Effective meetings

Well-run meetings can create a sense of involvement, providing opportunities to share ideas, solve problems and make decisions.

Tips for meeting organisers:

  • Consider whether the meeting is necessary or if alternative communication channels could be used.
  • Ensure there is a clear aim/purpose for the meeting.
  • Invite only the relevant people to attend the meeting.
  • Circulate an agenda and any background material to participants prior to the meeting.
  • Start on time and end on time.
  • Ask participants to briefly introduce themselves if the majority have not met one another.
  • Stick to the agenda.
  • Give all participants the opportunity to speak.
  • Acknowledge issues but encourage participates to come up with solutions.
  • Thank participants for their time and input.
  • Record the decisions, outcomes and required actions from the meeting and follow up any action items.

Tips for meeting participants:

  • Reply promptly to meeting invitations.
  • Nominate a representative to attend on your behalf if you are unable to attend.
  • Prepare for the meeting by reading the agenda and any background material.
  • Arrive at the meeting on time and plan to attend the entire meeting if at all possible.
  • Switch off your mobile phone or Blackberry, or set it to silent mode.
  • Stay focused on the topic of discussion.
  • Listen to other participants and avoid interrupting.
  • Respect the opinion of others.
  • Ask a question if you need clarification.
  • Complete any action items assigned to you promptly.
  • Keep confidential information confidential.