Our Approach


We believe in the importance of co-research and co-design, and empowering our partners with tools and evidence to make positive changes for young people and their communities. We’ve worked with local NGOs in Western Sydney to co-design youth-serving programs, as well as international organisations such as UNICEF to include children’s voices in global policy-making forums.

We view our partnerships as mutually-enriching relationships – we are deeply committed to building capacity within our partner organisations through up-skilling, training and knowledge exchange. At the same time, our partners enrich our work by ensuring our research resonates with industry and community experience, and has real-world impact.

Our approach to partnership is unique, and we challenge conventional ways of working in cross-sector collaboration. Our interdisciplinary and innovative methods can involve our partners at any stage of the research process – from defining the problem and co-designing the research agenda, to co-analysing data and co-authoring outputs, to supporting you to take forward the evidence and tools to implement in your work with young people and their communities.

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