MMM & MAC - MARCS Monday Meeting and MARCS Afternoon Colloquium 12 October 2020

Event Name MMM & MAC - MARCS Monday Meeting and MARCS Afternoon Colloquium 12 October 2020
Start Date 12th Oct 2020 12:00 pm
End Date 12th Oct 2020 2:00 pm
Duration 2 hours

Join us at the next MMM & MAC. Starting with Dr Jodie Narayan on budget writing for DECRAS. Followed by Dr Tijl Grootswagers on artificially generated hyperrealistic images and how we percieve them.

NOTE: Both sessions will take place via Zoom ID 986 9057 6845.


12pm - MARCS Monday Meeting

Topic: Budget writing for your grant including specific info on DECRAs
Speakers: Dr Jodie Narayan

Do you struggle with developing your research budgets and writing your justifications?

If you are applying for funding, you must say what you are planning to spend that funding on. More than that, you need to show how spending that money will help you to answer your research question.  Developing the budget is the perfect way to ensure you have planned your project thoroughly. A good budget shows the assessors that you have thought about your research in detail and, when done well, it can serve as a convincing overview of the project. Accompanying every budget is a budget justification. For each item in your budget, you need to answer two questions: Why do you need this money? And Where did you get your figures from? The budget justification links your budget to your project plan and back again.

Research Service’s Dr Jodie Narayan will be presenting budget writing tips and tricks for ARC schemes  (and for research projects in general),  so come along with your questions and get ready for the 2021 grant writing rounds! Suitable for postdocs, ECRs, MCRs and senior researchers alike.

1pm – MARCS Afternoon Colloquium

Topic: Can we still trust our eyes?
Speakers: Dr Tijl Grootswagers

Abstract: We rarely have to question whether what we see is indeed what exists in the world, but this is changing fast. Cutting-edge artificial neural networks are generating hyperrealistic images that challenge our perception of what is real. We investigated how humans deal with artificially generated images using behavioural and neuroimaging experiments. The results showed an unexpected dissociation between our brains and our behaviour in determining what is real and what is fake. Our findings have clear real-word implications, but in this talk I will also focus their theoretical value for neuroimaging methods in cognitive neuroscience.

We thank you for your continued attendance at the MMM's and look forward to seeing you again.
MARCS staff and students are reminded that all meetings and workshops have an important role in building and maintaining the sense of community which is central to the success of MARCS as a cooperative and energetic research institute.  Your attendance is both welcomed and expected.

The zoom ID is: 986 9057 6845 . Link to zoom