Intelligent Infrastructure Engineering

IIE research group aims to develop innovative and sustainable solutions for overarching design, construction and maintenance of civil infrastructure using the latest technologies. An intelligent and well-maintained infrastructure network is the core of growth and prosperity of Australia and in particular the Western Sydney Region, the fastest growing region in Australia. IIE research group is capable and fully committed to achieving this goal.


  • Resilient Structures:

Structural systems – Including steel, concrete, composite, and timber structures, laboratory prototype testing with due regard to government regulations.

Structural control – including wind and earthquake engineering.

Fire engineering – Modelling and physical testing.

Civil infrastructure asset management and health monitoring – Including damage detection, structural durability and heritage conservation, using artificial intelligence, digital twin and building information modelling

  • Sustainable Materials:

Low Carbon Technologies - including life-cycle assessment, waste management, clean energy, Net-zero construction technologies.

Circular Economy – Cradle to grave, recycle, reuse, repurpose.

  • Modern Technologies:

Information technology in construction – including block chain technology, prefabrication, off-site manufacturing, sustainable construction, and circular economy.

Autonomous systems and emerging technologies – including robotics in mining applications, robotics in manufacturing, substructure and confined spaces, drones, and laser scanning.

Selected Projects

National Facility for Physical Fire Simulation
Chief Investigators: Zhong Tao, Sarah Zhang, Bijan Samali

Funded by Australian Research Council (ARC) LIEF Project

(LE220100030), 2022-2023, $1,213,351

Resilient Intelligent Infrastructure Systems
Chief Investigator: Bijan Samali

Funded by ARC through the Industrial Transformation Research Hub (led by UNSW) IH210100048, 2022 - 2026, $850,000

Dynamic behaviour of macro-synthetic fibre reinforced concrete railway sleepers

Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Olivia Mirza (led by UOW)

Funded by ARC Training Centre for Advanced Technologies in Rail Track Infrastructure
(IC170100006), 2017-2023, $3.92 millions

Maximising the Use of Waste Glass in Sustainable Composite Columns
Chief Investigators: Zhong Tao

Funded by Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project
(DP220100036), 2022-2024, $450,000

Development of high-performance volumetric modular system and energy harvesting

Chief Investigator: Pejman Sharafi, Maria Rashidi, Kamyar Kildashti
Funded by Infratech Industries
2022-2025, $1,040,000

Digital twin of reinforced concrete bridges for intelligent asset management

Chief Investigator: Maria Rashidi, Bijan Samali
Funded by SmartCrete CRC

2021-2023 $181,096