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Acupuncture during IVF doesn’t increase chances of having a baby

Acupuncture has become a frequently used treatment prior to and during in-vitro fertilisation (IVF).

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Pushing casual sport to the margins threatens cities’ social cohesion

Park soccer, social cricket and street basketball bring the public spaces of our cities to life.

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Pregnant women are at increased risk of domestic violence in all cultural groups

Domestic violence occurs across all age groups and life stages. Rather than reducing during pregnancy, expecting a child is a key risk factor for domestic violence beginning or escalating.

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Mind-bending drugs and devices: can they make us smarter?

Demand for drugs and devices that can enhance brain functions such as memory, creativity, attention and intelligence, is on the rise. But could the long-term side-effects outweigh the benefits of being “smarter”?

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Cannabis and psychosis: what is the link and who is at risk?

There has been a recent global rise in “green fever”, with various jurisdictions either decriminalising or legalising cannabis.

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Being a property investor or house hunter makes Sydneysiders more supportive of foreign investment

Property investors are more likely to support foreign investment in the property market than people without such investments, we have found in a survey of Sydneysiders’ views about foreign real estate investment.

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Why you should talk to your children about Cambridge Analytica

Former Cambridge Analytica employee Christopher Wylie blew the whistle last month.

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The Conversation: Israel Folau’s comments remind us homophobia and transphobia are ever present in Australian sport

Homophobia and transphobia are becoming a regular fixture in the Australian sporting calendar.

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