JA18 - Informant Data


Name/code only: JA18 
Lexical Size:  5,100
Sex:  Male
Age (approx.):  26
Country of birth: Japan 
Age of arrival in Australia:  26
Time (months/years) in Australia: 
Instruction in ESL (yes/no) for how long:  Yes
Language/s used (at home/in the speaker's community): Japanese
Language(s) learnt at home as a child: Japanese 
Language(s) studied at school: English
Language maintenance strategies (speaks at home, studies, ethnic school etc.):  Speak Japanese to her share mates
Occupation in Australia:  Student (language school)
Occupation in country of origin:  Chef
Any experience in the country of origin:
Any experience in Australia:

Interview setting:
Date and approximate time of interview:
2/6/09, 16.00
Where and what location:  
Participant house in the city, living room
What happened during the interview:

Interview and spot the difference

JA18=informant (L1: Japanese, L2: English)                     

1          K:         thank you very much for helping us with our research first I am going to ask some questions about yourself feel free if you would like to ask me any question about myself. and after this. we are going to have a look at the same pictures and ask each others questions. is it all right?

2          M:        ok

3          K:         ok

4          M:        (laugh)

5          K:         s::o could you tell me when you arrived. arri when did you arrived at Australia?

6          M:        when?

7          K:         yes

8          M:        umm. sixteenth of April

9          K:         this year

10        M:        this year

11        K:         ok and how old were you when you arrived

12        M:        how old?

13        K:         um (X) when you arrived at Australia

14        M:        twenty-six

15        K:         twenty-six?

16        M:        yes old

17        K:         good where did you learn English

18        M:        where did you

19        K:         learn English

20        M:        in Japan

21        K:         in Japan how long did you study English?

22        M:        six year

23        K:         all right did you learn English at school?

24        M:        all right

25        K:         (X) did you study English at school?

26        M:        yes

27        K:         good

28        M:        I did (laugh)

29        K:         good and in Japan

30        M:        (X)

31        K:         what were you doing

32        M:        what were you doing?

33        K:         un what did you in Japan

34        M:        my job?

35        K:         yes

36        M:        ohh I worked. umm at airport

37        K:         what?

38        M:        airport

39        K:         uhm

40        M:        chef

41        K:         chef wow

42        M:        (laugh)

43        K:         which kind of food

44        M:        Okinawa food

45        K:         did did you cook

46        M:        Okinawa foods

47        K:         Okinawa foods

48        M:        un

49        K:         interesting (laugh)

50        M:        (laugh)

51        K:         and here in Australia what are you doing

52        M:        uhh go to school yeah

53        K:         you go to school

54        M:        hai

55        K:         and what. are you learning what are you studying

56        M:        general English

57        K:         general English. interesting?

58        M:        uhm (laugh)

59        K:         good. and here. in this apartment how many sharemates

60        M:        how many?

61        K:         yes. are there

62        M:        now?

63        K:         yes

64        M:        six

65        K:         how many boys and how many girls

66        M:        (laugh) four

67        K:         un

68        M:        men

69        K:         four men and?

70        M:        two women two women

71        K:         two women good. and do you know Makoto?

72        M:        Makoto?

73        K:         yeah

74        M:        no

75        K:         do you know Makoto?

76        M:        yes

77        K:         ok do you know what time uhm what time he she wakes up?

78        M:        oh same me (laugh)

79        K:         what time

80        M:        oh what time ummm eight? eight?

81        K:         eight am

82        M:        (X)

83        K:         and what does he does she do

84        M:        uhmm she always.. make up uhm around over there (laugh)

85        K:         (laugh) good how about breakfast. does

86        M:        Makoto?

87        K:         yes does she make breakfast?

88        M:        uhmmm pass I don't know (XX)

89        K:         you don't know

90        M:        (XX)

91        K:         how about dinner

92        M:        dinner?

93        K:         um who cooks dinner

94        M:        hum hum?

95        K:         Makoto. cooks dinner?

96        M:        for me probably for everyone

97        K:         wooow for everybody?

98        M:        everybody sometimes yes

99        K:         wow

100     M:        she is good cook

101     K:         ok what does she normally cook

102     M:        hum?

103     K:         what does she normally cook

104     M:        normally cook?

105     K:         un

106     M:        what does she normally cook (laugh) normally cook?

107     K:         Japanese food

108     M:        yes Japanese food uhm I ate chikuzenni (laugh)

109     K:         but you said you were a chef in Japan

110     M:        un

111     K:         you cook here?

112     M:        sometimes? uhm sometimes

113     K:         sometimes

114     M:        umm

115     K:         why don't you cook

116     M:        uhmm

117     K:         here

118     M:        lazy (laugh)

119     K:         lazy (laugh) ok and I can see lots of nice things here. whose is it

120     M:        oh it's mine

121     K:         it's yours

122     M:        yes

123     K:         how about this you know wallet whose is it

124     M:        it's mine

125     K:         it's mine too oh how about that cup very nice shape of cups

126     M:        this?

127     K:         uh (X) good how about the blanket

128     M:        uhmm uh?

129     K:         is it your blanket?

130     M:        no it's. Makoto Makoto's blanket

131     K:         oh

132     M:        blanket?

133     K:         yeah

134     M:        um um (laugh)

135     K:         all right do you go to umm um English school with Makoto?

136     M:        no

137     K:         ohh (X) different school ohhh.. what time does Makoto come. home

138     M:        uhmmm. about six yeah six pm

139     K:         six and then what does she. do

140     M:        uhm (laugh) she

141     K:         does she play piano?

142     M:        no. she (study)

143     K:         un

144     M:        (X) (laugh) she use computer

145     K:         ee good. and by the way do you have any question about me?

146     M:        about you? (laugh) what?. hum question?

147     K:         un

148     M:        how old are you

149     K:         I'm nearly sixty (X) years old

150     M:        sixty

151     K:         yes

152     M:        oh very young

153     K:         thank you (laugh)

154     M:        maybe forty-five

155     K:         forty-five thank you

156     M:        (X)

157     K:         very much I'm quite old

158     M:        (laugh)

159     K:         (laugh)

160     M:        hum do you have. any. children?

161     K:         no I don't

162     M:        no?

163     K:         no I don't have children

164     M:        married?

165     K:         no

166     M:        no?

167     K:         no I'm single (X) I can't find a nice guy

168     M:        where?

169     K:         in Australia I can't find

170     M:        in Japan

171     K:         no: I haven't found yet

172     M:        haan?

173     K:         any nice guy yet

174     M:        uhm you don't like you don't like men?

175     K:         I like men Kimura Takuya nice guy (laugh) I haven't met a nice guy yet

176     M:        uhhh

177     K:         quality guy yet (laugh)

178     M:        (laugh)

179     K:         ok anyway let's move to (X) another task there are two pictures here they look quite similar but there are some differences so let's find some differences

180     M:        hum

181     K:         together

182     M:        hum

183     K:         so which picture would you like to take. which picture? A?.. look at the picture (noise) for example. ok. I have five ducks in my picture

184     M:        five pic five dogs?

185     K:         ducks

186     M:        duggs(ducks)?

187     K:         ducks. so

188     M:        ducks (X)

189     K:         do you have any ducks

190     M:        ducks?

191     K:         ducks kwa kwa kwa

192     M:        I don't know maybe.. four

193     K:         four?

194     M:        four ducks

195     K:         four ducks good ok one difference. ok we found one difference

196     M:        hum

197     K:         ok so now your turn to ask me a question?

198     M:        hum?.. hum. um I have

199     K:         un

200     M:        hum (noise-counting) (one two three four) one two three. (laugh) (long pause) have.. eight

201     K:         un

202     M:        peoples. in my picture. eight people nine

203     K:         un

204     M:        people (laugh) picture

205     K:         uhm

206     M:        more? more?

207     K:         ok so

208     M:        oh

209     K:         ask me you have nine people in your picture

210     M:        ten ten ten yeah

211     K:         ten people

212     M:        um

213     K:         ten people ok

214     M:        uhm. I have dog

215     K:         you have a dog?

216     M:        a dog

217     K:         one dog?

218     M:        one dog

219     K:         I have two dogs in my picture. so another difference ok do you have a guy sitting on the bench? wearing a hat?

220     M:        hum yes I have

221     K:         what is he doing

222     M:        hummm he is reading newspaper

223     K:         ok it's the same

224     M:        same?

225     K:         yeah

226     M:        uhm

227     K:         do you have. kangaroos?

228     M:        kangaroo?

229     K:         un

230     M:        no

231     K:         in your no?

232     M:        no I haven't

233     K:         (XX)

234     M:        do you have. cats?

235     K:         yes I have. I have two cats in my picture

236     M:        oh one cats

237     K:         you have one cat

238     M:        yes

239     K:         good

240     M:        you (X) spider spiderman

241     K:         no spiderman (laugh)

242     M:        spider maybe spider.. no?

243     K:         ye yes

244     M:        I have one spider

245     K:         I have one spider too

246     M:        same?

247     K:         yes it's the same

248     M:        hummmm. (X) one children no one children.. three. tree tree (laugh)

249     K:         three children?

250     M:        three tree trees

251     K:         uhh three trees yes

252     M:        trees

253     K:         I have three trees. as well. uh how about. hum.

254     M:        hum

255     K:         e et. how about. birds

256     M:        birds?

257     K:         yes can you see a white bird?

258     M:        no

259     K:         no you don't

260     M:        black

261     K:         black bird ok

262     M:        (three trees) hum

263     K:         another difference (X)

264     M:        hum

265     K:         do you have a ball?

266     M:        ball?

267     K:         yeah

268     M:        yes I have ball

269     K:         ok which side of the picture do you have a ball. which side?

270     M:        left

271     K:         left it's the same

272     M:        (X)

273     K:         again

274     M:        left (down) I don't know (down) hum. ball. bi bicycle

275     K:         un

276     M:        same?

277     K:         yes h how many bicycles

278     M:        two two girls

279     K:         two girls riding on the bicycle

280     M:        (X)

281     K:         it's a it's the same

282     M:        same

283     K:         yeah

284     M:        hum

285     K:         in my picture I have a. blond.-hair

286     M:        blond?

287     K:         girl. sitting on the bench do you have a girl sitting on the bench?

288     M:        uh yes

289     K:         yes what is she doing

290     M:        she is laughing uh I don't know laughing (laugh)

291     K:         laughing?

292     M:        (laugh)

293     K:         is that all?

294     M:        ohh yes

295     K:         is she

296     M:        I don't know

297     K:         is she eating something?

298     M:        no

299     K:         no?

300     M:        (X)

301     K:         ok just laughing

302     M:        (laugh)

303     K:         goo:d anot we found another difference one more

304     M:        (X) laughing

305     K:         huh? one more

306     M:        one more

307     K:         un

308     M:        I have. two woman

309     K:         un

310     M:        talk talk each other

311     K:         yeah

312     M:        on on bench

313     K:         hum

314     M:        on the bench

315     K:         hum hum

316     M:        you have?

317     K:         yes. (X) two women

318     M:        un

319     K:         are talking to each other. yes

320     M:        hum… uh

321     K:         do you have kids?

322     M:        kids?

323     K:         yes playing with a ball?

324     M:        no uh

325     K:         kids

326     M:        kids?

327     K:         yes

328     M:        ball

329     K:         children. do you have children?

330     M:        children?

331     K:         yeah playing with a ball

332     M:        umm children they are children

333     K:         maybe teenagers

334     M:        teenager uhhh teenager

335     K:         yeah

336     M:        un

337     K:         an::d how many teenagers

338     M:        uhhhhh. maybe seven

339     K:         seven teenagers

340     M:        (laugh) I'm not sure (laugh)

341     K:         not sure yeah no. how about flowers

342     M:        flower?

343     K:         yeah flowers

344     M:        I have flower

345     K:         un

346     M:        hum (noise) I don't know

347     K:         do you have yellow flowers?

348     M:        yellow?. no pink pink and orange flowers hum

349     K:         ok thank you I have yellow and pink flowers (X) ok

350     M:        un

351     K:         so I think that's enough thank you very much

End of Recording

Picture description task (timed)

bus (laugh)

the man hit hit a ball

gived flower

being the cats

give (laugh) gived food

girl is eating ice cream

looking for butterfly

mouse is running a cat


man. (polan)

she has boyfriend

reading a newspaper

boy's crying


boy play boys

man kissing a woman

girl have a cat

The end of recording

Translation task

わたしは、オーストラリアの映画に興味がある。interestI interest in the Australia's movies.
私の犬が娘の人形をこわした。breakMy daughter's dall was broken by my dog
私が料理をつくって、主人がお皿を洗う。washI cook a dish and my hasbent wash the dish
テストの結果を見て、私はびっくりした。surpriseI was surprised when I see my test
山本さんの猫が、私の鳥を殺した。killYamamoto's cat killed my bird.
けい子は、博史にプレゼントをもらった。receiveKeiko was received a present by Hiroshi
私たちは、この事故を警察に届けなければならない。reportWe have to report that accident to police
私は、いつも店のドアを7時にしめる。closeI usally closed the shop at 7 o'clock
猫が木から落ちた。fallCat fell from tree
山田さんは、みんなに旅行の写真を見せた。showMr.Yamada show some trip pictures to everyone
この時計は、高そうだ。seemThis wacth sees like expensive
トムのプレゼントは、たいへん私を喜ばせた。pleaseI was pleased  by Tom's present
この店のドアは、いつも閉まっている。closeThis shop's door close every day
そのニュースを聞いて、私は、とても混乱した。confuseI was confused when Ihear that news.
この時計は、壊れている。breakThis wach is broken.
庭の木が倒れた。fallTree fell in garden.
母は、毎日私にお皿を洗わせる。washI everyday wash the dish because my mom told me
山田先生の説明は、いつも学生を混乱させる。confuseEveryday students are confused by Mr. Yamada's expence
トムは、メアリーに殺された。killMarly was killed by tom
わたしは、息子が大学に合格すると信じている。believe passI believe my son He pass enter exam for university
水は、0度で凍る。freezeWater is freezeing by 0 °C.
警察は、その車を止めた。stopPolice sopped that car
その飛行機事故は、世界中の人にショックをあたえた。shockPeople of the world are shocked by That plane accicent.
わたしは、ボスに毎日8時まで仕事をさせられる。workI'm worked at 8 o'clock by may boss