RCE Australia

RCE Gippsland

RCE Gippsland is working to advance Gippsland as a region of interconnected and diverse sustainable communities who are empowered and resilient in the face of environmental challenges.

RCE Gippsland is currently working to:

  • Promote practices that educate for sustainability within formal and informal contexts
  • Enhance the long term goals of environmental stewardship and social justice in conjunction with economic realities
  • Advance cultural sensitivity that respects the knowledge of Gippsland past and present generations so that this knowledge can be passed to future generations in a respectful and valuable way
  • Encourage local storytelling that reflects intergenerational knowledge in and across all Gippsland communities

Find out more by visiting RCE Gippsland (opens in a new window) webpage.

RCE Murray-Darling

The Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) Murray-Darling's is a new RCE in Australia. Their vision is to establish a consortium of key regional stakeholders within and across Murray-Darling communities that will support and promote sustainable development through the integration of research, education and community engagement initiatives. This RCE can be distinguished by its:

  • Clear geographical focus on the Murray-Darling Basin
  • Specific focus of activity and initiatives on the goal of sustainable development
  • Unique strategic approach that integrates research, education, training and community engagement projects and collaborations
Find out more by visiting RCE Murrary-Darling (opens in a new window) website.

RCE Tasmania

RCE Tasmania is a network of organisations that aims to promote and develop education for sustainability in Tasmania. Tasmania has a rich cultural and natural heritage with up to 45% of Tasmania's environment protected, however it faces sustainability challenges associated with its remoteness (it has the most regional and dispersed population in the country), its weak economy historically relying on extraction activities (e.g., whaling, old growth forest logging, hydro-electric dams and mining), and its high levels of socioeconomic disadvantage. RCE Tasmania is working to:

  1. Implement innovative and effective approaches to address needs related to understanding sustainability within all components of the community;
  2. Establish an ESD training system for teachers to integrate sustainable development themes in the curriculum;
  3. Ensure the next Tasmanian generation is learning the values, skills and knowledge necessary to secure a sustainable Tasmania; and
  4. Become a leader in the incubation of learning, innovation, research and action for a sustainable, resilient future that shares these learnings globally.

Find out more by visiting RCE Tasmania (opens in a new window) website.


The RCE WA: 'Sense of Place' Network is bringing together educators, designers, business and the corporate sector, cultural practitioners, researchers, scientists, engineers, policy-makers and young people from across Western Australia, to provide a framework for strategic thinking and action on sustainability, stewardship of the region's natural capital and global citizenship. Their efforts include:
  • Developing an innovative programme for education at all levels engaging with all forms of delivery systems
  • Providing a framework for strategic thinking and actions and an opportunity to share knowledge
  • Helping to transform education to meet the needs and drivers of twenty-first century practices
  • Creating the opportunity for every school student to experience a learning environment beyond the classroom as an essential part of their personal development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances
  • Helping to increase access to education for all young people