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Menstruation Matters Education Report

Research reveals menstrual education lacking in Australia

Research conducted by Western Sydney University reveals young Australians are not receiving adequate information or education about periods and menstrual management.

Michele Simons

Western Sydney University Dean of Education appointed to Teacher Education Expert Panel

Western Sydney University congratulates Professor Michele Simons, Dean of the School of Education, on being appointed to the Australian Government’s Teacher Education Expert Panel.

Social interactions key to better quality of life for aged care residents

A new study including researchers from Western Sydney University and Macquarie University has revealed that there is a direct link between social interactions and quality of life for aged care residents.

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Opinion: Half of Western Sydney foodbowl land may have been lost to development in just 10 years

More and more farming land is being lost to other land uses such as housing on the outskirts of our cities. But how much land is being lost? And why does it matter?

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Opinion: Police texts in Kumanjayi Walker case another sordid example of systemic racism in Australia’s legal system

The three-month coronial inquest into Kumanjayi Walker’s death in police custody began on September 5 at the Alice Springs Local Court.

David Simmons portrait

World first achievement in diabetes research

Distinguished Professor David Simmons has become the first ‘diabetes in pregnancy’ researcher to receive three prestigious honours in the field: the Norbert Freinkel Award, Joseph Hoet Award and, most recently, the Jørgen Pederson Award Lecture.

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