
Interview and spot the difference

C = Interviewer

T = L2 Learner (Code 08: L1 Spanish, L2 English)
Country of Origin: Chile
Lexical Size: 10,600
Course: MA in Interpreting & translation

1          C          so can you tell can you tell me your student number please?

2          T          XX15

3          C          OK so we're gonna start with part one

4          T          OK (long pause) OK so what's your name?

5          C          my name is C . what's your name?

6          T          my name is T nice to meet you

7          C          nice to meet you T

8          T          so what country are you from, C?

9          C          I'm from Argentina how ab..

10        T          oh I'm from Chile

11        C          we're neighbours  what were you born? in Santiago?

12        T          no I was born in a very small town in the south . no one knows that town

13        C          what's that . what's it called?

14        T          the name is kumco

15        C          oh OK

16        T          yeah

17        C          haven't heard of it

18        T          no ...not even many people . so Cecilia what are you doing in Australia?

19        C          I came to do a master a masters degree in conference interpreting

20        T          mhm

21        C          and I'm working as a research assistant

22        T          that's great

23        C          so what what do you do in Australia?

24        T          I'm also doing a masters master of arts in interpreting and yeah I decided its my last month here . cuz I'm going back to Chile

25        C          when are you going back?

26        T          in February

27        C          OK

28        T          yeah

29        C          yeah do you like it here?

30        T          yeah but I miss some things about my country mainly my family

31        C          yes yes

32        T          my friends..and ah ..I also miss my dog

33        C          OK so you have pets

34        T          yeah I have one dog

35        C          mhm

36        T          its a female dog called Delaila? what about you? do you have any pets?

37        C          yes I have a pet here a cat she's called princess

38        T          wow

39        C          I also miss my dog from Argentina he's called jumbo

40        T          jumbo

41        C          and he's a black poodle

42        T          oh...

43        C          yeah

44        T          big name small dog

45        C          yeah yeah yeah that's funny

46        T          I also miss Chilean food

47        C          really? so what's your favourite food?

48        T          um.. I think all kinds of Chilean food are my favourite

49        C          (laughs)

50        T          I think they're very similar we have very similar kinds of food

51        C          mm

52        T          ..with Argentina .

53        C          yeah

54        T          do you like barbeques?

55        C          oh I love barbeques but the real barbeques

56        T          yeah the real ones (laughs) . yeah

57        C          so what is your favourite food?

58        T          I love seafood but not the way they make it here in Australia

59        C          so what way?

60        T          in Chille we boil sea food with the white wine

61        C          mhm

62        T          so it's kind of like a soup its beautiful I love it

63        C          I've never tried that

64        T          you should .

65        C          OK

66        T          mhm..so.. well we both speak Spanish

67        C          yeah

68        T          yeah it's really funny that about the differences between the Spanish spoken in different south American countries?

69        C          yes it is

70        T          yeah it's very interesting but yeah we can understand each other anyway

71        C          mm do you speak any other languages?

72        T          well I do speak Japanese but I haven't spoken Japanese like in a three year so it's a bit rusty now

73        C          mhm

74        T          I would love to practice again

75        C          yeah

76        T          but maybe later .

77        C          yeah

78        T          yes . what about you? do you speak any other language?

79        C          well English is my second language and I speak some I speak a bit of Portuguese

80        T          oh me too

81        C          and I studied French for four years I should get back to visit..I'm really rusty with my French now

82        T          yeah I love French I would love to learn French

83        C          it's a nice it's a nice language

84        T          mhm OK .and what about your hobbies? what do you do besides uni here?

85        C          well I like hanging out with my friends I love reading um . when the weather is nice I love going to the beach do you go to the beach?

86        T          I haven't been much but now that summer is starting

87        C          yeah

88        T          I ..think I should go

89        C          so what do you do in your spare time?

90        T          going out with my friends I love dancing

91        C          yeah

92        T          going to the movies I love going to concerts

93        C          nice .nice so when's your birthday Tamara?

94        T          my birthday is next month ..twenty sixth

95        C          OK so how how..you're gonna be twenty six?

96        T          twenty six yeah I'm gonna be twenty six on the twenty sixth

97        C          ah nice . so do you remember what you did for your last birthday?

98        T          yes of course I ..had a party at my parent's house?

99        C          mhm

100      T          my parents live like three hours south Santiago

101      C          OK

102      T          and my friends stayed for the weekend

103      C          OK

104      T          and it was.. their election for the mayor the same day..none of us went to vote because

105      C          hahaha

106      T          we were partying

107      C          so did you go out? to a club or

108      T          no no no we had barbeque at my house

109      C          yeah

110      T          because my parent's house is in the country side

111       C          yeah

112      T          so its very nice with all the nature

113      C          nice nice so um..what did you do this last weekend?

114      T          oh ph...

115      C          what's that?

116      T          because it was Chile's national day

117      C          oh I know a friend of mine went to....fairview?

118      T          fairview showground

119      C          yeah

120      T          yeah and I started celebrating on Thursday friday then saturday and sunday

121      C          how was that?

122      T          it was awesome . I am exhausted right now but it was awesome lot of Chilean food Chilean music Chilean people so I thought I was in Chille for a few days

123      C          that's nice that's nice..so how about last summer?

124      T          last summer..

125      C          when did you arrive to Australia?

126      T          um..I arrived on the sixteenth of February

127      C          so you were in Chille?

128      T          yeah

129      C          for the summer

130      T          yeah last summer was pretty much spending time with my parents because I was coming here

131      C          yeah

132      T          I was with my parents and we just..yeah..we did I didn't try to much really because I quit my job in December

133      C          mm

134      T          then I went to stay with my parents

135      C          OK

136      T          for two months

137      C          OK OK so how many people are there in your family?

138      T          we are five all together my mum and my dad me my brother and my little sister

139      C          so what can you tell me about your brother and your sister?

140      T          well I'm the oldest one . my brother is twenty four

141      C          mhm

142      T          and he is currently working for nestle

143      C          mhm

144      T          in Chile and he's also working on his thesis

145      C          OK

146      T          he studies food engineering

147      C          oh that's interesting

148      T          and my sister she's twelve she's the baby

149      C          yeah the last one

150      T          yes . my parents they don't work my father used to be a police man and he's retired now

151      C          OK

152      T          so he's got the the pension money

153      C          mhm

154      T          luckily for them they don't work

155      C          so can you tell me . if I ask you about your parents routine

156      T          mhm

157      C          what they do

158      T          well ...

159      C          every day

160      T          they have a very simple life .

161      C          mhm

162      T          it's like a country life I think their lives nowadays is focused on my little sister

163      C          yeah

164      T          waking her up in the morning

165      C          yeah

166      T          and taking her to school and picking her up

167      C          mhm

168      T          and a ..yeah . cooking working a little bit on the..they don't have a farm but

169      C          like a vegie garden

170      T          yeah they do go out on weekends

171      C          mhm

172      T          visit friends

173      C          do you have a best friend?

174      T          yeah I have a best friend she lives in Molina also that's where my parents live

175      C          mhm

176      T          we were class mates in highs school

177      C          OK

178      T          and we've been friends for ten years

179      C          nice . what can you tell me about her?

180      T          her name is Sandra she's a social worker

181      C          mhm

182      T          now she's working with abused children

183      C          OK its good

184      T          it's good but she's

185      C          it should be hard

186      T          yeah but it's a nice job. yeah

187      C          OK so we're gonna do part two now

188      T          OK

189      C          I'm gonna give you a picture

190      T          mhm

191      C          and I will have another one and there's going to be similarities and differences between the two of them

192      T          mhm

193      C          so basically I want you to ask yes no questions first

194      T          OK

195      C          and then ask me dablryu eich questions

196      T          OK

197      C          to find out the similarities and the differences

198      T          OK perfect

199      C          about the pictures that we have

200      T          OK . OK so is there a girl with two dogs near the pond?

201      C          um actually there's only . there's a girl but she's only walking one dog in my picture and the dog is a white one . what colour is your dog?

202      T          um..there is a brown dog and a white one with a brown spot .. does the white dog has a have a brown spot?

203      C          no

204      T          no?

205      C          this is just a plain white dog

206      T          OK and is there a spider ?

207      C          there's a

208      T          somewhere?

209      C          yeah there's a tiny spider close to a tree and close to a young girl

210      T          OK .

211      C          on the grass

212      T          oh there's no tree next to the spider in my picture

213      C          OK

214      T          um... is there a yellow cab ..in the back of the...

215      C          no there are no cabs in my picture . how many cabs are there in your picture?

216      T          just one

217      C          OK

218      T          just one cab . and ah.. are there two birds ..over a tree?

219      C          no there are no birds on the trees in my picture . are there birds in every tree in your picture?

220      T          no there are only two birds in one of the trees..

221      C          oh OK

222      T          and the..is there a an old man reading a newspaper in your picture?

223      C          there's an old man wearing a blue suit reading the newspaper in my picture

224      T          yeah

225      C          do you have the same old man in your picture?

226      T          yes .is he wearing a hat?

227      C          yes he is he's wearing a blue and black hat

228      T          oh OK its the same

229      C          um..is there a young boy sitting next to the old man in your picture?

230      T          yes there is a blond young boy

231      C          mhm

232      T          and he's wearing a yellow t-shirt and a red short . is he having an ice-cream in your picture?

233      C          no . he's apparently having a drink because there are two bottles next to him..what is he doing in your picture?

234      T          he's having an ice-cream . chocolate I think

235      C          yummy

236      T          because its brown . but there are no bottles

237      C          OK . so are there two teenagers in your picture playing with the ball?

238      T          yes there are two..n..there are three actually

239      C          oh really?

240      T          three teenagers . one a girl with black hair

241      C          mhm same here

242      T          ah...another one..I donno it could be a girl or a boy

243      C          mhm

244      T          with red hair?

245      C          mhm

246      T          and one with blond hair but you can see his or sh..her head and arms

247      C          OK . so can you ask me dablryu eich questions now please?

248      T          OK OK . what are the two ladies doing in your picture?

249      C          the two old ladies..um there are..I mean there are two old ladies and there are two young ladies the old ladies are sitting on a bench having a conversation apparently and there are two other ladies riding their bicycles .

250      T          oh OK

251      C          are there two ladies riding their bicycles in your picture?

252      T          yes ..are there...they're two I think they might be little girls

253      C          OK

254      T          they look like little girls to me

255      C          OK

256      T          . and ah what is the girl walking the dog wearing?

257      C          she's wearing a red dress . how about you? in your

258      T          the same same

259      C          same

260      C          so where's the young boy wearing a yellow t-shirt in your picture?

261      T          he's next to the pond

262      C          mhm

263      T          and his hand is in the water . what do you think he's trying to do?

264      C          I think maybe he's trying to feed the ducks

265      T          feed the ducks . I think

266      C          what do you think?

267      T          yes me too

268      C          or may be .yeah I think so . so can you ask me ah questions or sentences starting with could you tell me.

269      T          OK um so could you tell me how many birds are there in your picture? all together?

270      C          all together there are um seven . three. birds and four ducks

271      T          oh OK only three birds

272      C          only three how about your picture?

273      T          I can count.. six birds plus five ducks..so that's eleven ..birds all together . what can you tell me about the buildings in your picture?

274      C          well the buildings in my picture are.. light and dark . gray and they look pretty similar

275      T          yes they look similar in my picture too

276      C          mhm

277      T          and a..what about the flowers?

278      C          um there are um colourful flowers pink flowers orange orange and yellow flowers in my picture . how about yours?

279      T          ah I can s..there are a lot of flowers I can see some red flowers with white with yellow spots

280      C          mhm

281      T          some fuxia flowers and some yellow flowers and also orange flowers all around the picture

282      C          so thank you very much that's the end of this part.

283      T          oh OK