Bushfire Unit

Hazard reduction adjacent to EucFACE

The Hawkesbury Bushfire Unit (BFU) has collaborating members from Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment (opens in a new window), Teaching and Technical Services and Division of Infrastructure and Commercial (opens in a new window).

Along with volunteers with established Rural Fire Service (opens in a new window) (RFS) experience, training is undertaken through the RFS to train additional members to the appropriate national standards of competence.

Members are provided with a full kit of PPE, along with additional equipment and a substantive drenching system at the EucFACE (opens in a new window) research facility, and are involved in training around established escalation and response protocols consistent with bush fire risk.

Along with hazard reduction burns around the EucFACE site and along The Driftway, the BFU has been involved in 2 live fire incidents, including a major incident in September 2017.

SDGs 3,4,13,14,15,17

Related Action Plan Theme