60 seconds with Catherine Attard

Catherine Attard profile pictureCatherine Attard lectures in primary mathematics education. "At the moment I'm teaching a new online graduate certificate (Grad Cert in Primary Mathematics Education), which I designed with the purpose of developing 'expert' teachers of mathematics in primary schools," she says. "I also teach in the Master of Teaching (Primary) program."

Catherine is also Director of the Education Knowledge Network (EKN) in the School of Education. EKN is an entity that provides professional development for practicing teachers and is a great way to engage the School of Education with the professional teaching community.

Catherine is also an active researcher and is currently involved in a funded project through Financial Literacy Australia that is exploring the use of financial literacy education as a tool to engage children with mathematics.

Catherine was also recently announced as one of the University's Distinguished Teaching Fellows.

How long have you worked at the University and what's the best thing about working here?
I've worked at Western Sydney University for almost eight years. Prior to that, I was a student here, completing a Bachelor of Education, Master of Education and PhD. The best thing about working here is that there are so many opportunities. I also think there are great people here at Western Sydney University, and I'm very proud and privileged to be working here.

Which campus are you based on?
I'm based at Kingswood campus.

What is your favourite place on one of our campuses?
I love the gardens, particularly at Bankstown campus – they give a strong message of pride to our students. I also love the new teaching spaces that promote collaboration and more flexible learning opportunities.

When you're not at work, what will we find you doing?
Relaxing with my family, eating out, shopping…

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I didn't really have a clear goal when I was a child – I was a late bloomer and didn't get into my current career in education until I had had three children.

What was your first job?
My first job was at the Bank of New South Wales as a teller.

What has been your greatest success?
I think getting a PhD has been my greatest success – it's opened so many doors and has provided so many great career opportunities.

If you could go to just one country in the world for a vacation, which country would it be?
I would go to Italy and spend some time in Florence – I love the history, the art, the people, the food, and the shopping (of course)!

What is your favourite book, movie and/or album?
I don't have one favourite of anything! There are too many good books/movies/albums. I do enjoy a great TV series…Game of Thrones, Vikings etc.

If you could invite anyone to dinner who would it be?
That's a really difficult question…