MARCS Monday Meeting - 11 May 2020 - Presentation by WSU Library - Speakers Ria Hamblett and Karen Sheehy

Event Name MARCS Monday Meeting - 11 May 2020 - Presentation by WSU Library - Speakers Ria Hamblett and Karen Sheehy
Start Date 11th May 2020 11:00 am
End Date 11th May 2020 12:00 pm
Duration 1 hour

Join us for a presentation by WSU Library that outlines the importance of building an online presence across various media platforms and how these may further aid in driving the impact and connection of your research across a wider worldwide audience.

Zoom ID: 986 9057 6845

Topic: #GetNOTICED: Researcher profiles and online identity management

Speakers: Ria Hamblett is the Library’s Research Engagement Coordinator, Outreach.  She is responsible for supporting the School Librarians’ research related activities, as well as initiating University-wide research engagement and training opportunities.

Karen Sheehy is the Acting School librarian for the MARCS Institute and the School of Science, and designated library contact for research, publication and teaching support.

An up-to-date online presence is critical for researchers both personally and institutionally. It can lead to increased exposure, citation potential as well as new collaborations and opportunities.

This presentation is highly suited to Higher Degree Research trainees as well as researchers seeking to benefit from an increased online presence. It will discuss:

  • The impact of effective online researcher profiles
  • Assist you to set up an ORCiD and Google Scholar profile and understand how to manage them effectively
  • Discuss Research Gate vs vs LinkedIn
  • Provide practical advice on how to stand out from the crowd

The zoom ID is: 986 9057 6845. Link to zoom