The Power of Community: Enhancing Dementia Research and Care Together

As part of Western’s Research Week, The MARCS Institute hosted a research workshop to harness the strength of the community to better understand dementia prevention and healthy ageing. The workshop comprised a mix of students, researchers, industry professionals, and members of the public.

Over 60 registrants received insight into the ongoing, exciting Western research projects supporting healthy ageing, from pre-clinical work to community outreach programs. Topics included the potential of Australian native plants as anti-inflammatory drugs, alternative therapeutics to support early intervention, working with diverse communities to understand their unique languages and cultures, and current public health campaigns supporting dementia risk reduction.

In terms of dementia care, we covered how meaningful conversations and conversation techniques can play a vital role for stimulating thinking and helping cognitive performance. Music was recognised for its therapeutic benefits in aged care, and best practice guidelines suggest integrating individual preferences into a support plan. Finally, we covered the importance of working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities to gain insights and promote brilliant end-of-life care.

Attendees’ voices were also included in an interactive session to identify three key priorities of prevention, cure, and care. Together we engaged in stimulating discussions on how we can provide support for caregivers, support diagnosis and post-diagnostic care, and helping people living with dementia stay at home longer.

Overall, the session was highly informative and enlightening. The commitment of researchers, caregivers, and communities to understanding, preventing, and improving the lives of those affected by dementia shows the dedication and progress in this field.