Emergency prevention and preparedness

An emergency could occur at a number of levels within the University, and may affect the whole University, a whole campus, a specific division or school, a specific building, or a specific office or work area.

The University has established an Emergnecy Planning Committee (EPC) who oversese emergency prevention and preparedness for the University.

The EPC has developed a Emergency Management Plan for the University. The Emergency Management Plan is the overarching framework for planning and managing emergencies at the University.

For any advice or assistance, please contact the WHS Unit.

Organisational structures and responsibilities

The Emergency Planning Committee (EPC)

The EPC consists of the following senior staff:

  • Director - Campus Safety and Security, or representative (Chair)
  • Associate Director - Work Health and Safety, or representative
  • Director - Office of Estate and Commercial, or representative.

The primary role of EPC is to:

  • Advise the Vice Chancellor on all matters relating to emergency preparedness within the University;
  • Oversee the development, implementation and monitoring of the University's emergency management plan;
  • Review the University's resource requirements for the effective implementation of the Unviersity's emergency management plan.

The EPC meet every six months on a day and time determined by the Committee. The Committee meet after all emergency situations to evaluate the effictiveness of the University's preparedness, response and recovery.

Managers and supervisors

Managers and supervisors are responsible for:

  • Ensuring the emergency management plan is implemented for their under their control;
  • Assisting emergency controllers and emergency wardens as required;
  • Providing information to senior management and / or the EPC as required;
  • Ensuring there are adequate numbers of emergency wardens in order to effectively implement the emergency management plan;
  • Ensuring that an up to date list of emergency wardens is displayed in the workplace;
  • Contacting emergency services as required or when requested by emergency controller;
  • Ensure that emergency wardens receive the necessary training and refresher training.

Chief Emergency Warden

Chief Emergency Wardens are generally Campus Safety and Security staff members and are responsible for:

  • Obtaining an accurate picture of the nature and extent of the emergency;
  • Initiating the implementation of the emergency management plan;
  • Prioritising the health and safety of persons above all else;
  • Contacting the WHS unit as soon as reasonably pratcical;
  • Providing information and support to external emergency services;
  • Providing reports to the EPC regarding the impact of the emergency;
  • Coordinating the deployment of internal specialist resources;
  • Mitigating the impact of the emergency on campus operations and services;
  • Coordinating post-incident recovery strategies;
  • Coordinating post emergency exercise evaluation.

Emergency wardens

Emergency wardens roles and responsibilities can be viewed on the Emergency Warden page.

Staff in control of students

Staff in control of students are required to:

  • Advise students when an emergency has occurred;
  • Direct/escort students to an emergency assembly area;
  • Advise students to remain in the assembly area until advised otherwise by the emergency controller or the emergency warden;
  • Report any missing students to an emergency warden as soon as possible;
  • Maintain control of students.

General staff

In the interests of your own personal safety and the safety of others, it is important that staff are aware of the:

  • Location of the building emergency exits
  • Location of emergency equipment e.g. first aid kits, fire extinguishers.