
Interview and spot the difference

C = Interviewer
T = L2 Learner (Code 04: L1 Chinese, L2 English)
Lexical Size: no data

Course: Master in Interpreting & Translation

1          C          so can you please tell me your student number?

2          T          yeah a student number is XX58

3          C          cool . thank you so we're gonna start with part one .

4          T          yeah

5          C          you have a um..different pictures and we need to find out information about those pictures we have the same one

6          T          yeap we have the same one

7          C          OK let's go

8          T          um so what's your name?

9          C          my name is Cecilia? what's your name?

10        T          my name is X

11        C          OK

12        T          and where are you from?

13        C          I'm from Argentina  and you?

14        T          I'm from China

15        C          where abouts in China?

16        T          ah in north part of china from the capital of Beijing

17        C          oh OK

18        T          yeah

19        C          OK

20        T          so what king of language do you spo speak

21        C          I speak um..Spanish its my native tongue and I speak English as my language and Portuguese

22        T          OK

23        C          what are your languages? what languages do you speak?

24        T          ah..I speak Chinese as native speaker

25        C          mandarin or Cantonese

26        T          mandarin mandarin . and also we studied English while we're in (log pause) ahm..  in the junior

27        C          OK

28        T          well actually from elementary school . (laughs) so it's long time

29        C          so you've been studying . how long have you been studying?

30        T          at least sixteen or seventeen years I'd say

31        C          OK

32        T          so what's your occupation?

33        C          um .. well I'm doing a masters of conference interpreting

34        T          right

35        C          and I work as a translator and a research assistant for university . what do you do for living?

36        T          ah..currently I'm just a student I'm studying master of interpreting and translation in UWS

37        C          OK

38        T          yeap

39        C          OK

40        T you have any pets. do you like pets?

41        C          pets? oh I love animals I have a cat

42        T          yeah

43        C          in Australia she's called princess and I have a dog

44        T          mhm

45        C          in Argentina

46        T          ah

47        C          how about you? do you have pets?

48        T          I'm actually I'm kind of pets person cuz I love them

49        C          really?

50        T          but unfortunately due to where I'm living right now it's just an apartment so.

51        C          where do you live?

52        T          I live in the .ah. student residence?

53        C          here at . ?

54        T          no not here from my.. previous first degree university

55        C          oh OK

56        T          so I don't think I'm supposed to . you know have pets there so..I don't have one

57        C          OK too bad

58        T          OK so what's your hobbies?

59        C          oh well I like going out with friends and listening to music and working and studying I really enjoy what I do . ah . what do you do in your free time?

60        T          ah I like travelling

61        C          travelling? yeah I love

62        T          travelling definitely and actually I also enjoy jogging on the beach

63        C          yeah

64        T          since Australia has such wonderful beaches

65        C          yeah . so have you travelled um. around Australia?

66        T          ah around Australia not too much actually

67        C          where have you been?

68        T          cuz I'm so busy with study here

69        C          yeah

70        T          but I . back to China I do a lot of travellings

71        C          nice that's nice

72        T          mhm so what is your favourite food?

73        C          well I love past . pizza but I also like vegetables salad .

74        T          mm

75        C          what's your favourite food?

76        T          oh . I love pasta as well

77        C          yeah

78        T          and I also like spaghetti also I like Chinese noodles as well

79        C          yeah what's your favourite

80        T          cuz you eat with soup you know

81        C          oh OK yeah so what's your favourite Chinese

82        T          oh favourite Chinese food . ah . did you . er..have you ever heard Peking Duck? (haha)

83        C          yeah

84        T          that's the first . my first list

85        C          ah..yeah I know I've tried it

86        T          oh really? here ?

87        C          no no no in Argentina

88        T          oh really? does it actually have the XXX

89        C          yeah yeah there's a huge Chinese community

90        T          oh really?

91        C          with nice restaurants

92        T          oh. so you actually think the Peking duck the taste is good?

93        C          yeah I like it

94        T          so you can XXX

95        C          it's different to western food

96        T          yeah I heard many people from western they also like

97        C          yeah it's nice . so thank you very much for that um . so when's your birthday?

98        T          birthday (laughs) is February twenty-three nineteen eighty-three

99        C          OK so what did you do for your last birthday? did you celebrate?

100      T          ah . last birthday ... let me think yeah .a a. I think I was on the tripped in a trip in to the island

101      C          Thailand

102      T          island

103      C          island

104      T          south island of china?

105      C          OK

106      T          we also got island there

107      C          yeah

108      T          you know I love island beaches and stuff like that

109      C          nice

110      T          I spent it with my family

111       C          OK

112      T          last birthday

113      C          cool

114      T          at island

115      C          how about last weekend? what did you do last weekend?

116      T          last weekend...let me think about it . oh  yes last weekend I actually went to see um. some beautiful housings in northern Sydney

117      C          nice yeah

118      T          yes actually

119      C          big houses

120      T          yes actually through last weekend my visiting . I suddenly realised there're actually more fantastic views at Sydney you know you don't actually find them on the maps

121      C          mm

122      T          cuz they don't normally show them but there was actually a lot of very nice

123      C          like nice suburbs?

124      T          and natural things and..

125      C          like nice suburbs?

126      T          nice suburbs

127      C          yeah

128      T          yes definitely . I think there may be reserved . by the ..neighboured or something so they don't normally have the icons on the maps

129      C          on the maps like the tourist maps?

130      T          yes you know

131      C          yeah probably

132      T          no you can't find them .. I just found them accidentally

133      C          yeah yeah I had a look around last months . and it pretty nice houses, hey?

134      T          yeah yes

135      C          so

136      T          with the views

137      C          yeah very nice . um . so let's try to remember last summer

138      T          mhm

139      C          do you remember what you did?

140      T          last summer I went back to Beijing

141      C          OK

142      T          yes . um.

143      C          what did you do there?

144      T          um . actually every time cuz an . I I visit back normally

145      C          yeah

146      T          every year you know at least twice every year 

147      C          oh that's oh

148      T          do you think a lot?

149      C          it is cool cuz not not many

150      T          really?

151      C          people have the opportunity to go back twice to their home country

152      T          really XX my friends say..XX

153      C          yeah at least the people I know of . maybe china is closer but with south Americans..its a long..

154      T          long flight? how many hours?

155      C          its like . a direct flight would be fourteen hours?

156      T          fourteen hours? oh not too bad we actually also cause twelve hours or something

157      C          oh OK

158      T          it's only for the direct flight otherwise

159      C          OK

160      T          you spent more time

161      C          OK

162      T         do the do the flight thing .  so ah . last summer . ..ah...since you know . you . oh sorry I have to like . clarify .cuz you know the Australian summer is actually totally opposite of the

163      C          I know I know

164      T          from the Chinese summer .as well .you're asking..

165      C          yeah what you did when you went back to china

166      T          oh OK sure ah cuz actually there was a time when I went back and it was really really hot

167      C          yeah

168      T          really really hot sometime so it was kind of difficult for me to . you know go out side too much and too often

169      C          yeah

170      T          so I rather than spending time outside so I prefer to spend time inside shopping mall  shopping centre

171      C          yeah

172      T          I did a lot of shoppings back then . cuz I love shopping

173      C          yeah

174      T          yeah and also as I said I went to island of southern part of china which called Hainan

175      C          yeah

176      T          yes and there is beautiful beautiful little city down there and also its a south . southern part of china

177      C          yeah

178      T          and it's called sanya

179      C          yeah

180      T          and I went there with my family and we did our trips and I saw many beautiful natural phenomenons

181      C          mhm

182      T          and I also ate a lot of seafoods

183      C          nice nice . interesting so how many people are there in your family?

184      T          oh we are just me and my parents

185      C          OK so can you tell me about . your  . mum?

186      T          um .sure . my mum working at . is working at the university . as well as my father

187      C          where?

188      T          ah . Beijing university

189      C          ahm. Beijing University

190      T          yeah they are working full-time

191      C          OK

192      T          so they are actually very very busy professional people

193      C          yeah

194      T          yeah but since I'm back

195      C          yeah

196      T          I ask them to have a little holiday

197      C          yeah

198      T          during the summer time you know we do there at university

199      C          so can you tell me the routine the routine of your father would be? for example what he does when . a typical day?

200      T          well since he's a professor of the university so he has very very large amount of work to do

201      C          like well but for example from the beginning of the day till the end of day their routine

202      T          oh OK yeah

203      C          can you describe that for me please?

204      T          so normally during the week days

205      C          yeah

206      T          he wake up early

207      C          mhm

208      T          and ah actually he eats breakfast and he drive to the school and he needs to a lot of preparation for teaching?

209      C          yeah

210      T          cuz he's got a lots of students cuz he has lots of students and he is also a leader of a research group

211      C          OK

212      T          so I think Im assume Im assuming to that cuz I didn't actually see . I assume he has many meetings

213      C          yeah

214      T          with other from other from other

215      C          yeah

216      T          group of the university or from outside.

217      C          mhm

218      T          and after that he come back for lunch

219      C          yeah

220      T          and..a

221      C          to your house?

222      T          yeah and spend a little bit time resting a little bit and go back to school and doing more ah lab works..

223      C          OK

224      T          with with his team work

225      C          mhm

226      T          with his team groups . and after that um.. he might spent some time to visit other universities

227      C          OK

228      T          to have some..ah . maybe attend forums there

229      C          OK

230      T          or maybe attend meetings or appointments with other professionals

231      C          OK

232      T          and that's pretty much . the during day time

233      C          OK

234      T          and after day time he come back home for the dinners

235      C          who cooks dinner at your home

236      T mother but sometimes he does it as well ..and sometimes I do hahaha

237      C          are you a good cook?

238      T          ah..not too bad (laughs)

239      C          (laughs)

240      T          XX and zen after we eating after we finish dinner sometime if we got more times and we would like to spend time on shopping

241      C          OK

242      T          . shopping a little bit

243      C          OK

244      T          for the upcoming weeks

245      C          OK

246      T          or weekend jogging

247      C          OK

248      T          or g g jogging or working

249      C          mhm . cool OK . so do you have a best friend?

250      T          oh you mean back to china? or

251      C          yeah wherever

252      T          ah OK sure yeah I do have some quite nice friends

253      C          mhm

254      T          and I find them very helpful

255      C          so what do you do...ah . is your friend here or is she in china?

256      T          I have friends here

257      C          OK

258      T          ah actually I met them all from my university

259      C          and they are Chinese also?

260      T          ah...they are Australian Chinese probably

261      C          OK

262      T          I should say

263      C          so they were born here

264      T          they were born here

265      C          from Chinese parents

266      T          aha yes

267      C          so what do you do with them?

268      T          actually I met through schools

269      C          yeah

270      T          we study together

271      C          yeah

272      T          we spend time together when we go out have fun

273      C          yeah

274      T          and also ..ah.. we are kind of like you know group study thing

275      C          OK that's good

276      T          yeah I find it very very helpful for my study

277      C          yeah

278      T          cuz if we have any questions in related to our school we can always exchange ideas with each others

279      C          definitely

280      T          I find it very very beneficial from my friendship and also um..they could show me very very nice thingy and they can ah show me around they can tell me some ..maybe little tips

281      C          yeah

282      T          .that local people knows

283      C          yeah so how long have you been living here in Sydney

284      T          around five years

285      C          five years? oh that's a long

286      T          I did my first degree at the university of Sydney and then I come to I came to the you dablryu es for my masters degree

287      C          that's cool OK that would be part one and now we would work on this. so I would like you to ask me yes no questions first

288      T          oh OK

289      C          and I will ask you back and then dablyu eich questions are just questions starting with what where who when how

290      T          oh OK

291      C          so let's start with

292      T          so first I ask yes no questions

293      C          yes no questions

294      T          so

295      C          OK so this this pictures have similarities and differences

296      T          mhm

297      C          so that's why we're gonna ask each other to see what they are

298      T          mhm

299      C          OK

300      T          are there any gray tall building at the back of your picture?

301      C          yes there are heaps of them . in my pictures how about yours?

302      T          yes the same here .ah. are there many cars driving between the buildings?

303      C          no there's there're no cars in my picture

304      T          oh really?

305      C          is there a car in your picture?

306      T          yes there are only two small cars here

307      C          OK what colour are they?

308      T          one is blue and one is yellow

309      C          OK

310      T          ah and actually there is one more . one more a blue truck trucks here

311      C          a truck?

312      T          yeah

313      C          OK

314      T          yes truck do you have many green trees in your picture?

315      C          yes there are five green trees in my picture how many are there in your picture?

316      T          only three . actually

317      C          OK

318      T is there a beautiful garden on your picture?

319      C          yes . it seems to be a park

320      T          mhm

321      C          so the grass is really green and nice

322      T          mm same here .

323      C          OK

324      T          um..are there kids playing in the park?

325      C          playing with what?

326      T          playing maybe with..playing with the water

327      C          yeah there's a one . young kid playing in the water .with some ducks in the water how many ducks are there in your picture?

328      T          um . there are five.. are there five ducks?

329      C          no no no there are four ducks in my picture

330      T          am also are there many . are there many teenagers hanging out there?

331      C          there are ...f....well there are four teenagers and two young ladies riding bicycles

332      T          mm

333      C          so tell me about your picture?

334      T          well actually I have got many teenagers in my picture

335      C          what are they doing?

336      T least one two three..there are six of them and the two girls one with purple shirt and one with red shirt

337      C          mhm

338      T          . they are they're riding a bike

339      C          mhm

340      T          and another girl with a red skirt she is working the dog..bes.bes. beside the pool ..ah

341      C          so how many how many dogs are there in your picture?

342      T          ah . (long pause).four

343      C          four dogs?

344      T          yes ..are there ...any dogs in your picture?

345      C          just one

346      T          OK

347      C          in my picture . what colour are those dogs?

348      T          there are one big black dog with one. but looks small and another one small black dog also there is one brown big dog

349      C          mhm

350      T          and one white and brown small dog

351      C          OK . OK so can you ask me um . dablyu eich questions now? please?

352      T          sure . ah so what is the ..boy with wear a hat is doing in the park?

353      C          can you say that again please?

354      T          ah what is the man who wears that hat . is doing in the park?

355      C          um . he's sitting on the bench reading a newspaper probably..

356      T          mm

357      C          do you have the same man?

358      T          yes I got the same man . so what is this guy wearing?

359      C          the man?

360      T          yes

361      C          he's wearing apparently a blue suit

362      T          mhm

363      C          and a black and blue hat

364      T          OK

365      C          OK

366      T          so its the same . we have I have the same picture here

367      C          OK

368      T          ah..yeah .s. what is the girl next to him doing there?

369      C my picture she's having a drink

370      T          mhm

371      C          there are two bottles next to her so probably she's having a drink

372      T          oh actually I have a girl here eating an ice-cream

373      C          oh really that's a difference

374      T          and she's wearing a yellow shirt

375      C          OK

376      T          and a red skirt

377      C          mhm

378      T          . what are the..what are the ...ahm...colours of the flowers do you have there in your picture?

379      C          ah ..all my flowers are pink and yellow

380      T          oh OK

381      C          how about your flowers?

382      T          ah

383      C          what colour are there

384      T          I also got small little

385      C          mhm

386      T          red flowers on the back of the tree

387      C          OK oh I have orange you're right I have some orange flowers there

388      T          orange yeah . and ah..

389      C          so what are the two teenagers doing on the right..

390      T          on the right side of

391      C          yeah...ah..the right the middle right

392      T          corner

393      C          yeah corner

394      T          yes there boy and a girl here they think playing with the ball here

395      C          what colour is the ball

396      T          the ball is very colourful (laughs) with yellow red and blue

397      C          OK

398      T

399      C          please..tell me tell me tell me

400      T          do you think . what is the boy on the right corner with the yellow hair is doing there?

401      C          I think they are playing with the ball . maybe they are playing volley ball or

402      T          oh OK I see

403      C          I think they are just playing with the ball

404      T          mhm

405      C          so are there any old ladies in your pictures?

406      T          yes ah ..

407      C          what are they doing?

408      T          here there are two middle age ladies they seems chatting here

409      C          OK

410      T          and one with a small hand bag and another one have two little dogs

411      C          OK

412      T          and they they both of them wearing hats

413      C          both dogs?

414      T          mm..both of the ladies

415      C          both ladies .

416      T          wear hats

417      C          OK so can you ask me questions starting with could you tell me...dadada

418      T          ah...could you tell me....ah...are there anybody . in the park are feeding the birds? haha

419      C          ah ..well I don't know maybe the young boy is feeding the ducks or .. but not really there's

420      T          oh sorry I mean the real birds

421      C          the real birds yeah

422      T          the flying ones

423      C          yeah I don't think they are feeding the birds are just there but no one is feeding them

424      T          oh OK ..could you tell me how many dogs do the girl wear red shi..wear wear wear the red skirt is working?

425      C          um...she's walking just one dog in my picture and it's a white dog

426      T          oh so it will be different here she's working with two dogs in my picture

427      C          OK OK OK

428      T          could you tell me many um..boys on the picture?

429      C          there are three young boys in my picture . how about your picture?

430      T          yeah same here .

431      C          OK

432      T          and another man looks mm.more... looks adult

433      C          adult ..OK

434      T          no not not the teenager adult..

435      C          OK OK well that's all for today thanks for coming.