About Us

The Urban Transformations Research Centre (UTRC) addresses one of the greatest challenges facing humankind: making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable (UN SDG11).

Complex change can only occur through a transdisciplinary, systematic approach to designing and delivering the future needs of Western Sydney and beyond.

The UTRC draws on expertise from across Western Sydney University, and within the community, to deliver outcomes based on exemplary demonstration of action-oriented research that will enable impact at scale. Our transdisciplinary teams transcend three interrelated Research and Innovation programs:

Systems Innovation and Demonstration

This program tackles the complex interconnected aspects of energy, water, transport, and resource systems. It draws on systems expertise from across the University, with an emphasis on life cycle and circular economy assessment, net zero analysis and urban metabolism modelling. The program contributes to net zero buildings and precincts by guiding the use of materials and their provenance towards reuse and recycling at scale.

People-centred Sustainable Precinct Design

This program focuses on the delivery of healthy, inclusive, and resilient urban places. It draws on the University’s interdisciplinary excellence, from geography and urban planning, culture and society, design thinking, health, and environmental sciences. The program contributes to effective integration of sustainable design principles into planning practices, and enabling the creation of sustainable development outcomes at scale.

Resilient Construction and Infrastructure

This program centres on developing safe and resilient infrastructure, with enhanced resilience to extreme weather and natural disasters. It draws on the University’s established strengths in the areas of construction sustainability, structural engineering, infrastructure safety, advanced engineering materials, advanced manufacturing, and construction management. The program contributes to improved and sustainable building materials and construction methods adopted at scale.

The Centre is led by Directors Professor Nicky Morrison and Professor Greg Morrison. The Centre is guided by an External Advisory Board of highly qualified, nationally respected, and passionate industry leaders chaired by Monica Richter. The UTRC also has other members at earlier stages in their research careers who work on impactful co-designed research outcomes, in collaboration with our industry and community partners. Find out about Our People.