The ESM Program

What is the ESM Program?

Enterprise Service Management (ESM) is an umbrella program which guides and enables the projects managing each of our service areas as they come into WesternNow.

This digital transformation journey will be undertaken with a staged and progressive approach, commencing with service delivery areas that are readily achievable and add significant value. To learn more about each service area coming into WesternNow, please see below.

Feedback and Contacts

In the ESM Program Team, we know that engagement and feedback will be the key to all of our successes and without your help, we know that we could not deliver WesternNow. Technology is about you.

So please get in touch with our feedback form below or contact one of our dedicated ESM Program Team members.

How is the ESM Program different from WesternNow?

The ESM program is how WesternNow will be delivered to you. WesternNow is how we access all of our services and knowledge through an easy-to-use portal in the future.

The ESM Program is being led and managed by the Office of Strategic Project Implementation and Improvement and Information Technology and Digital Services (ITDS). Due to the program being a strategic priority, the ESM Program is steered and advised by a senior executive Steering Committee.

Our intention is to extend the capability to all relevant areas in WSU as determined by the Steering Committee through our Program Governance Structure and Assurance Framework.

There are many partners, collaborating together to bring the best possible solutions for the ESM Program, and ultimately for our staff and students. Partners include Deloitte, ServiceNow and CSA, and internally, ITDS and the Student Management Systems (SMS) Program.