Waste and Recycling 2020

Ten year trend (2010 TO 2020)

From 2010 to 2020, total waste across all campuses has reduced by 70%. The impact of COVID-19 in 2020 caused reduction in waste generation due to temporary campus closures.

Waste ten year overviewIn the ten-year period overall waste generation decreased 70%, materials sent to landfill decreased by 96% and separation and diversion (recycling) of materials away from landfill increased by 78%

Waste ten year trend

Total annual waste, diversion and landfill (tonnes)


2020 proved to be a year of anomalies across all our campuses, with closures and decrease in usage resulting in waste reductions across the board.  While this year may not provide a true reflection on our waste habits it is still worth reviewing as a lesson learnt exercise.

In 2020, waste generated at Western totalled 653 tonnes.577 tonnes (88%) was diverted from landfill and included co-mingle containers, cardboard and paper.

Waste 2020 breakdown and campuses