Water quality data

River health is determined by the quality of the water. To maintain the ecological processes that support native fish populations, vegetation, wetlands and birdlife, we need high water quality. In this sense, not all water is equal. Water quality is measured using three indicators; chemical, physical and biological. These indicators are affected by pollution and environmental change, usually caused by human impact.

A summary of Historical Data (opens in a new window) trends of some water quality indicators are provided below. This data has been collected by numerous government agencies such as Sydney Catchment Authority, Department of Primary Industries and by the community in the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment. It is a useful tool in understanding how the catchments water quality has changed over time.

Other important  data collected for the River includes:

Real time data for the Hawkesbury-Nepean

Real time data plays an import role in environmental monitoring for our Rivers. Real time data is usually made available for the user immediately after collection. Here we provide links to data collected by external agencies: WaterNSW (opens in a new window), Bureau of Meteorology (opens in a new window), Department of Primary Industries (opens in a new window), and Manly Hydraulics Labs (opens in a new window).

Water ParametersSites along the River
Temperature, wind speed and rainfall data  (opens in a new window)Data available for number of sites across the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment, including Richmond and Penrith
River flow and level data (opens in a new window)Data available for number of sites across the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment
Dam levels (opens in a new window)All major dams in the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment
River heights for the NSW Central Coast (opens in a new window)Various river in Central Coast including the Hawkesbury-Nepean River
Water level data  (opens in a new window)Specific locations for the Hawkesbury-Nepean, such as Spencer, Gunderman, Sackville, Ebenezer, Windsor, Freemans Reach and Castlereagh