University ESOS Advisory Group

The formation of the ESOS Advisory Group (EAG) was one of the recommendations of the University's Audit and Risk Assessment Unit's 2010 review of ESOS compliance monitoring at the University.

The EAG brings together the various Units and Schools that participate in the delivery of education services for overseas students at Western Sydney University and its partners. The EAG meets 2-3 times a year, meetings are chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President, Research, Enterprise and International (DVCREI).

The Group’s principal functions are:

  • Ongoing monitoring of ESOS compliance
  • Annual review of ESOS compliance
  • Make recommendations for policy and procedure updates
  • Facilitate the institutional stakeholders’ shared responsibility for ESOS compliance
  • Reporting
  • Communication and training

For more information, please contact Western Sydney International at WesternNow.