JA16 - Informant Data


Name/code only: JA16 
Lexical Size:  4,700
Sex:  Female
Age (approx.):  21
Country of birth: Japan 
Age of arrival in Australia:  21
Time (months/years) in Australia: 
Instruction in ESL (yes/no) for how long:  Yes, 5 years
Language/s used (at home/in the speaker's community):  Japanese
Language(s) learnt at home as a child: Japanese 
Language(s) studied at school:  English
Language maintenance strategies (speaks at home, studies, ethnic school etc.): 
Occupation in Australia:  Student (language school)
Occupation in country of origin:  Company employee (Office Worker)
Any experience in the country of origin:
Any experience in Australia:

Interview setting:
Date and approximate time of interview:
29/5/09, 10.00
Where and what location:  
University Office
What happened during the interview:

Interview and spot the difference

JA16=informant (L1: Japanese, L2: English)                     

1          K          thank you very much for helping me our research first I am going to ask some questions about yourself and feel free if you would like to ask me any questions about myself at any time and . after that we are going to look at the same pictures and ask each other questions is it ok does it sound all right

2          JA16    yes maybe

3          K          maybe maybe that's ok first

4          JA16    yes

5          K          Ai-san when did you come to Australia?

6          JA16    whe when?

7          K          when

8          JA16    ummm I came to Australia um one month half ago

9          K          ok so it means April no

10        JA16    yes April

11        K          April this year

12        JA16    yes

13        K          uhn . and when you came to Australia how old were you?

14        JA16    um I'm twenty-one years old came to Australia

15        K          ok and did you learn English in Japan

16        JA16    uh hu

17        K          did you learn English in Japan

18        JA16    no

19        K          how about high school junior high school

20        JA16    uh uh high school yes junior high school only school

21        K          only school so how long did you lean English

22        JA16    um maybe five years

23        K          uhm how about at home did you speak umm Japanese at home

24        JA16    uh now

25        K          did you when you were in Japan

26        JA16    uhn

27        K          which language did you speak

28        JA16    uhm

29        K          at home

30        JA16    Japanese Ja Jap Japanese

31        K          only

32        JA16    yes only Japanese

33        K          ok and um . what did you do in Japan

34        JA16    umm I graduate high school after I wor working I have a job I have job

35        K          what what did you do

36        JA16    uh

37        K          which job which kind of job

38        JA16    umm um shoes shop

39        K          uh you you were working for you for shoes shop

40        JA16    yes

41        K          shoe shop uhn and how long did you work for

42        JA16    umm six month but after

43        K          uh

44        JA16    um I'm um I'm working is car factory car fixer factory office lady

45        K          uh

46        JA16    um that working that working is two years two years

47        K          ok and how about here in Australia what are you doing now

48        JA16    um Australia is good place I um just go to school language school

49        K          language school so you are learning English

50        JA16    yes

51        K          uhn

52        JA16    yeah

53        K          and how many . how many family members do you have

54        JA16    umm ummm my mother and father an and me three all three peopel

55        K          three people

56        JA16    yes

57        K          three family members in (x) ok

58        JA16    yes

59        K          so and you don't have any brothers and sisiters

60        JA16    nothing and no nothing grandfather and grandmother only mother and father

61        K          ok uhn how about pet do you have any pet

62        JA16    um yes I have a dog

63        K          oh what is his or her name

64        JA16    (laugh) um her name is Patch

65        K          wow sounds cute

66        JA16    (laugh) my my mother likes Pachinko

67        K          (laugh)

68        JA16    and she she makes that name (laugh)

69        K          (laugh) sounds very interesting (laugh)

70        JA16    (laugh)

71        K          all right oh good

72        JA16    yes

73        K          and at the in Australia

74        JA16    um

75        K          so where do you live

76        JA16    umm Chifley um Sou South Sydney in Chifley

77        K          uhn how many people live together

78        JA16    um thr three people hum together my host family mother children and me all four people

79        K          four people

80        JA16    yes

81        K          so your host mother h how many kids?

82        JA16    two kids

83        K          two kids

84        JA16    yes

85        K          uhm and what does your host mother do?

86        JA16    hum just house working h house working

87        K          uhn

88        JA16    she she husband mother place live (laugh) hum

89        K          really

90        JA16    yes

91        K          ok by the way I can see very nice bag.. where did you get it?

92        JA16    um in Japan

93        K          in Japan

94        JA16    and so maybe this bag I bought um ten years ago

95        K          really

96        JA16    yes for old bag I don't use just in in closet I put it (laugh)

97        K          (laugh) oh my god

98        JA16    yes I came to Australia uh I have this bag oh this is good oh I have to together go to Australia there

99        K          good.. how about you how about your watch there? it is very nice. is it yours?

100     JA16    yes I love this watch but I I metal allergy metal allergy um um this watch is look

101     K          oh my god it doesn't look all right

102     JA16    yes yes I can't use only only this

103     K          but how about your ring

104     JA16    uhn

105     K          because your are wearing

106     JA16    oh this is si silver silver and gold and platinum is ok

107     K          but is it yours is it your father's or mother's

108     JA16    hum

109     K          ring is it yours

110     JA16    yes me

111     K          hum

112     JA16    I like this brand Vivian

113     K          Vivian

114     JA16    Vivian

115     K          oh I've never heard of it (laugh)

116     JA16    oh really

117     K          wow

118     JA16    that's cute this brand

119     K          uhn and so everything in this bag um um everything in this bag is yours is somebody else's

120     JA16    all all mine

121     K          oh ok how about in your house so there what do you have in your room

122     JA16    umm one closet

123     K          hun

124     JA16    and one table

125     K          uh

126     JA16    and one chair

127     K          uh

128     JA16    and um two bed

129     K          two beds. are they yours?

130     JA16    yes but but I'm use jut one sometimes sometimes sometimes I um invited my friend and my friend can can use that bed but usually use one bed only

131     K          ok so you have a desk and chair are they yours whose is it whose are they

132     JA16    my host family mother's

133     K          uhm (x)

134     JA16    hum

135     K          how about computer do you have a computer

136     JA16    I haven't

137     K          you don't have a computer

138     JA16    yes

139     K          hum when you want to check email what do you normally do

140     JA16    um uh my my school um use computer free

141     K          uhn

142     JA16    yes

143     K          uh

144     JA16    hum

145     K          good so how about do so at home do you cook

146     JA16    uh no

147     K          who cooks

148     JA16    ee my host family mother all making (laugh)

149     K          oh good.. what does nor what does she normally cook?

150     JA16    e

151     K          what does she normally cook?

152     JA16    what does she normally cook? humm hum pumpkin soup uh uh normally cook

153     K          no what does she normally cook? you know Japanese food

154     JA16    uh

155     K          or Chinese food

156     JA16    this place food Australian food

157     K          is she an Australian

158     JA16    hum yes yes yes yes

159     K          uhm

160     JA16    I'm home-stay now

161     K          oh really

162     JA16    yes hum

163     K          is she nice

164     JA16    hum

165     K          is she nice

166     JA16    yes she is very nice

167     K          how about her kids

168     JA16    uhm

169     K          how old are they

170     JA16    uhm five five years old and seven years old very cute

171     K          (laugh)

172     JA16    but very noisy sometimes very noisy but um that's cute (laugh)

173     K          (laugh) all right so do you normally talk to them

174     JA16    oh yes sometimes but . I I'm every after school I go to friend I go to café

175     K          uhn

176     JA16    um and (x) place I go back home time is seven o'clock eight o'clock

177     K          uh

178     JA16    kids kids sometime sleepy and not usually sp speak they they are

179     K          oh ok

180     JA16    some sometimes

181     K          ok uhm oh by the way uh I'm just wondering you have a nice bag here is it yours

182     JA16    yes it's mine

183     K          it's mine

184     JA16    yes

185     K          oh did you buy it by yourself or somebody's present

186     JA16    uh myself in Japan

187     K          uh

188     JA16    this is fifty hundred yen

189     K          (laugh)

190     JA16    (laugh) very cheap

191     K          yeah

192     JA16    yeah

193     K          nice isn't it oh ok do you have any question about myself

194     JA16    hum

195     K          do you have any question about me

196     JA16    uhm uhm nothing (laugh)

197     K          ok

198     JA16    how how old are you (laugh)

199     K          (laugh) nearly sixty

200     JA16    uh really usoyan

201     K          thank you

202     JA16    yeah uhhh really uhhhh really you look so young

203     K          thank you very much (laugh)

204     JA16    (laugh)

205     K          don't tell anybody about it (laugh) ok thank you that's enough for the interview

206     JA16    yes

207     K          so let's move onto the next task

208     JA16    yes

209     K          there are two pictures they look very similar

210     JA16    uh

211     K          but there are some differences so let's find differences ok

212     JA16    yes

213     K          so which picture would you like to take

214     JA16    this

215     K          ok so have a look (noise) so ok how many ducks do you have in your picture

216     JA16    uhmm only one dogs

217     K          duck

218     JA16    uh duck

219     K          how many ducks

220     JA16    ee one two three four four four ducks

221     K          four ducks I have five ducks ok

222     JA16    five ducks

223     K          five ducks ok there are there is a difference

224     JA16    hum

225     K          ok ok so your turn to ask me a question please

226     JA16    ummm how many womans womans?

227     K          um one two three four five six seven eight eight women I I have

228     JA16    one two three four five

229     K          oh yeah

230     JA16    hum I have five uh two to six womans maybe maybe six womans

231     K          oh ok so

232     JA16    some different

233     K          ok it's ok another difference here all right

234     JA16    yes

235     K          good

236     JA16    hum next me

237     K          yes yes

238     JA16    um how many how many bird birds

239     K          there are three birds in my picture

240     JA16    oh same

241     K          it's the same

242     JA16    yes

243     K          it's not difference so we have to find another difference

244     JA16    and um how many trees

245     K          um I I can see three trees in my picture

246     JA16    oh my picture maybe one two three four five five trees

247     K          five trees ok another difference do you have kangaroos in your picture

248     JA16    ohhh haven't picture

249     K          hum don't have it

250     JA16    yes

251     K          good another difference

252     JA16    uh difference how many . cats in your picture

253     K          I have two cats

254     JA16    two cats

255     K          yes

256     JA16    may picture is only one cats

257     K          uhh another difference good I can see a ball can you see a ball

258     JA16    yes

259     K          in your picture where is it?

260     JA16    where?

261     K          hun

262     JA16    where? Where. Where.. near the lake (laugh)

263     K          yes same the same as mine

264     JA16    yes um but how many spiders

265     K          I don't hae any spieders in my picture

266     JA16    really maybe my picture is one spiders

267     K          ok good do you have bus

268     JA16    um my picture is ha haven't haven't bus

269     K          ok

270     JA16    yes hummm hummm hum how many bicycle your picture

271     K          ok two bicycles in my picture

272     JA16    hai same

273     K          uh

274     JA16    in my picture

275     K          ohhh

276     JA16    hum hum

277     K          do you have a rabbit

278     JA16    hum no I haven't this picture

279     K          and

280     JA16    how many pink flowers

281     K          um pink flowers

282     JA16    yes

283     K          there are three pink flowers in my pictures picture

284     JA16    hum three flowers my picture is six pink flowers

285     K          uh anther difference

286     JA16    yes

287     K          maybe one more

288     JA16    hummm (humming)

289     K          ok I have some kids

290     JA16    hum

291     K          do you have kids do you have some kids in your picture

292     JA16    maybe

293     K          ok

294     JA16    one one kids

295     K          only one kid

296     JA16    maybe

297     K          what is he or she doing

298     JA16    um he is um play ducks

299     K          yes in my picture yes the same

300     JA16    same

301     K          hum

302     JA16    hum (x) one girl play the ball

303     K          uh

304     JA16    but she look so big

305     K          uh

306     JA16    and I don't think children maybe young girl young girl

307     K          uh uh

308     JA16    hum children is one

309     K          uh

310     JA16    (xx) how many benches bench bench (laugh)

311     K          there are two

312     JA16    two

313     K          yeah there are two benches in my picture

314     JA16    hum (x) and so

315     K          I have two ladies sitting on the bench

316     JA16    uh

317     K          do you have a lady sitting on the bench

318     JA16    yes

319     K          what is are they doing

320     JA16    maybe just talking

321     K          just talking yes me too the same

322     JA16    (singing) another benches maybe two two um man mans

323     K          uh

324     JA16    in your pictures

325     K          yes

326     JA16    what's doing in your picture

327     K          yes one of them a guy man

328     JA16    uh

329     K          is reading a newspaper

330     JA16    oh the same

331     K          and the other one is eating ice cream

332     JA16    eating ice cream oh my picture is reading newspaper one guys

333     K          uh

334     JA16    um another guys maybe dra drank (laugh)

335     K          (laugh)

336     JA16    maybe drank

337     K          ok it's another difference

338     JA16    uh

339     K          I think that's it thank you very much

End of Recording

Picture description task (timed)

broken parcel

wife give husband haa wife give coffee for husband

wife give haa wife presents flower

thunder thunder thunder tree

old men give present for grandson

dog miss

orangutan present flower

mini cowboy shooting police

present for daughter

banana is good health

(x) card ummmm

he she crash bicycle

girl walking and play toy

cat likes moss

(x) ran (x)

he reading paper

baby like father

girl rush doctor (x)ting

broken house for thunder

girls hold cat

ball broken window

boy cry

man catch man wanna catch butterfly

aircon(ditioning) cleaner

girls feels so good because her boyfriend kissing her

baseball shooting ball

woman push curt shopping curt

broken cars maybe repair

fantastic present are eatings

soft creams

brush glass brushing

the end of recording

Fish Film description task

red fish eat white fish

red fish go to blue fish

blue fish go to green fish

pink fish eat green fish

purple fish eat white fish

pink fish

black fish eat yellow fish

black fish go to red fish inside

red fish eat white fish

red fish go to blue fish inside

blue fish go to green fish inside

(x) fish go to pink fish inside

pink fish eat white fish

pink fish eat black fish

pink fish eat yellow fish

pink fish go to yellow fish inside

red fish go to white fish inside

white fish go to blue fish inside

bleu fish eat green fish

blue fish go to purple fish

(x) fish go to white fish inside

white fish go to black fish

black fish eat yellow fish

black fish eat red fish

black fish go to white fish inside

white fish eat blue fish

white fish eat green fish

white fish go eat pink fish

green green fish go to white fish inside

white fish eat black fish

white fish eat yellow fish

white fish eat red fish

the end of recording

Translation task

わたしは、オーストラリアの映画に興味がある。interestI interesing Australia of movie
私の犬が娘の人形をこわした。breakmy dog break my daughters dall
私が料理をつくって、主人がお皿を洗う。washI'm cooking after my husband wah dish
テストの結果を見て、私はびっくりした。surpriseI surpis test
山本さんの猫が、私の鳥を殺した。killYamamoto's cat kill my bard
けい子は、博史にプレゼントをもらった。receiveKeiko receive present from Hirosh
私たちは、この事故を警察に届けなければならない。reportI report crash for pollice
私は、いつも店のドアを7時にしめる。closeI close door at 7 o'clock everyday
猫が木から落ちた。fallCat fall on the tree
山田さんは、みんなに旅行の写真を見せた。showYamada show picture fo travel
この時計は、高そうだ。seemThis watch seem maybe expancive
トムのプレゼントは、たいへん私を喜ばせた。pleaseTom's present
この店のドアは、いつも閉まっている。closeThis shop's door closed everyday
そのニュースを聞いて、私は、とても混乱した。confuseI very confuse listen to that news
この時計は、壊れている。breakThis clock have broken.
庭の木が倒れた。fallTree fall in garden
母は、毎日私にお皿を洗わせる。washI help my mother dish wash everyday
山田先生の説明は、いつも学生を混乱させる。confusestudent confuse to yamada teacher story everytime
トムは、メアリーに殺された。killTom kill maly
わたしは、息子が大学に合格すると信じている。believe passI believe my son is university Good luck
水は、0度で凍る。freezeWater freeze
警察は、その車を止めた。stopPollice stop that car
その飛行機事故は、世界中の人にショックをあたえた。shockThat airplane crash shock
わたしは、ボスに毎日8時まで仕事をさせられる。workI work everyday at 8 o'clock of Boss