
Interview and spot the difference

C = Interviewer
T = L2 Learner (Code 12: L1 Chinese, L2 English)
Lexical Size: 11,800

Course: MA in Interpreting & Translation

1          C          can you please tell me your student number please

2          T          my student number is 16662618

3          C          OK so we're gonna start with part one

4          T          yeah

5          C          whenever you want

6          T          um my name is..

7          C          no you need to ask me questions about this

8          T          oh OK

9          C          about this

10        T          OK . what's your name?

11        C          my name is Cecilia . what's your name?

12        T          my name is Coconow

13        C          oh OK

14        T          and ah...where did you born

15        C          ..I was born in Argentina . where were you born?

16        T          I was born in China

17        C          where abouts in China?

18        T          its a city called Shinxao its in north east of china

19        C          OK

20        T          and ah what kind of language do you speak?

21        C          I speak Spanish what's your mother tongue?

22        T          ah..I speak Chinese

23        C          mandarin or Cantonese?

24        T          um mandarin

25        C          can you speak any other language?

26        T          um...Japanese

27        C          oh cool

28        T          and ah what's your occup occupation?

29        C          I'm a conference interpreter and a translator . what do you do for a living?

30        T          um...

31        C          or maybe you're just a student right now?

32        T          yeah I'm just a student right now and I do part-time jobs in a in a agency

33        C          OK what type of agency?

34        T          its um..its called a Australian law service and migration . its for people who wants to get a PR

35        C          OK interesting

36        T          yeah

37        C          OK

38        T          and you have pets?

39        C          yes I have a dogs and a cat. do you like animals?

40        T          yes I do

41        C          do you have any pets?

42        T          I have a kitten at home

43        C          nice

44        T          what is your hobbies?

45        C          oh I like playing the guitar and reading . going to the beach . what do you do in your free time?

46        T          yeah I like to ..I like playing tennis so

47        C          nice

48        T          on the weekend I I go to play tennis with my friends

49        C          in the city?

50        T          yes near to central

51        C          OK

52        T          um . what is your favourite food?

53        C          oh I like any kind of food but I think I like salad I like salads . what's your favourite food?

54        T          I like Japanese sushi and Italian spaghetti

55        C          nice

56        T          thank you

57        C          cool OK so what's your birthday? when's your birthday?

58        T          um..I was . my birthday is tenth of January nineteen eighty-five

59        C          do you remember what you did for your last birthday?

60        T          ah..I went to celebrate with my friend in a Chinese restaurant in called golden century in the city . its a sea food restaurant

61        C          OK so you were here in Australia

62        T          yes

63        C          cool .so could you remind what you did last weekend?

64        T          last weekend ah...I went to barbeque with my friends in Bondi junction?

65        C          OK

66        T          yeah

67        C          nice . did you go to the beach?

68        T          yes

69        C          oh were you last um . were in China last summer?

70        T          ah

71        C          Chinese summer when was the last time you went to China?

72        T          I think last I did at Christmas time

73        C          OK so what did you do when you were there?

74        T          um..just meeting my families and go out with them and I have dinners and . yeah just hung around comfortably and nothing nothing special

75        C          did you play tennis there?

76        T          no

77        C          no? so what can you tell me about your family? how many people are there in your family?

78        T          um...there are three people in my family . me and my father and mother yeah . and I got a lot of relatives of course

79        C          so what can you tell me about your father?

80        T          oh OK . he's um...he's he's bought of a inner hotel so he owns a hotel in China

81        C          mhm

82        T          and ah my mum...OK so you just wanna ask about my father?

83        C          no no tell me about it

84        T          my mum she yeah she works with him together

85        C          so if I ask you to describe um . your mum's routine from the very moment she wakes up till the time she goes to bed . can you do that?

86        T          very simple

87        C          mm

88        T          um...she ...usually gets up at eight o'clock and ah .. goes to work by eight and ah...the whole day he's staying in front of the hotel doing reception as well as management and the time of um...its around ten

89        C          mm

90        T          she finish she finishes ah finishes work and goes back home

91        C          ten pm at night?

92        T          yes

93        C          that's a long shift

94        T          yeah she doesn't have any holidays

95        C          I know . so who does the cooking at your house?

96        T          OK I have a housemaid at home yeah and she does the cooking and the cleaning

97        C          OK that's cool because they don't have time . ah do you have a best friend?

98        T          ah yes

99        C          so where is she?

100      T          OK

101      C          ah

102      T          her name is Mary  yeah yeah I live I'm living with her in in city? ah what...a...its a two bed room apartment

103      C          hm

104      T          so we share...

105      C          OK cool so um...I'm gonna give you this picture

106      T          yeap

107      C          and I'm gonna have this one and they have differences and similarities so I will ask you to ask me questions to find them out mm.. you can start by asking yes no questions?

108      T          um...(long pause) does your picture have ducks in the river?

109      C          yes there are four ducks living in the lake . how many many ducks are there in your picture?

110      T          five . what about yours?

111       C          four

112      T          so there's one difference .um.. does your picture got um...two black dogs? oh sorry two black cats?

113      C          yes but um I only have one . and its dark gray .

114      T          oh OK

115      C          I only have one. do you have any birds?

116      T          yes I do I got three birds . one green and the other two is um yellow

117      C          OK

118      T you have a small yellow car in your picture?

119      C          no there's no car in my picture ..a...I don't have a car how many cars are there in your picture?

120      T          there are two cars in my picture. one is yellow the other one is blue

121      C          OK

122      T          do you have a.. a girl dressing in yellow?..a yellow coat and a red pants short pants um with the ice-cream?

123      C          well I have a girl with um yellow t-shirt

124      T          mhm

125      C          and red pants but she's not eating an ice-cream she's having a drink apparently

126      T          OK

127      C          so who's sitting next to her?

128      T          um..a guy with the blue dress and a black hat . reading a newspaper

129      C          so can you ask me dablryu eich questions now?

130      T          OK um...what do you have in your pictures? (laughs)

131      C          oh that's too broad

132      T          picture

133      C          ..can you narrow it down a bit ?

134      T          um..what do you have your pictures.. on the on the right top

135      C          on the right top? there are two ladies sitting on the bench . do you have the same thing?

136      T          yes I do ..ah..

137      C          what do you think they are talking about?

138      T          shopping?

139      C          shopping ? do you think so?

140      T          yes I guess so .

141      C          OK

142      T          what do you have .um. what do you have on ..the in your picture what do you have on the road

143      C          in the middle of the picture in the intersection? there are two girls riding bicycles . is that what you mean?

144      T          yes

145      C          one is wearing red and the other one is wearing pink . is there anyone playing with the ball?

146      T          yes girl and a guy . they are playing a ..a ball um..

147      C          OK

148      T          um . what kind of um. what kind of animals do you have in your picture?

149      C          well I have birds . I have a cat and I have a dog

150      T          um..

151      C          t..can you ask me now questions starting with could you tell me..

152      T          OK . could you tell me if there's any insects in your picture?

153      C          um...there's a spider in my picture.. if that counts

154      T          I do have a spider as well

155      C          where's the spider in your picture?

156      T          ah..its a black one a black small one you have a . ah sorry . can you tell me if you have a pigeon in your picture?

157      C          um...I don't think so . well I have three kind of pigeons um close to the old old man reading the newspaper? but those are the only three birds I have in my picture apart from the ducks . do you have pigeon in your picture?

158      T          yes only one on the right side..ah red one

159      C          where is it?

160      T          sorry a white one

161      C          is it on the grass?

162      T          yes. I it a glass or a tree?

163      C          OK

164      T          a glass maybe . um . well can you tell me if you have ah flowers in your picture?

165      C          yes I do . I have pink yellow and orange flowers . are there flowers in your picture?

166      T          yes . I do have pink and red flowers and I also have a some..some..oh yes I do

167      C          OK

168      T          actually I have XXXX red flowers in my picture

169      C          is there a girl wearing a red dress in your picture?

170      T          yes

171      C          what is she doing?

172      T          um...I think she's walking with dogs

173      C          how many dogs are there?

174      T          two

175      C          OK I think we're done

176      T          OK

177      T          thanks for your time