Fusion: An Ashcroft High Art Exhibition

Event Name
Fusion: An Ashcroft High Art Exhibition
23 March 2017
Bankstown Campus

Address (Room): Foyer, Building 23, Bullecourt Avenue, Milperra


"Fusion" represents how students from Ashcroft High School explore and contemplate the world around them. Focusing on innovative and creative practices, students from Year 7 to Year 12 have been inspired by experiences, adventure, still life, landscapes, self-exploration and family. From drawing and painting to collagraphs, sculpture and mixed media, this fusion of creativity examines how one responds to their world.

Web page: http://virtualtours.westernsydney.edu.au/margothardygallery/Fusion

Name: Monica McMahon


Phone: 46203450

School / Department: Art Collection Department