
Interview and spot the difference

C = Interviewer
T = L2 Learner (Code 20: L1 Chinese, L2 English)
Lexical Size: 12,300

Course: Master in Interpreting & Translation

1          C          can you please tell me your . student number? please

2          T          its a XXX93

3          C          OK so we're gonna start with part one

4          T          OK what's your name?

5          C          my name is C . what's your name?

6          T          um I'm V

7          C          V

8          T          yeah so I wanna know your country of birth

9          C          ..I was born in Argentina . where were you born?

10        T          oh I was born in China

11        C          where abouts in China?

12        T          just in Shanghai

13        C          Shanghai

14        T          yeah

15        C          OK

16        T          so what's your lan...the language of spoken . is this question?

17        C          yeah

18        T          so what's your language? your first language?

19        C          my mother tongue is Spanish . what's your mother tongue?

20        T          its mandarin

21        C          OK do you speak any Cantonese? Cantonese?

22        T          Cantonese ? I can understand but I cannot say it

23        C          say it

24        T          yeah I cannot speak .

25        C          OK

26        T          but I can speak a little bit of French

27        C          oh really?

28        T          I learnt it for a year yeah

29        C          OK

30        T          so your occupation?

31        C          what what do you mean?

32        T          ah..what's your occupation?

33        C          OK . I'm a conference interpreter and a translator . what do you do for a living? or are you just a student?

34        T          yeah I'm just a student here

35        C          OK OK

36        T          and umm..what pets do you like?

37        C          I like um dogs and cats . do you have any pets?

38        T          um no

39        C          you don't like animals?

40        T          I don't like them

41        C          OK

42        T          I'm scary of the big dogs

43        C          OK fair enough hahaha

44        T          and um...what  your hobbies and what do you do at usual?

45        C          sorry? can you say that again?

46        T          what your hobbies?

47        C          mhm

48        T          and what you do at usual?

49        C          ah my job?

50        T          yeah your hobbies and what do you do what do you often do at um leisure time

51        C          oh OK . what I do is I go to the beach or I read watching movies or playing the guitar . what do you do in your spare time?

52        T          OK um...I I always loved until mid-night um um mid day when I don't need to go to school or something but um I like dance

53        C          mhm

54        T          I sometimes dance in a club

55        C          mm

56        T          and ah watch some movies

57        C          mhm

58        T          at weekend

59        C          OK nice

60        T          ..what's your favourite food?

61        C          um my favourite food is salads . what's your favourite food?

62        T          I like all kinds of desserts

63        C          oh OK you like them.

64        T          ah yes and I like noodles

65        C          noodles . cool . so when's your birthday?

66        T          its the eighteenth of June

67        C          OK so you're a Gemini

68        T          ah yes haha

69        C          so do you remember what you did for your last birthday?

70        T          oh ..I was just a ...I was rr.. going over my lessons my course I I I have a test in the next day about a theory of the translating and interpreting so I haven't do anything I didn't do anything that day just a um do some revision stuffs

71        C          OK so did you do celebrate the following weekend..or anything?

72        T          no

73        C          oh too bad

74        T          because I I went to I went back to China after I finished my exams

75        C          mhm

76        T          yeah I celebrated the birthday with my family .

77        C          mm

78        T          I went back to China

79        C          OK so what did you do in China?

80        T          um..just a visit my friends hanging out with them and buy a b..a lot of things just do some shopping and ah..I was dancing in a studio

81        C          so you went to a dancing studio?

82        T          yes um..I I I was learning the dance such as hip-hop and new jazz

83        C          cool

84        T          in a small studio

85        C          that's interesting . what can you tell me about your family?

86        T family?

87        C          how many people are there in your family? do you have brothers or sisters? are you the only child?

88        T          yeah I'm the only child my mother to she she works for the government

89        C          OK

90        T          I don't know the name

91        C          public officer?

92        T          um (long pause)

93        C          public servant?

94        T          actually he works in the prison for . um. do some accounting jobs

95        C          so she's a kind of public servant

96        T          mhm

97        C          working for the government

98        T          yeah yeah yeah working for the government..

99        C          OK and ah how about your dad?

100      T          he works he work in supermarkets

101      C          mhm

102      T          but he has retired this year

103      C          OK so if I ask you to describe your mum's routine from the very moment she wakes up till she goes to bed what she does every day?

104      T          mm

105      C          can you describe that to me please?

106      T          she gets back at um half past six to seven o'clock and ah um he um does the breakfast um every morning and she walks to the walks to his her work place he does she does his her work things and the whole day and go back at five o'clock and um..does the ..a prepare for the dinner and ah after that she watches TV until nine o' clock and then she goes to bed

107      C          OK OK do you have a best friend?

108      T          ah yeah

109      C          is she here she or he here

110      T          she's here she's um the one you interviewed first... today

111       C          OK the one oh...ah OK . so ..what was her name?

112      T          Vivien

113      C          ah yeah

114      T          Xiaoqing Chen

115      C          cool .so you came together from China?

116      T          no um...we..we got to know each other here because we attend an a ..English course together

117      C          yeah

118      T          so she's the first Chinese that I met here so so we have been a good friend for..for  several months

119      C          OK cool so um...I'm gonna give you a picture I'm gonna have this one and they have differences and similarities so I will ask you to ask me yes no questions first

120      T          mhm

121      C          please to find them out?

122      T          so ask you about the picture the information about the picture?

123      C          yeah

124      T          and you tell me yes or no?

125      C          yeah

126      T the... men in in blue reading the newspaper?

127      C          yes he's reading the newspaper . is he reading a newspaper in your picture?

128      T          yes .

129      C          OK

130      T          and um...the boy sitting be..beside him he's eating the ice-cream?

131      C          no he's having a drink he's not eating an ice-cream in my picture

132      T          OK (long pause) um..two girls one is in red and one is in pink they are riding the bicycle?

133      C          yeah I see two girls riding the bicycle . what can you see on the right hand side bench?

134      T          OK the two old old woman they are talking happily and with two cats beside them

135      C          OK . what colour are the cats?

136      T          they're all black ones

137      C          so can you ask me dablru eich questions now?

138      T          OK um.. and ah...(long pause) so what are the little boy in yellow doing?

139      C          the little boy apparently is playing with the ducks . how many ducks are there in your lake?

140      T          there are f..five . five ducks

141      C          I have four

142      T          OK and many ducks um..the girl in red have?

143      C          um..she is walking one white dog in my picture . how dogs....

144      T          two

145      C          oh she has she has two dogs  OK. is there any spider in your picture?

146      T          spider?

147      C          yeah

148      T          oh yeah

149      C          where is it?

150      T          its um...ah its in the right the bottom of the picture

151      C          OK so can you ask me questions starting by could you please tell me dha dha dha?

152      T          OK (long pause) ah could you please tell me what are the the boy um..with the yellow hair doing now doing?

153      C          probably he's playing ball with the other girl

154      T          oh I haven't seen the b...

155      C          the ball?

156      T mean ah he he's playing with the other two girls?

157      C          yeah ....I only have one girl in my picture

158      T          oh really?

159      C          but I think they are playing with the ball

160      T          so I still need to ask you a question?

161      C          next up

162      T          could you please...OK (very long pause) ah..could you please tell me how many birds um are around the man reading the newspaper?

163      C          there are three birds . three gray birds in my picture how many are there in your picture?

164      T          ah two yellow birds and one gray one

165      C          OK . so what do you think the old ladies are talking about?

166      T          um..they are talking about there are some they are a life their daily life just a

167      C          OK

168      T          maybe some gossiping

169      C          OK well thank you very much thank you for your time

170      T          its OK