Postgraduate Studies

Prospective Students

The Urban and Regional Research Program places high priority on ensuring the best quality training and support for its higher degree students. The Program sees its PhD and Master students as core partners in the pursuit of internationally respected, engaged urban research and training activity.

For more information on admission to the Western Sydney University's research student program, please visit Future Research Students or for details on scholarships, see Research Scholarships.

Resources for Students

All Urban and Regional Research Program higher degree research students are provided with:
  • a research workspace, equipped with storage space and a computer with state-of-the-art software and printing and network capacity;
  • access to telephones, stationery and other office materials;
  • access to library facilities including personalised in-house library training sessions;
  • a Western Sydney University email address;
  • funding for regular conference and research travel;
  • access to laptop computers for fieldwork and travel;
  • access to digital video and audio recording and editing equipment;
  • access to Skype-enabled computers; and
  • access to state-of-the-art spatial indicators laboratory.

In addition, the Program runs a co-ordinated series of regular activities to train HDR students and foster the postgraduate research culture. This includes regular reading groups and seminars featuring leading national and international researchers.

Key contacts

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Our Research Themes

urban planning and graffiti art

urban planning housing options

urban planning