
Dr Jerry Zhou joined by 14 other graduates attended the 2019 Medical Device Commercialisation Training Program (MDCTP) hosted by Cicada Innovations with NSW Health.

Cicada Innovations is a world-leading deep technology program-driven incubator and has developed a unique approach to supporting science-based innovations from idea through to incubation. Since being founded in 2000, Cicada has worked with more than 300 businesses, helping their portfolio of companies raise over $324 million in private equity and government grants, file over 500 patents and trademarks, and for 14, sell their business.

We are excited to be part of the industry wide shift toward patient driven healthcare. Our technology "In & Out" enables patients be an active participant in the management of their healthcare and the ability to partner with health providers in the decision making process for their treatment.

Dr Zhou's technology, a smart device for patients to continue treatment of defecation disorders at home, was awarded the Product Development Award ($25,000) and People's Choice ($1,000). We are excited to have a partnership with industrial design firm IDE Group to help develop our technology for the Australian market.

The Cicada Innovation’s accelerator program taught me the value of real-world feedback and introduced me to a network of key players in the commercialisation space. This course has led to product pivots and strategies to market, all in the effort to improve the bathroom experience of millions around the world.

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