InPlace - Respond to an opportunity interview

After you’ve applied or registered for an opportunity, your application goes through a review process, which may require you to attend interviews. If you receive an offer for an interview with an agency, the offer appears as a notification and a To Do item for your response. Your application status also changes to Interview.

To Do list - interview task


1. If you receive an interview offer in your To Do list, open the item.

2. Read the interview details carefully.

3. Use the buttons at the bottom of the page to accept or decline the interview.

Interview offer screen

4. The interview (pending your response) appears in your InPlace calendar as an engagement, and will remain in the calendar if you choose to accept the interview. Hover your mouse over the interview to view more details in a tooltip.

Interview added to InPlace Calendar

5. If you decline the interview, it will be removed from your To Do list and both the interview as well as your application for the opportunity will be considered declined.