Global RCE Network

RCE - A Worldwide Network

An RCE is a network of existing formal, non-formal and informal education organisations, mobilised to deliver Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) outcomes to local and regional communities. To date over 150 RCE's have been endorsed globally and constitute a Global Learning Space for Sustainable Development

The global RCE network is coordinated and delivered through the United Nations University and aspired to achieve the goals of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD, 2005 - 2014). The Global Action Programme (GAP) (opens in a new window) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is the follow-up to the DESD which seeks to generate and scale up concrete actions in ESD. The focus is now to contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (opens in a new window).

Core Elements of an RCE

  • Governance - addressing issues of RCE management and leadership
  • Collaboration - addressing the engagement of actors from all levels of formal, non-formal and informal education
  • Research and development - addressing the role of research and its inclusion in RCE activities, as well as contributing to the design of strategies for collaborative activities, including those with other RCEs
  • Transformative education - contributing to the transformation of the current education and training systems to satisfy ambitions of the region regarding sustainable living and livelihood

RCE Mission

RCE's think globally but act locally. With their official links to UN agencies, formal education institutions, and informal educators worldwide, RCEs are the best keepers of knowledge about sustainability challenges in their home regions. The RCE network brings together multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary members who might not usually work together. As such, they are uniquely placed to help create solutions to these challenges through dialogue, education, and learning. RCEs ensure that the many facets of sustainable development have a place in primary, secondary, and tertiary education and research, as well as in informal learning spaces. Through these efforts, RCEs help prepare local leaders of tomorrow with the tools and information they need to make smart and sustainable choices for the future. RCE efforts encourage innovation and new approaches to sustainable development. They translate existing knowledge into concrete actions and empower individuals to make sustainable choices for themselves and their communities. The success each RCE achieves on the local level is brought to scale through the global RCE Network of more than 160 RCEs worldwide. Local knowledge, expertise, and best practices are shared globally through the network and are able to be adapted and applied successfully in other regions. RCEs also play a central role in the transfer of global technologies, knowledge, and experiences at the local level through their programs and activities.

Find out more by visiting the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (opens in a new window) website.