Hardware modelling of Human Retina

Project Title

Hardware modelling of Human Retina

Project TimelineJune 2021 - December 2023
ResearchersDr Ali MehrabiProfessor André van Schaik

Project Synopsis

This project aims to give an understanding of how image is constructed at different layers of Retina OPL.

Project Details

This project involves the design and implementation of different temporal and spatial digital filters on an FPGA to model the different layers of the Human Retina OPL. Specifically, the project focuses on modelling the picture constructed at photo-receptor bipolar layer, horizontal cells, and ganglion cells, as well as the mechanism of auto contrast adjustments. The FPGA is used as the hardware platform for implementing these models.

The project requires a deep understanding of the biological mechanisms of the Human Retina OPL, as well as knowledge of digital signal processing techniques and FPGA design. The digital filters are designed to accurately model the temporal and spatial response of the different layers of the retina, allowing for the simulation of complex visual processes such as edge detection and contrast enhancement.

The implementation of these filters on the FPGA provides a hardware platform that can be used for real-time processing of visual data, which has important applications in fields such as robotics, autonomous systems, and image processing. Additionally, the project can provide insights into the workings of the Human Retina OPL, which can be used to develop new medical treatments for visual disorders.