MRM & MAC - MARCS Research Meeting and MARCS Afternoon Colloquium 04 May 2021

Event Name MRM & MAC - MARCS Research Meeting and MARCS Afternoon Colloquium 04 May 2021
Start Date 4th May 2021 11:00 am
End Date 4th May 2021 1:00 pm
Duration 2 hours

Join us at the next MARCS Meeting as we host an MRM and MAC program with a talk from Dr Saeed Afshar, and invited guest Dr Heba Khamis

NOTE: Both sessions will take place via Zoom ID 839 6390 0819.

Password marcs


11am-12pm - MARCS Research Meeting

2350239.jpgTopic: Applications of Neuromorphic Processing
Speaker: Dr Saeed Afshar

Neuromorphic systems emulate biological nervous systems which have evolved under intense selection pressure for optimized speed, power efficiency, and precision in noisy dynamic environments. With the rise of smart mobile devices, these requirements are becoming ever more relevant to today's Engineers. In this talk, I will present my research on some of the applications of Neuromorphic Engineering which tackles this problem space.

12pm-1pm – MARCS Afternoon Colloquium

2350244.jpgTopic: Tactile sensing – an enabler for autonomous
robotic gripping
Speaker: Dr Heba Khamis

Have you ever tried to tie your shoelaces when your fingers are numb from the cold? A task that you have performed countless times before is rendered almost impossible due to a lack of tactile feedback. Our extraordinary sense of touch enables our dexterity. Robots are currently lacking such tactile feedback and as such have very limited capabilities with respect to manipulation. In this talk, we will discuss just what makes human touch so powerful, how we can build artificial tactile sensors that emulate the human sense of touch and we will demonstrate the utility of such sensors when integrated into robotic gripping systems to enable them to pick up and manipulate unknown objects by applying the optimal grip forces which are determined in real-time.

Also, there will be a MARCS All staff lunch at both Bankstown and Werrington campuses after the MRM and MAC next week. Kindly RSVP on the email invites you have received


We thank you for your continued attendance at the MRM's and look forward to seeing you again.
MARCS staff and students are reminded that all meetings and workshops have an important role in building and maintaining the sense of community which is central to the success of MARCS as a cooperative and energetic research institute.  Your attendance is both welcomed and expected.

The zoom ID is: 839 6390 0819

Link to zoom