
Our vision is that every child has the right and the opportunity to thrive and learn in their mother tongue or learn a foreign language, strengthening their identity and vision of the world through their multilingual capacities.

More than 300 different languages are spoken in Australia; however, more community support is needed for children to speak their home (or heritage) language, or to learn a foreign language other than English. LMM bridges the gap by offering a flexible language exposure program adaptive to every language in the world. Our program is mainly designed for young learners aged 3-6 and is play-based.

The content of LMM is based on 6 principles:

  • LMM is available to every child regardless of their language background, geographical location, or the nature of a learning centre.
  • Children need a safe environment to learn and grow a sense of wellbeing.
  • Children become confident and involved learners through meaningful learning.
  • Children grow a sense of identity and achieve cultural, global, and environmental awareness.
  • A partnership needs to be created with families and educators.
  • LMM offers differentiation and flexibility in its learning sessions.

We aim to inspire communities and schools to transfer culture, history, and language to new generations. Children can learn about their background and the backgrounds from others. This is where inclusive education starts!