service is not open to students who are currently registered with Disability Services given they already have access to support through their allocated Disability Advisor.