Chinnu Jose

NAME: Chinnu Jose
DESTINATION: University Scholars Leadership Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand
COURSE: Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws

Two words stood out to me most from the 2018 University Scholars Leadership Symposium: HUMILITY and GRATITUDE.

To Geraldine Cox, David Begbie, John Wood and all presenters: thank you for teaching me the importance of the simple things in life such a mother's love. Thank you for empowering and inspiring a whole generation. But most of all, thank you for giving us hope.

To the students I had the privilege to visit: thank you for making me feel ever so happy and joyful. Even though these kids had little material wealth, the happiness that radiated from their faces made them more wealthy than the billionaires of this world. My heart and soul was full after visiting this school. For a whole day these students made me forget about the notifications on my phone as I made memories that no amount of likes on Instagram will suffice for. Even though neither of us spoke the same language, we communicated for the whole day - language has no barrier when we're speaking from our hearts!

To my fellow delegates: I can’t put into words just how I felt sitting in a room of over a 1000 people who were just as passionate about resolving the issues in this world. All I can say is thank you to each and every one of you for making me believe that together we can achieve world peace and make this world different! As Geraldine said: "find that button to press, that makes you know you're alive."

Thank you to the United Nations, Humanitarian Affairs Thailand and The Academy of Western Sydney University for once again empowering a whole generation of learners. From this experience, I am now committed to making this world different through my actions. The learning and the connections made will guide towards a path of helping ensure quality education and equality in this world. Here's to thinking globally and acting locally!