Elections Request Form


The Office of Governance Services (OGS) conducts Elections in accordance with the Western Sydney University (Governance) Rule, Academic Governance Policy and the Elections Policy.

The OGS will hold an Election to fill a casual vacancy or a vacancy that occurs or is due to occur when the current incumbent's term of office expires.

For non elected positions on Committees the OGS may be able to hold an Expression of Interest.


To fill a vacancy, other than a casual vacancy, please advise OGS no sooner than 4 months and no later than 1 month before the current incumbent’s term of office is due to expire. To fill a casual vacancy please notify OGS as soon as practicable before or after the casual vacancy occurs.


After a call for nominations, if more than one valid nomination is received the OGS will hold a ballot using BigPulse, third party preferential voting software.


(For listing on ballot)
Proposed Date for Position to be Filled
The OGS requires minimum three weeks notice

Please use your Western Sydney staff email address

Supporting documentation

Please submit the Terms of Reference for this Committee

Please include any additional documentation that you wish to have included with the Notice of Election. Please note that it is up to the discretion of the Returning Officer whether documentation is suitable for inclusion on the Elections website.

Please ensure you receive an automatically generated response confirming that your submission has been successfully lodged.