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Opinion: If you’ve got a dark roof, you’re spending almost $700 extra a year to keep your house cool

If you visit southern Greece or Tunisia, you might notice lots of white rooftops and white buildings to reflect the intense heat and keep residents cooler.

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Opinion: We created a VR tool to test brain function. It could one day help diagnose dementia

If you or a loved one have noticed changes in your memory or thinking as you’ve grown older, this could reflect typical changes that occur with ageing.

New study finds limited financial viability for cigarette vending machines in licensed venues

New research has found that for Australian alcohol-licensed venues that sell tobacco exclusively through vending machines, tobacco sales are of low financial importance to businesses.

Shield with Western Sydney University

Researchers call for comprehensive Accord study on racism in tertiary education

Responding to the Australian Universities Accord Final Report, the Challenging Racism Project commends the call for a study into the prevalence and impact of racism across the tertiary education system.

Partnership a major milestone for CDU Menzies School of Medicine

Charles Darwin University (CDU) has announced a significant partnership with Western Sydney University that will bring them one step closer towards a home-grown medical school in the Northern Territory.

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Opinion: Liberalism is in crisis. A new book traces how we got here, but lets neoliberal ideologues off the hook

What is post-liberalism? That is no simple question, though the simplest responses are given by those who identify with it as a movement.

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