
Interview and spot the difference

C = Interviewer
T = L2 Learner (Code 10: L1 Chinese, L2 English)
Lexical Size: 12,100

Course: Master in Interpreting & Translation

1          C          so first can you please tell me your student number?

2          T          yes my student number is XX13

3          C          OK. so we're gonna start with part one already have your pictures and yeah..yeap let's go

4          T          OK um.. excuse me can you tell me your name?

5          C          my name is C . what is your name?

6          T          oh my name is S.

7          C          OK

8          T          so ah.. that's your first name?

9          C          yes

10        T I know your family name?

11        C          my family name is alal ei el ei el

12        T          oh

13        C          how about yours? what's your last name?

14        T          oh my . well actually my name is X Bthat's my Chinese name so my family name is B and my first name is X

15        C          OK

16        T          yeah

17        C          that's difficult to pronounce (laughs)

18        T          so can I pass it to you

19        C          yeah yeah yeah

20        T          OK ah . where are you from?

21        C          I'm from Argentina

22        T          Argentina

23        C          I guess you're from . you were born in China?

24        T          ah yes you're right

25        C          where abouts in china?

26        T          ah its in the southern part of china like a . I'm not sure how I can describe it

27        C          OK

28        T          ah but probably. it's eastern the yellow river

29        C          OK OK

30        T are..a can I ask some question about this may I pXXpXX

31        C          yes .  but you don't need to you can ask

32        T          OK OK so ah . what's your native language?

33        C          oh my mother tongue is Spanish

34        T          oh yeah..

35        C          yeah

36        T          so um can you speak other languages?

37        C          ah well, I can speak English as my second language and I can speak Portuguese and a little bit of French. how about you? what's your mother tongue?

38        T mother tongue is Chinese but um ...

39        C          is it mandarin or Cantonese?

40        T          mandarin

41        C          OK

42        T          yeah and a since I was...a starting in the... middle school then I ..I started an..starting English . then but a when I started learning China we needed to started a second language then I choose French

43        C          oh really?

44        T          but I think its it was soo difficult

45        C          really?

46        T          to pronunciation and then the structure

47        C          yeah

48        T          and then because when when you speak like like a like English

49        C          yeah

50        T          if you gave she or he

51        C          yeah

52        T          then you just always use the ees

53        C          yeah

54        T          but to the French you always change with female then male

55        C          yeah

56        T          then all words followed by the ..the...the person

57        C          I know

58        T          and will change

59        C          so can you speak any French or not? to use..

60        T          il petit

61        C          oh petit .petit peu aha.. OK good

62        T          and so ah what's your occupation?

63        C          well I'm a conference interpreter and a translator and I work for UWS as a research assistant

64        T          oh

65        C          for Sandra Hale . so what do you do for a living? do you have job or are you just a student?

66        T          no I ah I ..just ah I only taught in high school in china for very short time maybe I think about three months in high school

67        C          so what did you teach?

68        T          ah English

69        C          ah OK nice . nice

70        T          ah so ah ah that's ah like like your occupation? that's all you needed to do or you have some like extra part time jobs

71        C          well sometimes I do some part night . part time a.. job at a clothes store . in the city so that's what I do sometimes...for fun

72        T          oh...that's cool . ah because ah my friend ah she is living in Melbourne

73        C          OK

74        T          then she is al . also she she has like a full time job but she also working in like target

75        C          oh OK oh yeah

76        T          and .a sometimes changes section sector to another like last month she was working in the clothes sect...

77        C          sector?

78        T          yeah sector

79        C          oh that's fun yeah

80        T pats do you like?

81        C          what pets do I like?

82        T          yeah

83        C          well I have a cat I love animals I love all pets

84        T          ah

85        C          but I have a cat here

86        T          ah here?

87        C          yeah . she..

88        T          what kind of it

89        C          I don't know .what kind of cat it is..but um.. I'm not very much into cats I love them

90        T          oh

91        C          but I don't know ..she's a ..I know that the owner of the house bought bought her

92        T          mhm

93        C          her name is princess um..but I don't know . which cat it is

94        T          oh

95        C          do you have any pets?

96        T          ah...I ever had . then I had I ever had ah..but now I don't have I ever had two dogs one cats then two ..parrats?

97        C          parrots?

98        T          ah yeah parrots then have a golden fish

99        C          oh OK

100      T          and then I had tur.. turtle

101      C          turtles?

102      T          yeah turtles

103      C          OK

104      T          and I ever I kept

105      C          that's a lot

106      T          yeah I had a I ever kept one like a insector . I'm not sure its name in English but it's like a

107      C          amphibians?

108      T          bamboo . like a because have several sections in the body

109      C          OK

110      T          very strange animal

111       C          oh OK . so you have them in your house?

112      T          oh yeah

113      C          that's a weird pet

114      T          well I didn't take it here because they don't allow it here

115      C          yeah . I don't think so it's a bit of a hassle

116      T          um so eh do you have fun like pet you are afraid of?

117      C          well from animals?

118      T          yeah you're scared of

119      C          well I'm very afraid of spiders

120      T          spider?

121      C          which is a big problem here in Australia

122      T          ah yes

123      C          with so many spiders around

124      T          yeah

125      C          but I'm getting used to it

126      T          oh yes . yeah ah..

127      C          I I can't leat with spiders but at least I see them all the time

128      T          mhm

129      C          so it's not too bad . it was really bad in the past .

130      T          ah

131      C          I had kind of phobia with spiders but I'm getting over it hopefully. do you . are you afraid of any animals?

132      T          yes mouse

133      C          really?

134      T          yes

135      C          ah

136      T          I've ever kept one but it's a different kind . like its from Poland I think its from Poland

137      C          a mouse from Poland?

138      T          yeah Poland . Poland kind just but I don't know what that is

139      C          so do you see many nice around ? where you live?

140      T          no I ever saw. because like when I was China we lived like in an apartment

141      C          OK

142      T          then but the next to...the the apartment next to us

143      C          mhm

144      T          is just had a rubbish bin out

145      C          oh OK

146      T          so times because . one time when I walked past that place . then just a little mouse just walked past from my heel

147      C          ah OK . that's disgusting

148      T          so I was so scared and since then I was so scared by it..that's bad experience

149      C          I know mhh

150      T          um so ah do you have any hobbies?

151      C          oh yes I do . um I like hanging out with my friends

152      T          mhm

153      C          listening to music and reading

154      T          yeah

155      C          .. a lot

156      T          yeah any sports?

157      C          yeah I like tennis

158      T          tennis?

159      C          yeah like um I do power walking

160      T          ah I'd like to ah I really like . want to learn tennis

161      C          OK

162      T          but there's no chance but um in like a in the past I and my friend we always to go out

163      C          OK

164      T          in the playground to play the badminton

165      C          ah badminton yeah

166      T          yeah because. badminton because in China in some some . like here maybe you go to play the tennis

167      C          mhm

168      T          you pay .

169      C          yeah its expensive

170      T          .one hour or how much it is

171      C          yeah

172      T          then in china its the same one hour

173      C          yeah its expensive

174      T          yeah

175      C          so what do you do in your free time other than sports? what do you like doing in your free time?

176      T          ah free time I like watching movie

177      C          OK

178      T          then and a I ah.. I really like go to the cinema to watch movie then you know because we . I just a feel if it just yourself then theatre at your home  they watch movie it's not so interesting

179      C          OK

180      T          as you ah go to the cinema

181      C          so do you like watching Chinese movies or Hollywood movies?

182      T          ah any kind

183      C          any kind ?

184      T          yeah

185      C          OK

186      T          I like some kind of like ah romance

187      C          ah romance

188      T          love story

189      C          love stories

190      T          or like cartoon

191      C          happy ending stories

192      T          yeah ha ha ha (laughs)

193      C          OK OK

194      T          so um ah your . um your um do you have any favourite food?

195      C          what yeah I like um pasta a lot

196      T          oh pasta

197      C          yes . and um..I also like beef and vegetables .

198      T          oh...OK

199      C          how about you? what's your favourite food?

200      T          oh my favourite food is . its not actually I think its not a food I like apple juice

201      C          apple juice? well

202      T          but its because..the

203      C          that that will be a favourite drink

204      T          yeah . and a ..I don't sa some favourite food because I like every kind . its..

205      C          do you eat a lot of chinese food or you eat any kind of food?

206      T          any kind

207      C          OK

208      T          any kind then there...and yeah yesterday my friend cooked pasta

209      C          nice

210      T          yeah and put a lot of things and it tasted a bit like Chinese pasta

211      C          ah nice . so when's your birthday? thank you

212      T          ah my birthday is . um on the February eight

213      C          oh OK .so do you remember what you did for your last birthday?

214      T          my last birthday I spent a . I spent my last birthday with my boyfriend

215      C          oh oh yeah

216      T          so it was little like a I have a good impression  because that is my first a birthday I spend with him then because ah we we meant to last year

217      C          mhm

218      T          so that was the first time I spent my birthday with my boyfriend

219      C          oh OK so how long have you been together?

220      T          um ...I think around .a. almost one year

221      C          oh OK

222      T          yeah

223      C          that's cool . so what did you do last weekend?

224      T          um...last weekend . is a

225      C          XX

226      T          just um . nothing in especial we all went to the shopping centre . with my friend because she wants to buy a hair pin

227      C          what?

228      T          hair pin

229      C          ah yeah yeah yeah

230      T          so we went to the shopping centre I so she wants wanted some suggestions

231      C          yeah

232      T          so just I go went with her

233      C          yeah

234      T          choose like I think its like aquarium colour?

235      C          yeah

236      T          aquarium colour . very nice

237      C          nice .

238      T          yeah

239      C          so could you tell me what you did last summer?

240      T          last

241      C          do you generally go back to China?

242      T          um...last Summer?

243      C          so how how . do you go back to china frequently or how often do you go back to china?

244      T          um..I .ah..I I came here in ..last year . December

245      C          last December

246      T          then since then I haven't been back

247      C          oh OK

248      T          I haven't gone back home

249      C          so what did you do in this last summer in Australia?

250      T          a last summer I have ah..I applied a course in a institution or a language school so just studied there for two months

251      C          mhm OK what else did you do in the summer?

252      T          ah..

253      C          did you go to the beach?

254      T          ah yeah yeah yeah I .ah...I was I and ah.. at that time I went to a foreign language school and I ment many new friends and then we went to the ban . Bondi beach

255      C          yeah

256      T          and we went on a picnic ah..and bought a lot of food and then wanted to.. walked by the beach

257      C          yeah

258      T          an we um some boys because we I are we like a ...we have a ...girls

259      C          yeah

260      T          we didn't take a some a swimming clothes or what.

261      C          yeah

262      T          so  we just a walked oh by the beach

263      C          mhm

264      T          but the boys came and just a

265      C          when to the water

266      T          went to the water yeah and after there like come out

267      C          yeah

268      T          then we just tool

269      C          yeah

270      T          a lot of bottles . for them

271      C          yeah nice .

272      T          it's very

273      C          so what can you tell me about your family? how many people are there in your family?

274      T          ah you mean . a I have my parents and I was the only child of them

275      C          OK

276      T          then but and I lived a like a not so far from my grand grandpa's home

277      C          OK . so can you tell me about your father? what a.. what he does?

278      T          he's ..he's like . he has a small factuarly

279      C          mhm . what kind of factory?

280      T          that's made of furniture

281      C          OK

282      T          then like because in the pasta he worked for somewhere else and then he made a furniture but not the whole like a chair but there are some part of the chairs like a arm

283      C          mhm

284      T          or then back furniture

285      C          mhm

286      T          or just only some small parts

287      C          OK so if I ask you about your mother can you tell me about her routine? what she does everyday from the time she wakes up?

288      T          yeah yeah yeah OK she wakes up normally she wakes up at around five thirty am

289      C          OK

290      T          then after that ah she ..ah...she goes to wash the clotheses

291      C          mhm

292      T          because she has a lot of flowers and trees

293      C          mhm

294      T          then she needs to look after them and so in the morning she tol . and she tells me like ah...for the flower then the needed a tool ..ah you need a type of water.

295      C          mhm

296      T          but the best time is the morning then after that ah she cocks she cocks the food for..for maybe she prepares for the dinner because she the time that she ah comes back home

297      C          mhm

298      T          is normally very late so she cocks dinner earlier so after that she cleans our place ...

299      C          OK

300      T          then then she do .. she make some dress dressing

301      C          OK

302      T          then after that she wokes because working time is very early like a ah. around eight am.. I I'm not sure that time changes now or not but a.. I think its the same now

303      C          OK do you have a best friend?

304      T          um..yeah and I have

305      C          is she here or in China

306      T          no ..ah she's in China . ah her name is Vicki but ah . she gets married already

307      C          she's already married?

308      T          ah yeah

309      C          oh OK when did she get married?

310      T          ah no no ah sorry ah this year in May then she gets married but I can't join his we..her wedding

311      C          why?

312      T          because I'm here then but

313      C          so that is next May or last May

314      T          no this year

315      C          OK this year

316      T          yeah

317      C          mhm OK cool so we're gonna do part two now I'm gonna give you this picture I'm gonna have another one and they have differences and similarities I want you to please ask me yes no questions first

318      T          mhm

319      C          and then to ask me dablryu eich questions so just what where who how . OK?

320      T          yeah

321      C          so we need to find out the similarities and differences .

322      T          mhm

323      C          shall we start?

324      T          OK (long pause) ah.. can I start with can you see or

325      C          yeah

326      T          (long pause) ah can you see a lady in pink a?

327      C          is ..she an old lady or a young lady?

328      T          she is an old lady

329      C          OK yes I can see one old lady sitting on the bench wearing a pink dress . do you have the same lady in your picture?

330      T          ah yes and I also I also can see she is carrying a small bag?

331      C          OK

332      T          can you see that?

333      C          no I can't . she's not carrying a bag in my picture

334      T          OK so . ah can you see two ...ah..are there a two cats in your picture?

335      C          in my picture there's only one cat close to the tree. are there two cats in your picture?

336      T          ah yes

337      C          OK what colour are they?

338      T          ah black

339      C          OK

340      T          (pause) so ah..(long pause) is there a boy in blue ah reading books in the picture?

341      C          yes he is an old man apparently and he is reading maybe a newspaper he's wearing a blue suit. ah how about your picture? do you have the same old man?

342      T          yes but I'm not sure ah he is a older man or young man

343      C          OK . is there a young boy clost close to him in your picture?

344      T          ah yes he's wearing a yellow t-shirt

345      C          OK what is he doing?

346      T          ah he's eating a cream corn

347      C          OK

348      T          .. so ah . can you see some birds in your picture?

349      C          ah yes I can see three gray birds near the man reading the newspaper and I can see four ducks in the lake . are there four ducks in the lake in your picture?

350      T          ah no .. ah there are five ducks in the lake in my picture.

351      C          OK

352      T          so ah is the girl in red ...ah ...she's ah (pause) she's with two dogs?

353      C          no well there's a girl in red dress but she's only walking one dog and its a white dog . so are there two dogs in your picture?

354      T          ah yes another one is brown

355      C          OK so you have one white and one ah brown dog .

356      T          ah yes

357      C          OK can you ask me dablryu eich questions please?

358      T          OK (pause) what ah what does the girl ah what does the girl wearing pink sport clothes doing or do? mhm?

359      C          that girl is playing with the ball? . ah ..the the girl wearing pink you said?

360      T          yeah sports..

361      C          sorry that girl is riding her bike apparently with her friend wearing red . what is she doing in your picture?

362      T          ah the same as yours

363      C          mhm . OK

364      T          so ah..what ..what do the two persons at the ..right hand..right hand of the bottom of the picture? what are what are the two persons doing?

365      C          well the two teenagers are playing with a ball. she's wearing a blue shirt a t-shirt and a yellow skirt . and the young boy is blond . what are they doing in your picture?

366      T          ah in my . in my picture, there are also playing a ball

367      C          what colour is the ball?

368      T          ah .ah.the ball has the three colours yellow red and blue

369      C          OK ..OK

370      T          so.

371      C          where is the spider in your picture?

372      T          (long pause) so..sorry?

373      C          is there a spider in your picture?

374      T          (long pause) ah yes

375      C          where is it?

376      T          its...sorry so small..

377      C          mha ha (laughs)

378      T          its an the grass..ah.. its at the bottom.. ah its next to the girl

379      C          mhm

380      T          who is playing ball

381      C          OK can you ask me now questions starting with could you tell me dadada?

382      T          ah could you tell could you tell me where the place is in this picture?

383      C          oh well this picture was taken in a park probably at a park probably in a big city

384      T          OK (long pause) could you tell me how many flowers there are in the picture?

385      C          in the picture there are six flowers around the lake

386      T          yeah . um..(long pause) ah (long pause) could you tell old the ..the lady ah who is sitting next to the lady in ping dress .a ah could you tell me how old she is?

387      C          well I'm not sure but I would say she's in her seventies? what do you think?

388      T          I think a she's maybe oh ah...she's around a fifty year old

389      C          fifty?

390      T          fifty yeah

391      C          oh OK OK so that's the end of part two and thank you very much for participating

392      T          thank you too