Digital screen advertisement

There are a number of digital screens on campus that can be used to advertise University programs, services and initiatives to students and staff.

Advertisements can be displayed on specific campuses or all campuses.


  • Advertisements must be relevant and of interest to a large proportion of students and/or staff and relate to an overall program or campaign rather than an individual event
  • Preference is given to publishing advertisements that contribute towards equitable representation from different areas of the University
  • Requests for digital screen advertisements should be submitted at least three weeks before the requested publishing date to allow time for design, approval and uploading
  • Internal Communications will assist with developing advertisement messages or editing and approving draft messages
  • Advertisements must comply with Western Sydney University Visual Identity Guidelines
  • Advertisements must be designed by iMedia and Design (Student Communications will coordinate this)
  • Digital screens are often viewed from a distance and only for a short period of before rotation. For this reason, text on the ad should be brief and a short URL should be provided to point to more information

Request a digital screen advertisement

Submit a digital screen advertisement request.


For more information about digital screen advertisements, contact Student Communications at