
Interview and spot the difference

C = Interviewer
T = L2 Learner (Code 06: L1 Chinese, L2 English)
Lexical Size: no data

Course: MA in Interpreting & Translation

1          C          so can you please tell me your student number?

2          T          um...XX07

3          C we're gonna start with the first part and I'm gonna give you this.

4          T          yeah

5          C          .and we're gonna start asking about this information

6          T          mhm

7          C          with each other. OK?.so what's your name?

8          T Chinese name is J Z but you can call me Ivy it's an English name

9          C          Ivy..that's a very nice name, you were born in China?

10        T          yes

11        C          where abouts in China?

12        T          ah . the south of a big city a modern cities

13        C          OK

14        T          so what's your name?

15        C          my name is C

16        T          yeah . where are you from?

17        C          I'm from north of Argentina I've been living in Buenos Aires lately but I'm from north of Argentina

18        T          mhm

19        C          so what languages do you speak . Ivy?

20        T          umm..usually in a Chinese mandarin Cantonese

21        C          OK

22        T          . um English is my second language

23        C          mhm

24        T          and a little bit Korean

25        C          OK

26        T          yeah

27        C          so Cantonese and mandarin are your mother ah tongues?

28        T          yeah yeah

29        C          OK

30        T          so what what language do you speak?

31        C          oh I speak um Spanish which is my mother tongue

32        T          yeah

33        C          English which is my second language

34        T          mhm

35        C          and Portuguese is my third one .

36        T          uhm

37        C          ok so what do you do for your living?

38        T          oh...

39        C          or do you just study or do you work?

40        T          no I'm student all the time

41        C          OK

42        T          but after I finish the bachelor degree in china and I come here master degree

43        C          so what was the bachelor degree about?

44        T          the law

45        C          OK so you had been in the

46        T          yes

47        C          and what are you studying now in uws

48        T          um..interpreting and translation

49        C          OK

50        T          so what's your . job?

51        C          um..I'm a conference interpreter..

52        T          mhm

53        C          English Spanish and I work as a conference interpreter and . and work in a research assistant here at the university of western Sydney

54        T          is it hard?

55        C          interpreting?

56        T          yeah . um...the conference

57        C          you get used to it

58        T          um

59        C know um..the more you interpret

60        T          because I heard many people say it's very hard . the conference

61        C          it . you just need practice

62        T          yeah

63        C          the more you practice the better you get .

64        T          Oh OK

65        C          cuz I think conference interpreting um i.. depends a lot on practicing .

66        T          um.

67        C          OK  . do you have any pets, Ivy?

68        T          no I'm so scared

69        C          you don't like animals?

70        T          no I like it but ..but I scare

71        C          scared of what?

72        T sometimes will touch...and

73        C          yeah

74        T          and a little bit of aler . juice...aller...allergies

75        C          allergies

76        T          yeah

77        C          you have allergies?

78        T          ah yeah yes a little

79        C          OK

80        T          so I don't have pets . do you have pets?

81        C          oh I love pets . I have a dog .

82        T          here? now?

83        C          no no no here I have a cat she's called princess

84        T          hahaha

85        C          but back home in Argentina I have a dog yeah yeah so what are your hobbies what do you do in your free time?

86        T the past I will go to dance

87        C          mhm

88        T          I attend a dance group in the university

89        C          OK

90        T          and sometimes praying tennis?

91        C          OK

92        T          but here now in Australia not so much the sports . exercise..

93        C          you XX sports

94        T          Yeah ...yes ...(pause) and shopping

95        C          oh yeah

96        T          Yes

97        C          we all like shopping

98        T          yeah yeah

99        C          what do you go shopping

100      T          oh..where mean..?

101      C          yeah where

102      T          like a shopping centre?

103      C          you go to paddy's market or you go to

104      T          like it would be..

105      C          yeah like bondi market or what do you go shopping

106      T          am....sorry you mean

107      C          I mean when you go shopping where do you go? you go to paddy's market or you go to shops on George street or you go to a Bondi junction

108      T go to QBB

109      C          QVB?

110      T          yes and the George street shops and...Bondi is very big

111       C          yeah it really is isn't it

112      T          so what's your hobbies?

113      C          um..I have many hobbies I like playing tennis also

114      T

115      C          I like sports . um. I like hanging out with my friends

116      T          yeah

117      C          during the weekends especially ..maybe going out and see no going down to the beach

118      T          oh

119      C          that's what I do in general . whatever I have time I catch up with my friends

120      T          oh

121      C          yeah

122      T          its nice

123      C          so what's your favourite food? did you get used to Australian food or you mostly . eat

124      T          ah

125      C          Chinese food?

126      T          if I at home I eat Chinese food with rice and some dishes but go outside we usually .. I usually eat Australian food

127      C          OK

128      T          I . fish and chips (hahaha) I like chips . (hahaha)

129      C          nice yeah

130      T          so how about you? whats your favourite food?

131      C          well um I like little bit of everything but if I had to choose I'll go for beef and vegetables

132      T          do you like pasta?

133      C          I love pasta

134      T          yeah

135      C          I love.. but I'm always on a diet

136      T          yeah me too

137      C          so that's why I can't always eat pasta but whenever I have a chance

138      T          OK

139      C          wouldn't say no .so um . thank you very much we're gonna finish with this . now let's talk about . . last weekend what did you do last weekend?

140      T          last . my friend and I go to the national park?

141      C          mhm

142      T          to..just go to picnic

143      C          OK

144      T          it was a really nice day and

145      C          when was this..when

146      T          when last Saturday?

147      C          OK

148      T          yeah . go to by train and then walking all day and took lots of pictures

149      C          mhm

150      T          yeah

151      C          could you please tell me about your last summer holidays

152      T          last..

153      C          . do you remember what you did?

154      T          last summer

155      C          last Summer holidays

156      T          I went back to China

157      C          mhm

158      T          yes and my friends and have lunch have dinner with families

159      C          yeah

160      T          and yeah just like that . not so special

161      C          do you like travelling?

162      T          yes I liked..but lots of money (laughs)

163      C          urh? oh you don't have the money

164      T          yeah, yes . because I'm a student so I can't go far far far away place

165      C          cool

166      T          yeah

167      C          so what can you tell me about your family ? like um for example your father or your mother

168      T          um....yeah

169      C          what do they do ...what does your father do for a living?

170      T          there are three peoples in my family only three my father my mother and me. my father is a government officer

171      C          mhm

172      T          my . my mother is a police woman

173      C          oh interesting

174      T          yeah so they both worked in the government

175      C          mhm

176      T          um...yeah

177      C          so so what what. can you tell me about their routine for example tell me about your mum's routine

178      T          mhm

179      C          what does she do everyday ?

180      T          um...(laughs) very very simple yes

181      C          mhm

182      T          in the morning she wade up very early

183      C          mhm

184      T          and cooks something cook some breakthas (breakfast?)

185      C          breakfast

186      T          yeah and then go to work and come bad afternoon and cook dinner

187      C          mhm

188      T          and like that work

189      C          house work

190      T          yes house work

191      C          so whenever she's not working she's a house wife

192      T          yes yes

193      C          she XXX

194      T          but she's a foot time workers she work from Monday to Friday

195      C          OK..OK

196      T          and rest Saturday and Sunday

197      C          and do you have a best friend

198      T          yes

199      C          does she live here or in china?

200      T          in china but here I make some best friend also

201      C          OK

202      T          for example my room mate

203      C          nice . so what can you tell me about your best friend?

204      T          um...she's..

205      C          what's her name?

206      T          um..she's name is shadow

207      C          Shadow?

208      T          yeah . she's the friends I go outside last weekend

209      C          OK

210      T          I was with her

211      C          so she came for a visit?

212      T          no no we're both a students

213      C          OK

214      T          um...she's taller than me and thinger (thinner?) than me...a...(laughs)

215      C          yeah

216      T          but she's little skins a little blat

217      C          black..

218      T          so .

219      C          OK so where's she from?

220      T          she's from China also

221      C          Oh China also

222      T          but is in northern china...

223      C          OK

224      T          so the life the to say...the way to live is very different

225      C          OK

226      T          ah we're taste is different yeah

227      C          your ta..your ..styles

228      T          yes

229      C          like your life styles?

230      T          yes yes

231      C          OK cool . we're gonna do the second part now

232      T          yeah

233      C          I'm gonna give you this picture and I'm gonna have another picture

234      T          yeah

235      C          and this picture will have very . similarities and differences

236      T          mhm

237      C          so what we need to do is we need to find out what the similarities and differences are

238      T          Oh OK

239      C          OK? so I wanted to ask me questions yes I I I'm going to answer with yes or no

240      T          oh

241      C          so if you can ask me first yes no questions

242      T          mhm

243      C          and then I'll ask you back and then and then you can ask me dablryu eich questions like what where and who different types of questions

244      T          mhm

245      C          and we're going to try to find out what the differences are

246      T          yeah

247      C          between the two pictures

248      T          OK

249      C          OK

250      T          can you ask me first?

251      C          yeah I can ask you for example

252      T          yeah for example

253      C          . is there a dog in your picture?

254      T          yes it is . you you mean

255      C          yeah . what what colour is it?

256      T          it's a right . right colour

257      C          white?

258      T          yeah

259      C          OK

260      T          ahr!

261      C          so you

262      T          oh yeah

263      C          can you

264      T          yeah

265      C          can you ask me those types of questions?

266      T          is there a board in your picture? boar.

267      C          ball?

268      T          yeah

269      C          yeah there's one ball and there are two young people playing with it

270      T          yeah

271      C          my

272      T          what colour?

273      C          my my ball is um yellow red and blue how about yours?

274      T          oh my ball is red

275      C          red

276      T          yeah

277      C          OK

278      T there a some birds in your picture?

279      C          birds ? yes um there are three birds close to the old man reading the newspaper on the bench .

280      T          yeah

281      C          are there any birds

282      T          yeah

283      C          in your picture?

284      T          yes there are three birds

285      C          what colour are they?

286      T          um..brown?

287      C          the three of them are brown?

288      T          mhm

289      C          OK . so who is sitting on the bench .. in your picture?

290      T          um...just four peoples . in the right side the two . women

291      C          mhm

292      T          sitting the bed . um . the bench

293      C          are they young woman?

294      T          no . a little older (laugh)

295      C          mhm

296      T          and another two peoples sitting in the left side

297      C          mhm

298      T          yeah

299      C          what are they doing?

300      T          ah . the man is reading the newspaper and the litt .the young . boy?

301      C          mhm

302      T          I think it's boy yes has a res . drinking water a beer (haha)

303      C          OK

304      T          so . um..what ah what two wome . ar...two girls doing in the pictures?

305      C          well I have two girls young girls riding bicycles?

306      T          yeah

307      C          do you have them in your picture?

308      T          yes

309      C          so in my picture one of them is wearing red and the other one is wearing pink . what about your picture?

310      T          um. one of . is rea . is ring orange and the other is pink . pink colour

311      C          so who is playing in the lake . in the lake . is there anyone playing in the lake in your picture?

312      T          yeah .s . there are two . one is a little boy he's praying with the duck in the lake

313      C          mhm

314      T          and the other goad ah.. is praying with the doll

315      C          with the doll?

316      T          yes . next to the . lake

317      C          what is the girl wearing?

318      T          ah . she's wearing the dress . w . in the red colour . how about you?

319      C          OK I have the same girl

320      T          yeah

321      C          with the same red dress but instead of one dog

322      T          mhm

323      C          she has two dogs

324      T          OK

325      C          one is brown and the other is white and brown

326      T          ah OK . how about a little boy? do you have a little boy in your picture?

327      C          I have a little boy playing in the lake with the ducks

328      T          yeah

329      C          and there's another little boy next to the couple playing with the ball . um . do you have a couple playing with the ball?

330      T          I have two . one couple playing with the ball in red . the goat . ah. Wear the blue t-shirt and the yellow dress . ah yes

331      C          mhm

332      T          how about you?

333      C          um my girl is wearing a light blue t-shirt with a blue skirt

334      T          mhm

335      C          so is there any cat . in your picture?

336      T          ah yes (laughs) a little . a small cat ar. behind the tree . the right side

337      C          what colour is it?

338      T          it's black

339      C          OK

340      T          how about you? you have brac..a...a cat?

341      C          I have two cats actually

342      T          yeah

343      C          I have a smaller cat next to the tree and another one which is a bigger one also black next to the old ladies .

344      T          ah

345      C          so is there . anything else you can ask me about the picture?

346      T many duck in . the lake?

347      C          um . in the lake there are . five ducks

348      T          five ducks

349      C          in my picture . how about your picture?

350      T          ar . there are four ducks

351      C          OK

352      T          in the lake

353      C          are there any flowers around the lake . the lake?

354      T          yes lo...lots of flowers . the lake

355      C          OK well Ivy I think that's all for now thank you very much for coming

356      T          thank you