JA12 - Informant Data


Name/code only: JA12
Lexical Size:  8,800
Sex:  Female
Age (approx.):  33
Country of birth: Japan 
Age of arrival in Australia:  29
Time (months/years) in Australia:  3 years and 7 months
Instruction in ESL (yes/no) for how long:  Yes, 10 years
Language/s used (at home/in the speaker's community):  Japanese
Language(s) learnt at home as a child:  Japanese 
Language(s) studied at school:  English
Language maintenance strategies (speaks at home, studies, ethnic school etc.): 
Occupation in Australia:  Student, Life guard (swimming)
Occupation in country of origin:  Editor
Any experience in the country of origin:
Any experience in Australia:

Interview setting:
Date and approximate time of interview:
25/11/08, 10.00
Where and what location:  
University Office
What happened during the interview:

Interview and spot the difference

JA12=Informant (Japanese L1, English L2)          

Turn No.         Speaker          Turn

1          K:         thank you for helping us .. with our research . first I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself . feel free if you would like to ask me some questions about myself and after that we are going to going to look at the same pictures ask each other questions .does it sounds all right?

2          JA12    yes

3          K;         ok so first . thank you very much for coming (laugh)

4          JA12    pleasure

5          K:         so yeah you are from Japan

6          JA12    yes

7          K:         when did you come to Australia

8          JA12    about three and half years

9          K:         ago

10        JA12    ago

11        K:         ok it means year two thousand

12        JA12    two thousand five

13        K:         five

14        JA12    arpril

15        K:         april so how old were you when you arrived at Australia

16        JA12    twenty-nine years old

17        K:         young (laugh)

18        JA12    (laugh)

19        K:         and di did you learn English in Japan before you came to Australia

20        JA12    yes I did

21        K:         so how how many years did you learn English in Japan

22        JA12    I think it's more than ten years

23        K:         more than ten years it's long

24        JA12    yes

25        K:         apart from school when did you learn English

26        JA12    I went to a private English s school

27        K:         uh

28        JA12    and

29        K:         how long?

30        JA12    how long? um…about five years

31        K:         uh

32        JA12    six years . then I started studying English by myself as well

33        K:         good (laugh) very good did you speak English at home in Japan

34        JA12    no not at all

35        K:         so which language did you use . at home when you were uhm you were a child

36        JA12    uhm I spoke Japanese

37        K:         only

38        JA12    only Japanese

39        K:         oh good uhm eee and what did you do in Japan

40        JA12    I . I was a writer

41        K:         writer wow what what what kind of writer

42        JA12    I wrote uhm some brochures and some magazines as well um editorial pages (X)

43        K:         very interesting good so . why did you quit the job

44        JA12    uhm because uhm I look at my future it's difficult to keep going uhm working for many many hours a day so I wanted to change my job and uhm I also wanted to be teaching Japanese as well so

45        K:         really

46        JA12    if I change my carrier

47        K:         oh here in Australia what are you doing

48        JA12    uhm . teaching Japanese once a week

49        K:         uh

50        JA12    and I have a part-time job at a pool

51        K:         uhm

52        JA12    as a life guard

53        K:         oh really it's a very interesting si interesting.. by the way do you have any brothers and sisters?

54        JA12    yes I do.. I have one younger brother

55        K:         only younger

56        JA12    one younger

57        K:         only younger brother

58        JA12    hai yeah

59        K:         what does she do uh does he do?

60        JA12    uhm works as um . I don't know what to call it in English but he is not a layer he has something to with making documents

61        K:         uh I think it's a shihooshoshi or something

62        JA12    hai (laugh)

63        K:         (laugh) hai is he married

64        JA12    no not yet

65        K:         not yet

66        JA12    not yet

67        K:         yeah so but do you think that he has a girlfriend

68        JA12    uhm probably yes I'm not sure though I haven't talked him for a while on the phone though

69        K:         I'm just in wondering if he has a car or not

70        JA12    I . yes he does (laugh)

71        K:         (laugh) really what … good eeto now let's talk about yourself where do you live

72        JA12    I'm living in Roseville

73        K:         Roseville by yourself alone

74        JA12    I no with my landlord

75        K:         landlord what does he

76        JA12    actually she she used to be an English teacher

77        K:         uh

78        JA12    but she retired last year

79        K:         uh

80        JA12    and she is having a relaxing day

81        K:         ok the house where you live now is her house

82        JA12    yes her house

83        K:         her house

84        JA12    yes

85        K:         oh good

86        JA12    yes

87        K:         does she have a car

88        JA12    yes she does

89        K:         good two cars

90        JA12    yes

91        K:         oh good so now could you ask me some questions

92        JA12    where you live

93        K:         I live in West Ryde

94        JA12    West Ryde uhm you live by yourself or with your family

95        K:         I live alone

96        JA12    is that a unit or . house

97        K:         it's a small unit just a one bedroom

98        JA12    oh how long have you been

99        K:         six years

100     JA12    six years

101     K:         yeah

102     JA12    how long have you been in Australia

103     K:         oh oh eeto

104     JA12    fine (laugh)

105     K:         (laugh) yes it is

106     JA12    all right (laugh)

107     K:         ok now let's move onto the another task now ok

108     JA12    yes

109     K:         there are two pictures they look very similar

110     JA12    uh

111     K:         but there are some differences

112     JA12    uh

113     K:         so please take one and find some differences ok

114     JA12    ok

115     K:         take one

116     JA12    yes oh take one

117     K:         ok . so . let's find some differences together

118     JA12    hai yes

119     K:         ok do you see some ducks

120     JA12    pardon

121     K:         do you see some ducks in your picture

122     JA12    yes I do uhm there is one dog and

123     K:         ducks (laugh)

124     JA12    ducks (laugh) uh yes five ducks

125     K:         ok uhm I have four ducks in my picture so there is one difference

126     JA12    one difference

127     K:         uh

128     JA12    and uhm is there uhm are there people . who are on bicycle

129     K:         yes two people are riding on the bicyle

130     JA12    they girls

131     K:         yes

132     JA12    um is there any girl um a cloth with a star mark

133     K:         no I don't have a girl who has a star

134     JA12    uh I do so is there any birds . yeah

135     K:         yes there are three birds in my picture

136     JA12    I've got two birds

137     K:         ok anther difference here

138     JA12    uh

139     K:         I can see two bottles on the bench yeah . do you have bottles on the bench

140     JA12    no I don't

141     K:         how about dogs

142     JA12    dogs yes the one dog

143     K:         ok do you oh do you have any idea whose dogs

144     JA12    oh um young girl with a red wore red dress

145     K:         uh

146     JA12    with brown hair

147     K:         so you think you think the dog belong to her

148     JA12    yes oh actually she got two dogs

149     K:         dogs good uh so I in my picture a girl has a one dog there's another difference

150     JA12    do you see any cars

151     K:         oh there's no cars in my picture

152     JA12    XXX

153     K:         in my picture kids are playing with a ball

154     JA12    uh

155     K:         so whose ball

156     JA12    um . I'm not sure from the picture but three kids are playing with each other with a ball

157     K:         ok

158     JA12    XX

159     K:         thank you how about cats

160     JA12    cats? ummmm yes near the two ladies on the bench I see two cats large cats

161     K:         oh whose cats

162     JA12    probably it belongs to one of the ladies

163     K:         ok maybe

164     JA12    maybe

165     K:         yes right how about do you can you see any koalas?

166     JA12    umm no I don't.. no. do you see any koalas?  Where?

167     K:         that's not XXX (laugh)

168     JA12    (laugh)

169     K:         anyway I think you know that's enough thank very much

                       End of recording

Picture description task (timed)

a lady is holding a cat

the girl was is kissed by is kissing by the boy

a lady is carrying a cart

the girl is drawing a toy

a baby is smiling

the doctor is . playing with a dog

a man was hit by . a ball

a cats with her a . ga

the gift was given to the lady

the . the wall was been painted

the girl fell

the man is kissing to a lady

guy shooting a policeman

the guy was run over by the bicycle

the guy was reading a paper

a boy got a scratch on his knees

the guy is trying to get a butterfly

the church was hit by a thunderstorm

the thunderstorm is lighting

the ball hit the door

key . key felled

pencil is broken

the monkey . is pleased with the flower

the car was ummm drawing

old guy gave a present umm . his kids

banana was give to a doctor

the arm his arm was broken

the girl was eating ice cream

doctor was shot

some rabbit is running away from cat

the bottle umm was broken by a ball

the end of recording

Fish Film description task

a red fish is eating the other one

a red fish was eaten by a blue one blue fish

a blue fish was eaten by a green fish

green fish was eaten by a pink fish

pink fish has eaten a white fish

pink fish was eaten by a black fish

black fish has eaten a yellow fish

the black fish was eaten by a red fish

a red fish has eaten a white fish

the red fish was eaten by a blue fish

the blue fish was eaten by a green fish

green fish was eaten by a pink fish

pink fish um ee ate a white fish

pink fish ate a black fish

the pink fish ate the other one

pink fish was eaten by the red fish

the red fish was eaten by the white fish

white fish was eaten by the blue fish

blue fish ate the green fish

the blue fish was eaten by pink fish

pink fish was eaten by the white fish

white fish was eaten by the black fish

black fish ate the yellow fish

black fish ate the red fish

black fish was eaten by the white fish

white fish ate blue fish

white fish ate green fish

white fish ate the pink fish

grey fish was eaten by the white fish

white fish ate black fish

white fish ate the black fish

white fish are the um red fish

the end of recording

Translation task

わたしは、オーストラリアの映画に興味がある。interestI am interested in Australian movies.
私の犬が娘の人形をこわした。breakMy dog broke my daughter's doll.
私が料理をつくって、主人がお皿を洗う。washI cook food and my husband washes the dishes.
テストの結果を見て、私はびっくりした。surpriseI was surprised at the test result.
山本さんの猫が、私の鳥を殺した。killYamamoto's cat killed my bird.
けい子は、博史にプレゼントをもらった。receiveKeiko received a gift from Hiroshi.
私たちは、この事故を警察に届けなければならない。reportWe have to report this incident to police.
私は、いつも店のドアを7時にしめる。closeI always close the shop's door at seven o'clock.
猫が木から落ちた。fallA cat feel from a tree.
山田さんは、みんなに旅行の写真を見せた。showYamada showed pictures from traveling everyone.
この時計は、高そうだ。seemThis watch seems to be expensive.
トムのプレゼントは、たいへん私を喜ばせた。pleaseThe gift from Tom pleased me very much.
この店のドアは、いつも閉まっている。closeThe door of this shop is always closed.
そのニュースを聞いて、私は、とても混乱した。confusethe news nonfused me a lot.
この時計は、壊れている。breakThis watch is broken.
庭の木が倒れた。fallA tree in a garden fell.
母は、毎日私にお皿を洗わせる。washMy mother makes me wash dishes everyday.
山田先生の説明は、いつも学生を混乱させる。confuseMr/Mis Yamada's explanation always confuses students.
トムは、メアリーに殺された。killTom killed Mary.
わたしは、息子が大学に合格すると信じている。believe passI believe that my son would pass the entrance exam for universities.
水は、0度で凍る。freezeWater freezes at 0 degree in temperature.
警察は、その車を止めた。stopPolice stopped the car.
その飛行機事故は、世界中の人にショックをあたえた。shockThe airplane accidnet gave a shock peple in the world.
わたしは、ボスに毎日8時まで仕事をさせられる。workMy boss makes me work until 8 o'clock every day.