MARCS Monday Meeting - 20 April 2020 - Dr Ganesh Niak and Dr Alison Short

Event Name MARCS Monday Meeting - 20 April 2020 - Dr Ganesh Niak and Dr Alison Short
Start Date 20th Apr 2020 11:00 am
End Date 20th Apr 2020 12:00 pm
Duration 1 hour

!!! Please note, there is a new Zoom ID: 986 9057 6845 !!!

Title: Source Separation and Beyond – Application to Biomedical and health informatics
Speaker: Dr Ganesh Niak

One of the greatest challenges in neurophysiology and biomedical engineering is recording, localising and analysis of physiological signals from multiple sources in various areas of the body including the brain, heart and muscle activity. Advances here will lead to improved understanding of neural activity in mental illness, movement disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Developing novel source separation and localisations techniques in combination with pattern recognition and artificial intelligence methods are significant for biomedical diagnostics and monitoring. This talk presents applications of source separation and other relevant methods for Biomedical, sleep research and health informatics applications.

Title: Connecting the dots: Where can my research go?
Speaker: Dr Alison Short

This presentation explores knowledge development related to the new WSU Music and Health White Paper by overviewing the presenter’s unfolding research experiences and how it connects together. Research knowledge and experiences were gained initially from the discipline of professional music therapy and then expanded into non-music related health services research (10 years) in multiple contexts. This, in turn, influenced the innovative continuum model in the WSU White Paper. The presentation provides examples of how a range of research and clinical projects have unfolded and connected based on the continuum model across an extended period of time in a range of different contexts, leading to academic and research activities and associated impact. Current industry-linked projects such as 1) music and music therapy in fertility treatment and 2) the use of voice and music in music therapy practice, are outlined and explained, leading to suggestions of opportunities for further research.