Dr Timothy Stait-Gardner

Dr Timothy Stait-Gardner

National Imaging Facility Fellow
  • BSc (Honours, Class 1) with major in Physics and sub major in Mathematics
  • PhD, Theoretical Physics (Western Sydney University).
Contact DetailsDr Tim Stait-Gardner
Nanoscale Organisation and Dynamics Group
School of Science
Campbelltown Campus - Building 21.1.33
Western Sydney University
Penrith South NSW 2751
E-mail: t.stait-gardner@westernsydney.edu.au
Phone: [+61 2] 4620 3216


Dr Stait-Gardner is the Facility Fellow at the Western Sydney University node of the National Imaging Facility (opens in a new window) where he oversees external use of the 11.7T MRI, 7T Animal MRI and the Quantum GX microCT located at Western Sydney University's Campbelltown campus. He also conducts his own research in NMR diffusometry which includes theoretical simulation and pulse sequence design and is interested in speeding up diffusion measurements significantly while still retaining other information such as chemical shifts. Such fast diffusion sequences will not only allow for much more efficient use of NMR spectrometers but will also extend the application of diffusion measurements into previously inaccessible time domains.

For the past five years he has been involved in collaborations with the University of Sydney (USyd), University of New South Wales (UNSW), Charles Stuart University (CSU), Australian National University (ANU), University of Queensland (UQ), University of New England, CSIRO, Liverpool Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital and the Royal North Shore Hospital.


T.Stait-Gardner publications (PDF, 371.79 KB) (opens in a new window)
National Imaging Facility Publications (opens in a new window)

These are an example of scanned images produced at Western Sydney University on the PerkinElmer microCT and the Bruker spectrometers in the Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Facility.