Curriculum Scholars Network

Want to see what developing and designing a 21C Flagship Specialisation (Submajor) is all about?
The next Curriculum Scholars Network Meeting (CSN) is your chance to get immersed in multidisciplinary curriculum development. Explore the different curriculum scenarios affecting students' successful engagement with the future of work and society via the development of a new 21C Specialisation.

EVENT: September CSN - Designing a 21C Specialisation in Social Technology.
DATE: Thursday, 13 September 2018, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (with lunch at 12:30)

The Social Technology Submajor aims to enable students to ethically and meaningfully respond to the demands, opportunities, and risks inherent in a digital era. Join us as Dr Jenna Condie and Dan Perrell faciliatate this interactive session. Come and influence the development and design of this new submajor. We welcome collaboration and insight from staff, community leaders, organisations, students and alumni to shape this new curriculum. Please invite interested colleagues.