Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)

Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)

The PMP also sets out the University’s obligations to assess the potential privacy impacts of any new or revised projects, be they technology or digital systems, products, services, programs and/or initiatives. A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is a risk assessment tool that identifies the impact that the technology or project may have on the privacy of individuals and for identifying and evaluating solutions to mitigate privacy risks.

PIAs must be undertaken for any new or revised project or process which has the potential to impact on the collection, storage, access to, use or destruction of personal information, or when making changes to existing ways of handling personal information. If you manage or are responsible for a new or revised project, it is your responsibility to comply with the Privacy Impact Assessment Procedures (opens in a new window). Steps that support completing a PIA are covered in these documents:

  1. Privacy Impact Threshold Assessment (opens in a new window)
  2. How to Complete a Privacy Impact Assessment (opens in a new window)
  3. Privacy Impact Assessment Report Template (opens in a new window)