
2020 |2019 | 2018 |2017 |2016 |2015 |2014 |20132012201120102009


McWilliam A., R, Wasson, J. Rouwenhorst and A. Amaral 2020 ‘Disaster Risk Reduction, Modern science and Local Knowledge: perspectives from Timor-Leste’ International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR), 50: 1-10

McWilliam A. 2020 Review of Christopher Shepherd, Haunted Houses and Ghostly Encounters: Ethnography and Animism in East Timor 1860-1975, Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, Anthropos 115: 278-279.


Palmer L and  McWilliam A.R. 2019 ‘Spirit Ecologies and Customary Governance in Post-Conflict Timor-Leste’, Bijdragen Tot de Taal Land –en Volkenkunde (BKI)Vol 175(4) 474-505.

McWilliam A.R. and C. Ds. Monteiro 2019 ‘Fataluku Labor Migration and Transnational Care in Timor-Leste,’ Indonesia, No109 (1) 41-54.

McWilliam A.R. 2019 ‘Stone Archives and Fortified Histories in Timor-Leste,’ The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology (TAPJA), Vol 39(1) 247-260.

McWilliam A.R. 2019 ‘Nationalism at Scale: Between Rai Na’in and Rai Timor in Timor Leste’. Bulletin for the National Museum of Ethnology Vol 43(3) 301-315.


Ali, J. A. The Tabligh Jama’at and Islamic Revivalism in Fiji. Pacific Dynamics: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 2 (1): 12-20.

Counted, V., A. Possamai, C. McAuliffe and T. Meade. Attachment to Australia, attachment to God, and quality of life outcomes among African Christian diasporas in New South Wales: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Spirituality and Mental Health.

Counted, V., A. Possamai and T. Meade. Relational Spirituality and Quality of Life 2007 to 2017: An Integrative Research Review. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 16: 75.

Dagistanli, S., A. Possamai, B. Turner, M. Voyce and J. Roose. The limits of multiculturalism in Australia?: the Shari'a flogging case of R v. Raad, Fayed, Cifci and Coskun. The Sociological Review.

Cherney, A., Sweid, R., Grossman, M., Derbas, A., Dunn, K., Jones, C., Hartley, J. and Barton, G. Local service provision to counter violent extremism: perspectives, capabilities and challenges arising from an Australian service mapping project. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. 10 (3): 187 - 206.

Palmer L and A.R. McWilliam. Ambivalent Indigeneities in Independent Timor-Leste: Between customary and national governance of resources. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 59 (3).

Milani, M. and Adrahtas, V. Modern talking: Sufi socio-political discourse. Journal of Religious and Political Practice. 4 (2): 175 - 194.


Kamp, A., Alam, O., Blair, K. and Dunn, K. 'Australians' views on cultural diversity, nation and migration, 2015-16. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies. 9 (3): 61 - 84.

Ali, J. A. Shari’ah and the Role of Muslim Clergy in Australia. Journal of International Law and Islamic Law. 13 (1): 1-18.

Nelson, J. and Dunn, K. Neoliberal anti-racism: responding to 'everywhere but different' racism. Progress in Human Geography. 41 (1): 26 - 43.

Forrest, J., Lean, G. and Dunn, K. Attitudes of classroom teachers to cultural diversity and multicultural education in country New South Wales, Australia. The Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 42 (5): 17 - 34.

Atie, R., Dunn, K. and Ozalp, M. Religiosity, attitudes on diversity and belonging among ordinary Australian Muslims. Australian Journal of Islamic Studies. 2 (1).

Itaoui, R. and Dunn, K. Media pepresentations of racism and spatial mobility: young Muslim (un)belonging in a post-Cronulla riot Sutherland. Journal of Intercultural Studies. 38 (3): 315 - 332.

Storm, L., Drinkwater, K. and Jinks, A. A question of belief : an analysis of item content in paranormal belief questionnaires. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 31 (2): 187 - 230.

Possamai, A. Post-Secularism in Multiple Modernities. Journal of Sociology. 53 (4): 822-835.

Possamai, A., S. Dagistanli, B. and M. Voyce. Shari’a in Everyday life in Sydney: an Analysis of Legal Professionals working with Muslims. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion. 30 (2) :109-128.

Giordan, G. and A. Possamai. Mastering the devil: A sociological analysis of the practice of a Catholic exorcist. Current Sociology. 63 (4): 444-460.

Possamai, A., Cheng, J., Lathion, S. and Voyce, M. Representations of Sharia in three global cities : Sydney, New York and Geneva 2008-2013. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations. 28 (1): 1 - 17.


Ali, J. A. A Sociological Analysis of the Understanding and Application of Shari’a in Muslim Everyday Living in Australia. Australian Journal of Family Law.

Dunn, K., Atie, R., Kennedy, M., Ali, J., O'Reilly, J. and Rogerson, L. Can you use community policing for counter terrorism?: evidence from NSW, Australia. Police Practice and Research. 17 (3): 196 - 211.

Forrest, J., Lean, G. and Dunn, K. Challenging racism through schools : teacher attitudes to cultural diversity and multicultural education in Sydney, Australia. Race Ethnicity and Education. 19 (3): 618 - 638.

Dunn, K., Atie, R. and Mapedzahama, V. Ordinary cosmopolitans: Sydney Muslims' attitudes to diversity. Australian Geographer, 47 (3): 281 - 294.

Dunn, K. and Hopkins, P. The geographies of everyday Muslim life in the west. Australian Geographer. 47 (3): 255 - 260.

Milani, M. Metaphysics of love in Sufi writings. Eremos: Exploring Spirituality in Australia. 135: 13-17.

Onnudottir, H. Book review: Protests, Land Rights and Riots: postcolonial politics in Australia in the 1980s, New York: Berghahn. American Anthropologist. 118 (4): 934-35.

Giordan, G. and A. Possamai. Branding the Devil in New Age and Catholicism: A Sociology of Exorcism. Religioni e Società. (86): 90-96.

Giordan, G. and A. Possamai. The over-policing of the devil: a sociology of exorcism. Social Compass. 63 (4): 444-460.

Possamai, A., B. Turner, J. Roose, S. Dagistanli, and M. Voyce. Shari’a in Cyberspace: A case study from Australia. Sociologica: Italian Journal of Sociology. 2016 (1): 1-22.

Possamai, A., Turner, B., Cheng, J., Voyce, M. and Dagistanli, S. Shari'a and everyday life in Sydney. Australian Geographer. 47 (3): 341 - 354.

Possamai, A., Dunn, K., Hopkins, P., Amin, F., Worthington, L. and Ali, J. Muslim Students’ Religious and Cultural Experiences in the Micro-publics of University Campuses in NSW, Australia. Special issue of Australian Geographer, 47 (3): 311-324.

Possamai, A., Dunn, K., Hopkins, P., Worthington, L. and Amin, F. Muslim students' cultural and religious experiences in city, suburban and regional university campuses in NSW, Australia. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 38 (6): 637 - 648.

Cochrane S, Smith C, Possamai-Inesedy A, Bensoussan A, Prior to conception: the role of an acupuncture protocol in improving women's reproductive functioning assessed by a pilot pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2016.

Presterudstuen, G. Performing masculinity through Christian devotion: methodism, manhood and colonial mimicry in Fiji. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. 18 (1): 107 - 126.

Rocha, C. A Megaigreja Hillsong no Brasil: A constituição de um campo religioso transnacional entre o Brasil e a Austrália. Plural: Rev. de Ciências Sociais USP (opens in new window) 23 (2): 162-181.


Ali, J. A. A Participant Observer’s Insight into Rituals and Practices of the Tablīgh Jamā‘at in Australia. Islamic Perspective and Culture. 1 (1): 27-34.

Cheng, J. Islamophobia, Muslimophobia or racism? : parliamentary discourses on Islam and Muslims in debates on the minaret ban in Switzerland. Discourse and Society. 26 (5): 562 - 586.

Dagistanli, S. In Defence of Culture: Racialised Sexual Violence and Agency in Legal and Judicial Narratives. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. 4 (3): 57-72

Salter, M. & Dagistanli, S. Cultures of Abuse: 'Sex grooming', organised abuse and race in Rochdale, UK. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. 4 (2): 50-64.

Dunn, Kevin M.; Atie, Rosalie; Kennedy, Michael; Ali, Jan A.; O’Reilly, John; and Rogerson, Lindsay. Can You Use Community Policing for Counter Terrorism? Evidence from NSW, Australia. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. 17 (3): 196–211.

McWilliam, A & Neale, J. Reflections on a Native Title Anthropology Field School. AIATSIS Discussion Paper. 36: 1-25, Canberra.

Milani, M. and Possamai, A. Sufism, spirituality and consumerism: the case study of the Nimatullahiya and Naqshbandiya Sufi orders in Australia. Contemporary Islam.  10 (1): 67-85.

Possamai, A. Popular and Lived Religions. Current Sociology. 63 (6): 781-799.

Rocha, C. A Globalização da Cura Espírita: Biomedicina, João de Deus e seus Seguidores Australianos. Tempo Social 27 (1): 95-115.


Cox, J. and A. Possamai. Religion, "Non-Religion" and Indigenous Peoples on the 2011 Australian National Census. Diskus. 16 (2): 31-44

Habtegiorgis, A., Paradies, Y. and Dunn, K. Are racist attitudes related to experiences of racial discrimination?: within sample testing utilising nationally representative survey data. Social Science Research. 47: 178 - 191.

Dunn, K., Lean, G., Watkins, M. and Noble, G. (2014), The visibility of racism : perceptions of cultural diversity and multicultural education in state schools. International Journal of Organizational Diversity. 15 (1): 17 - 29.

McWilliam A.R., L Palmer and C Shepherd (2014) ‘Lulik Encounters and Cultural Frictions in East Timor: past and present’, The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA) Vol 25(3) 304–320

Sriprakash, A., A. Possamai, E. Brackenreg. Cosmopolitan tensions: religious diversity in an Australian university The Australian Educational Researcher. 41 (3): 227-242.

Possamai, A. and Alphia Possamai-Inesedy. Cultural framing of risk and religion within Science Fiction narratives. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion. 27 (1): 94-113

Cochrane, S., Smith, CA., Possamai-Inesedy, A., and A Bensoussan. Acupuncture and women’s health: an overview of the role of acupuncture and its clinical management in women’s reproductive health. International Journal of Women’s health. 6: 313.

Rocha, C. A Globalização do Budismo. Estudos de Religião 28 (2): 59-73.

Rocha, C. and G. Coronado. Imagining Latin America in Australia: Migration, Culture and Multiculturalism, Introduction to special issue of Journal of Intercultural Studies 35 (5): 467-474.

Rocha, C. Triangular Circulation: Japanese Brazilians on the move between Japan, Australia and Brazil, Journal of Intercultural Studies 35 (5): 493-512.

C. Wulfhorst, C. Rocha, and G. Morgan. Intimate Multiculturalism: Transnationalism and Belonging amongst Capoeiristas in Australia, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40 (11): 1798-1816.

Rocha, C. and M. Vasquez. O Brasil na Nova Cartografia Global da Religião. Religião e Sociedade 34 (1): 13-37. (opens in new window)


Cheng, J. Exclusive and inclusive constructions of "Australia" in the Australian parliament. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines. 7 (1): 51 - 65.

Cheng, J. Talking about 'Australian values' in the Australian parliament : how politicians contest culturalist racism. Critical Race and Whiteness Studies. 9 (2).

Forrest, J. and Dunn, K. Cultural diversity, racialisation and the experience of racism in rural Australia: the South Australian case. Journal of Rural Studies. 30: 1 - 9.

Jinks, A. Descriptions of the astral plane: comment on Ferreira (2013). Australian Journal of Parapsychology. 13 (1): 71 - 75.

Shepherd, C.J and McWilliam A.R. (2013) ‘Cultivating plantations and subjects in East Timor: a genealogy’, Bijdragen Tot de Taal Land –en Volkenkunde (BKI) 169 326-361.

Fitzpatrick D and McWilliam A, (2013) ‘Bright-Line Fever: Simple Legal Rules and Complex Property Customs among the Fataluku of East Timor,’ Law and Society Review Vol 47(2) 311-343.

Milani, M. and Possamai, A., "The Nimatullahiya and Naqshbandiya Sufi orders on the Internet: the cyber-construction of tradition and the McDonaldisation of spirituality", Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, Vol 26 (1): 51-75.

Milani, M. Umar Khayyam: A Paradigm of the Secular and Religious. Threskeiologia/Studies in Religion – Sacred/Profane. 8 (9): 50-78.

Onnudottir, H., Possamai, A., Turner, B. and Kennedy, M. Australian Aboriginal Muslims in prison. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 34 (3): 280-294.

Possamai, A., Turner, B., Roose, J., Dagistanli, S. and Voyce, M. Defining the conversation about Shari’a: representations in Australian newspapers. Current Sociology. 61 (5-6): 626-645.

Possamai-Inesedy, A.and Cochrane, S. The consequences of integrating complementary and alternative medicine: an analysis of impacts on practice. Health Sociology Review. 22 (1): 65-74.

Possamai-Inesedy, A. and Cochrane, S. Looking outside the square: the use of qualitative methods within complementary and alternative medicine - the movement towards rigour. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 21 (1): 73-76.

Rocha, C. Transnational Pentecostal connections: an Australian megachurch and a Brazilian church in Australia. PentecoStudies. 12 (1): 62-82.

Turner, B. Sociology of Islam: the desiderata. Sociology of Islam. 1 (1): 107-109.


Alam, O. Islam is a blackfella religion, whatchya trying to prove?: race in the lives of white Muslim converts in Australia. La Trobe Journal. 89: 124 - 139.

Ali, Jan A. Contemporary Islamic Revivalism: Key Perspectives. American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences. 29 (1): 60-97.

Loosemore, M., Phua, F., Teo, M. and Dunn, K. Management strategies to harness cultural diversity on Australian construction sites: a social identity perspective. Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building. 12 (1): 1 - 11.

Pedersen, A., Dunn, K., Forrest, J. and McGarty, C. Prejudice and discrimination from two sides : how do middle-eastern Australians experience it and how do other Australians explain it? Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology. 6 (1): 18 - 26.

Howell, J. Introduction: Sufism and neo-Sufism in Indonesia today. Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs. 46 (2): 1-24.

Howell, J. and Zamhari, A. Taking Sufism to the streets: majelis zikir and majelis salawat as new venues for popular Islamic piety in Indonesia. Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs. 46 (2): 47-75.

Jinks, A. Paranormal and alternative health beliefs as quasi-beliefs : implications for item content in paranormal belief questionnaires. Australian Journal of Parapsychology. 12 (2): 127 - 158.

McWilliam A. New Fataluku Diasporas and landscapes of remittance and return. Special Issue - Local-Global: Identity, Security, Community. 11: 72-85.

O’Connor S, McWilliam A, Fenner J and S Brockwell, (2012) ‘Examining the Origin of Fortifications in East Timor: Social and Environmental Factors’, Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology, 7:1–18,

McWilliam A. Bulbeck D., Brockwell S. and S. O’Connor. The Cultural Legacy of Makassar Stone in East Timor. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology. 13 (3): 262-179.

Milani, M. Representations of Jesus in Islamic Mysticism: Defining the ‘Sufi Jesus’. Literature & Aesthetics. 21 (2): 45-65.

Possamai, A. and Turner, B. Authority and Liquid Religion in Cyber-space: the new territories of religious communication. International Social Science Journal.

Possamai, A. Political Culture, the Nation of Islam, the Nuwaubian Nation and the Muslim Brotherhood: A Review Article. Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review.

Nelson, J., Possamai-Inesedy, A. and Dunn, K. Reinforcing substantive religious inequality : a critical analysis of submissions to the Review of Religion and Belief in Australia Inquiry. Australian Journal of Social Issues. 47 (3): 297 - 318.

Possamai-Inesedy, A., Cochrane, S. and Smith, C. Understanding the practice of acupuncture with women with fertility problems: a qualitative approach. Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. 7 (2): 4-12.

Salim, A. Indonesia, Shari'ah. Oxford Islamic Studies Online, Apr 16, 2012.

Turner, B. Managing religions, citizenship and the liberal paradox. Citizenship Studies, 16: 1059-1072.

Turner, B. Sociology in the USA and beyond: a half-century decline?. Journal of Sociology. 48 (4): 364-379.


Ali, Jan A. Piety Among Tablīghī Women. Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life. 5 (3).

Ali, Jan A. A Dual Legal System in Australia: The Formalisation  of Sharī‘ah. Democracy and Security. 7 (1).

Dunn, K. and Nelson, J. Challenging the Public Denial of Racism for a Deeper Multiculturalism. Journal of Intercultural Studies. 32 (6): 587 - 602.

Pedersen, A., Paradies, Y., Hartley, L. and Dunn, K. Bystander antiprejudice: cross-cultural education, links with positivity towards cultural 'outgroups' and preparedness to speak out. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology. 5 (1): 19 - 30.

Loosemore, M., Phua, F., Dunn, K. and Ozguc, U. The politics of sameness in the Australian construction industry : comparing operative and manager attitudes towards cultural diversity. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 18 (4): 363 - 380.

Dunn, K., Pelleri, D. and Maeder-Han, K. Attacks on Indian students : the commerce of denial in Australia. Race and Class. 52 (4): 71 - 88.

Dunn, K., Gandhi, V., Pelleri, D. and Maeder-Han, K. Racism in the Tertiary Education Sector: A Case of Indian Student Attacks in Australia. Geography Bulletin. 43 (3): 7 - 16.

Dunn, K., Loosemore, M., Phua, F. and Ozguc, U. Everyday Ethnic Diversity and Racism on Australian Construction Sites. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 10 (6): 126 - 148.

Pain, R., Phillips, D., Nagel, C., Mohammad, R., Mclean, D., Dunn, K. and Hopkins, P. Reading Peter Hopkins: The Issue of Mascuine Identities for British Muslims After 9/11: A social Analysis. Political Geography - Elsevier. 30 (6): 339 - 348.

Forrest, J. and Dunn, K. Attitudes to diversity: new perspectives on the ethnic geography of Brisbane, Australia. Australian Geographer. 42 (4): 435 - 453.

Nelson, J., Dunn, K. and Paradies, Y. Bystander anti-racism : a review of the literature. Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy, 11 (1): 263 - 284.

McWilliam A.(2011) ‘Marginal Governance in the Time of Pemekaran: Case Studies from Sulawesi and West Papua’, in Erb, M and Brauchler B. [eds] Special Issue:  Eastern Indonesian Under Reform: New Approaches, New Topics, Asian Journal of Social Sciences Vol 39 (2) 150-170

McWilliam A. (2011) ‘Exchange and Resilience in Timor-Leste’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI) Vol 17:745-763

Shepherd C.J. and McWilliam A.R (2011) ‘Ethnography, Agency, and Materiality: anthropological perspectives on rice development in East Timor’, East Asia Science and Technology Studies (EASTS), Special Issue Volume 5 (2) 189-215.

Possamai, Adam and Lee, M. Hyper-real religions: Fear, anxiety and late-modern religious innovation. Journal of Sociology. 47 (3).

Barbalet, J., Possamai, A. and Turner, B. Religion and the State in Pluralistic Environments.  Australian Religion Studies Review. 24 (1) (Guest editors of a special issue).

Voyce, M. and Possamai, A. Legal Pluralism, Family Personal  Laws and the Rejection of Shari’a in Australia: A Case of Multiple or ‘clashing’ Modernities? Democracy and Security. 7 (1).

Cochrane, S., Smith, C. and Possamai-Inesedy, A. Development of a fertility acupuncture protocol: Defining an acupuncture treatment protocol to support and treat women experiencing conception delays. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 9.

Turner, Bryan S. Max Weber and the spirit of resentment: The Nietzche legacy. Journal of Classical Sociology. 11 (1).

Turner, Bryan S. and Arslan, B. Shari'a and legal pluralism in the West. European Journal of Social Theory. 14 (2).


Ali, Jan A. Tablighi Jama‘at and the ‘Remaking’ of the Muslim. Australian Religion Studies Review. 23 (23).

Morgan, G., Dagistanli, S. and Martin, G. Global fears, local anxiety: Policing, counter-terrorism and moral panic over 'bikie gang wars' in New South Wales. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. 43 (3).

Loosemore, M., Phua, F., Dunn, K. and Ozguc, U. 'Operatives' experiences of cultural diversity on Australian construction sites. Construction Management and Economics. 28 (2): 177 - 188.

Stevenson, D., Dunn, K., Possamai, A. and Piracha, A. Religious Belief across 'Post-secular' Sydney: the multiple trends in (de)secularisation. Australian Geographer. 41 (3).

Dunn, K. Embodied transnationalism: bodies in transnational spaces. Population, Space and Place. 16 (1): 1 - 9.

Dunn, K., Kamp, A., Shaw, W., Forrest, J. and Paradies, Y.  Indigenous Australians' attitudes towards multiculturalism, cultural diversity? Race and racism. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. 13 (4): 19 - 31.

Forrest, J. and Dunn, K. Attitudes to multicultural values in diverse spaces in Australia's immigrant cities, Sydney and Melbourne. Space and Polity. 14 (1): 81 - 102.

McWilliam A.R. (2010) ‘Comment’: on Mobilizing Local Knowledge and Asserting Culture: The cultural politics of in-situ Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity (Chris Shepherd), Cultural Anthropology v51(5) pp648-649.

Onnudottir, H., Possamai, A. and Turner, B. Islam: A New Religious Vehicle for Aboriginal Self-Empowerment in Australia? International Journal for the Study of New Religions. 1 (1).


Dunn, K. Embodied transnationalism: bodies in transnational spaces. Population, Space and Place. 16 (1): 1 - 9.

Dunn, K., Forrest, J., Pe-Pua, R., Hynes, M. and Maeder-Han, K. Cities of race hatred? The spheres of racism and anti-racism in contemporary Australian cities. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 1 (1): 1 - 14.

Kenna, T. and Dunn, K. The virtuous discourses of private communities. Geography Compass. 39 (1): 81 - 98.

McWilliam A. The spiritual commons: some immaterial aspects of community economies in eastern Indonesia. The Australian Journal of Anthropology. 20 (2): 163-177.

McWilliam A.R. (2009) ‘Improving Food Security in East Timor’ Asian Currents, ASAA E-Bulletin July [

Possamai, Adam and Brackenreg, E. Religious and Spirituality Diversity in a Multi-Campus Suburban University: What Type of Need for Chaplaincy? Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 31 (4).

Possamai-Inesedy, A. The Silence of Spirituality within Sociology of Childbirth: Epistemological and Methodological Considerations. Australian Religion Studies Review. 24.

Turner, Bryan S. Reshaping the Sociology of Religion: globalization, spirituality and the erosion of the social. Sociological Review, Vol 57 (1).

Turner, Bryan S. Citizens, Communities and Conflict: surviving globalization. Citizenship Studies, Vol 13 (4).

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