Roundtable: Young People, Age Verification and Online Privacy

Join our Q&A with young people and experts about the age and identity verification implications of Australia’s Online Privacy Bill.

The Australian government is proposing changes to existing privacy laws in Australia that will affect the control young people have over their data and privacy on online platforms and, therefore, potentially how they engage with technology and the internet.

This roundtable event will be an opportunity to listen to the views of young people and the organisations that advocate for them about online privacy issues and to critically reflect on the needs of young people using digital services.

The event will open with a briefing from the Attorney General’s Department on proposed changes to the current legislation.

A panel of young people will share their views on how the proposal will impact their needs, rights and capacity to realise their aspirations.

A range of other experts will also reflect on how to appropriately balance young people’s protection and participation online, as the Government seeks to update privacy legislation for the digital age.

Please register via this EventBrite page to receive the Zoom details to attend the event. [page link: Young people, age verification and online privacy Tickets, Tue 14/12/2021 at 10:00 am | Eventbrite]

For your interest, please find the link to the drafted ‘Online Privacy Bill’, along with other relevant consultation documents here. [Link here:]

If you have any questions, please contact Lyndall at