Conflicts of Interests for general University staff members

Western Sydney University has implemented a framework for the identification, declaration, and management of conflicts of interests for University employees. This is detailed in the University’s Conflicts of Interest Policy, Conflicts of Interest Proceduresand Conflicts of Interest Guidelines.

The University is committed to conducting its business and delivering higher education and research in a fair, transparent, accountable, and impartial manner that ensures public trust and confidence. A conflicts of interest framework ensures it meets that commitment.


The University requires all University staff to keep conflicts of interest on their “RADAR”. What this means is that all staff must abide by the following process when managing conflicts of interest:

  1. “R”estricting conflicts of interest arising by acting ethically at all times, with openness and fairness, and to proactively safeguard the performance of their official duties and responsibilities as University staff against conflicts of interest.
  2. “A”wareness of the types of conflicts of interest that are likely to arise within their areas of responsibility and operation, including identifying any significant or sensitive projects in their area.
  3. “D”eclaring conflicts of interests to your manager/supervisor.
  4. “A”ssessing conflicts of interests in conjunction with your manager as to the types of strategies to mitigate/manage the conflict.
  5. “R”ecording conflicts of interests details on the Conflicts of Interest Register (see below).

Conflicts of Interest infographic

Please click on the diagram to enlarge image.

Register for Continual Disclosure

The University maintains a Conflict of Interest Register for staff (including contractors and AMIS account holders) to record the continual disclosure and management of any potential, actual, or perceived conflicts of interests that pertain to the everyday duties of their substantive role*.  The Register can also be used for nil interest declarations if required by a project or working group.

*For duties that pertain to activities managed by another operating area other than your direct manager, such as procurement/tender, recruitment, committee membership e.g. research committees, Chief and Principal Investigators for all currently developing and future Australian Research Council submissions, College of Experts research members etc, please continue to defer to the processes mandated by the managing area(s).


Training on the key elements and process of declaring and managing conflicts of interests is available via MyCareer Online. Other University representatives who engage in University business but may not necessarily be a ‘staff member’, such as researchers, contractors, and entity staff who do not have access to MyCareer, can complete the training via vUWS.

There are also:

  • Hard copy training materials on how to use the Register; and
  • An Information Factsheet is available to download, which answers the most frequently asked questions as it relates to completing declarations on the Register.

Board, Board Committees, and Entities

The Office of Governance Services manages, on a separate register, the disclosure and recording of conflicts of interests/material interests relating to the following:

  • Board of Trustees
  • Board Executive Committee
  • Audit and Risk Committee
  • Finance and Investment Committee
  • University Infrastructure Committee
  • Western Growth Developments (Innovation Hub) Pty Ltd
  • Western Growth Developments (Westmead) Pty Ltd
  • Western Sydney University Early Learning Ltd
  • Western Sydney University Enterprises Board
  • Whitlam

Please visit the Office of Governance Services material interests webpage for more information.