
Digital Engagement Platform

Sustainability & Resilience 2030

Sustainability and Resilience 2030 is intended to be a living document that will provide overarching direction-setting for the University community but also encourage local actions to realise its ambitions.

This Engagement Platform is part of the strategy that will be implemented to actively connect Western Sydney University staff and students in an iterative process of meaning making and engagement with the Decadal Strategy.

Through a series of workshops and discussions led by the SRDS consultation group – Schools, Institutes and Divisions will be engaged to read the Decadal Strategy and identify achievements to date in their area that are relevant to the Strategic Actions identified under the nine Priority Statements as well as local initiatives and targets for the 5-year horizon.

The inputs into this form will capture work happening across multiple schools and portfolios to progressively determine our 5-year milestones. We welcome you to make submissions and contribute to our ever-evolving digital repository and record of our actions. 

Contact if you require assistance.