Landing page thumbnail

Landing page thumbnails are found below the banners on the staff (opens in a new window) and student (opens in a new window) landing pages. These thumbnails contain an image and a short line of text, and are linked to a University webpage.


All landing page thumbnail designs must comply with the Western Sydney University Visual Identity Guidelines. For this reason it is strongly recommended that staff submit a Web Request form (opens in a new window).

The artwork for these buttons should have little text, or simply be an image, as a heading and short blurb will be published underneath the artwork. 

Requests for landing page thumbnails must be submitted at least four weeks before the requested publishing date to provide time for it to be designed, approved and scheduled.

Landing page thumbnails can be displayed for up to two weeks. Requests for additional time will be reviewed and approved based on current scheduling demands.

Request a landing page button

Please submit a Web Request form (opens in a new window). On this form, you can select the page you want the thumbnail to be appear on, along with the dates for publishing and requirements for the artwork and text to be displayed.

Once submitted, a member of the Web Services Unit will contact you regarding your request.

For more information about staff and student landing page thumbnails, contact your Web Services Unit representative (opens in new window) .