Library of the Future

Introducing the Library of the Future

Transforming the Whitlam Library at Parramatta South Campus

Welcome to the next chapter of academic excellence and community collaboration. Western Sydney University is excited to embark on our Library of the Future project, commencing with the reshaping of the Whitlam Library, transforming it into a beacon for innovation, and inspiration. 

Whitlam Library, Parramatta South before the commencement of works.

Whitlam Library’s Evolution

Established in 1998 and expanded in 2009, the Whitlam Library, located at Parramatta South, has been a hub for learning, reflection, and collaboration. Now, with the Library of the Future initiative, we’re set to evolve into a versatile, inspiring, and contemporary space that will motivate and convey a sense of scholarship and excellence.  This redevelopment will redefine the academic library experience creating a dynamic hub that caters to the evolving needs of our diverse community.  

The Library of the Future project goes beyond the conventional; it's about transforming the library experience of engagement with academic reading, writing and learning.  The project embodies Western Sydney University's commitment to innovation, sustainability and creativity. This transformation enables creativity, scholarship, learning and co-creation of knowledge. It will also embrace sustainable practices and indigenous heritage, making it a space that resonates with students, staff and the community.  

Positioning the Library as the new beating heart of Parramatta campus academic life, this visionary project will be a gateway, connecting the campus to light rail spines and river paths.,  

Building for Success

Versatile and Inspiring Environment: Incorporating study spaces and a student kitchenette, recording rooms, a scholarly hub and an exhibition space, there is inspiration for everyone.  The revitalised library will motivate and convey a sense of scholarship and excellence, supporting a variety of learning, researcher, and community activities. 

Inclusivity and Accessibility: Providing a welcoming space for all students and staff, the low shelving, sense of openness, accessibility inclusions and connections to outdoor study areas, enable inclusivity and accessibility for everyone. 

Indigenous Engagement: Dedicated to pursuing the University's Indigenous Strategy, the library will reflective of our Indigenous communities and amplify Indigenous voices and knowledge within the Library context, making them more visible and accessible. 

Community: Facilitating meaningful connections and knowledge sharing between academics and industry with our research, through opportunities presented by the creation of networking and engagement in the scholarly hub, exhibition spaces and cafe that will bring the university and wider communities together. 

Technology-Rich Environment: The library will be a technology-rich hub for scholarly engagement, fostering flexibility, collaboration, and accessibility. 

Sustainable Design: Aligned with both the University's sustainability strategy and Green Building Council of Australia's standards, the design celebrates the site's connection to the landscape, enhancing user experience, well-being, and embedding understanding of place. 

Project Timeline

2024 - Design, Planning Approvals and Procurement

2024 - Library temporarily closed (late 2024)

- Construction Commencement (early 2025)

2025 - Completion and reopening (late 2025)