Doctor Colin Stack

Doctor Colin Stack

Senior Lecturer,
Medical Sciences


Dr. Colin Stack is a Senior Lecturer in The School of Biomedical and Health Sciences. Colin started his career as a Post Doctoral Fellow in 1999 in the School of Biotechnology at The Dublin City University and then at the University College Dublin in the Department of Microbiology. Colin was a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Technology, Sydney from 2003 - 2005. In 2005 he moved to Sydney permanently when appointed as a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases (IBID), University of Technology, Sydney. In 2007 Colin joined the University of Western Sydney (UWS) as a Lecturer.

This information has been contributed by Doctor Stack.


  • PhD National University of Ireland
  • BSc National University of Ireland

Organisational Unit (School / Division)

  • Medical Sciences


Phone: (02) 4620 3237
Location: 21.1.02

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Chapters in Books

  • Stack, C., Dalton, J. and Robinson, M. (2011), 'The phylogeny, structure and function of trematode cysteine proteases, with particular emphasis on the Fasciola hepatica cathepsin L family', Cysteine Proteases of Pathogenic Organisims, Springer 9781441984135.
  • Dalton, J., Caffrey, C., Sajid, M., Stack, C., Donnelly, S., Loukas, A., Mckerrow, J., Halton, D. and Brindley, P. (2006), 'Proteases in trematode biology', Parasitic Flatworms: Protein Function, Metabolism and Physiology, CAB International 0851990274.

Journal Articles

  • Stack, C. and Morton, C. (2021), 'Diagnostics for fungal infections in solid organ transplants (SOT)', Current Fungal Infection Reports, vol 15, no 4 , pp 127 - 135.
  • Stroud, L., Slapeta, J., Padula, M., Druery, D., Tsiotsioras, G., Coorssen, J. and Stack, C. (2017), 'Comparative proteomic analysis of two pathogenic Tritrichomonas foetus genotypes : there is more to the proteome than meets the eye', International Journal for Parasitology, vol 47, no 4 , pp 203 - 213.
  • El-Khoury, M., Ligot, R., Mahoney, S., Stack, C., Perrone, G. and Morton, C. (2017), 'The in vitro effects of interferon-gamma, alone or in combination with amphotericin B, tested against the pathogenic fungi Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus', BMC Research Notes, vol 10, no 1 .
  • Silva, F., Dixon, M., Stack, C., Teuscher, F., Taran, E., Jones, M., Lovas, E., Tilley, L., Brown, C., Trenholme, K., Dalton, J., Gardiner, D. and Skinner-Adams, T. (2016), 'A Plasmodium falciparum S33 proline aminopeptidase is associated with changes in erythrocyte deformability', Experimental Parasitology, vol 169 , pp 13 - 21.
  • Morin-Adeline, V., Fraser, S., Stack, C. and Slapeta, J. (2015), 'Host origin determines pH tolerance of Tritrichomonas foetus isolates from the feline gastrointestinal and bovine urogenital tracts', Experimental Parasitology, vol 157 , pp 68 - 77.
  • Cronin, L., Moffitt, M., Mawad, D., Morton, O., Lauto, A. and Stack, C. (2014), 'An in vitro study of the photodynamic effect of rose bengal on Trichophyton rubrum.', Journal of Biophotonics, vol 7, no 6 , pp 410 - 417.
  • Cronin, L., Mildern, R., Moffitt, M., Lauto, A., Morton, O. and Stack, C. (2014), 'An investigation into the inhibitory effect of ultraviolet radiation on Trichophyton rubrum', Lasers in Medical Science, vol 29, no 1 , pp 157 - 163.
  • Serhan, G., Stack, C., Perrone, G. and Morton, O. (2014), 'The polyene antifungals, amphotericin B and nystatin, cause cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a distinct mechanism to amphibian-derived antimicrobial peptides', Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, vol 13, no 18 .
  • Morton, O., Chau, M. and Stack, C. (2014), 'In vitro combination therapy using low dose clotrimazole and photodynamic therapy leads to enhanced killing of the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum', BMC Microbiology, vol 14 , pp 261 - 261.
  • Morin-Adeline, V., Lomas, R., O'Mealy, D., Stack, C., Conesa, A. and Slapeta, J. (2014), 'Comparative transcriptomics reveals striking similarities between the bovine and feline isolates of Tritrichomonas foetus : consequences for in silico drug-target identification', BMC Genomics, vol 15, no 955 .
  • Sun, Z., Stack, C. and Slapeta, J. (2012), 'Sequence differences in the diagnostic region of the cysteine protease 8 gene of Tritrichomonas foetus parasites of cats and cattle', Veterinary Parasitology, vol 186, no 3-4 , pp 445 - 449.
  • Skinner-Adams, T., Peatey, C., Anderson, K., Trenholme, K., Krige, D., Brown, C., Stack, C., Nsangou, D., Mathews, R., Thivierge, K., Dalton, J. and Gardiner, D. (2012), 'The aminopeptidase inhibitor CHR-2863 is an orally bioavailable inhibitor of murine malaria', Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, vol 56, no 6 , pp 3244 - 3249.
  • Slapeta, J., Muller, N., Stack, C., Walker, G., Lew-Tabor, A., Tachezy, J. and Frey, C. (2012), 'Comparative analysis of Tritrichomonas foetus (Riedmuller, 1928) cat genotype, T. foetus (Riedmuller, 1928) cattle genotype and Tritrichomonas suis (Davaine, 1875) at 10 DNA loci', International Journal for Parasitology, vol 42, no 13-14 , pp 1143 - 1149.
  • Thiverge, K., Mathew, R., Nsangou, D., Silva, F., Cotton, S., Skinner- Adams, T., Trenholme, K., Brown, C., Stack, C., Gardiner, D. and Dalton, J. (2012), 'Anti-malaria drug development targeting the M1 alanyl and M17 leucyl aminopeptidases', ARKIVOC, , no 4 , pp 330 - 346.
  • Stack, C., Dalton, J. and Robinson, M. (2011), 'The phylogeny, structure and function of trematode cysteine proteases, with particular emphasis on the Fasciola hepatica cathepsin L family', Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 712 , pp 116 - 135.
  • Skinner-Adams, T., Stack, C., Trenholme, K., Brown, C., Grembecka, J., Lowther, J., Mucha, A., Drag, M., Kafarski, P., McGowan, S., Whisstock, J., Gardiner, D. and Dalton, J. (2010), 'Plasmodium flaciparum neutral aminopeptidases: new targets for anti-malarials', Trends in Biochemical Sciences, vol 35, no 1 , pp 53 - 61.
  • Mcgowan, S., Oellig, C., Birru, W., Caradoc-Davies, T., Stack, C., Lowther, J., Skinner-Adasm, T., Mucha, A., Kafarski, P., Grembecka, J., Trenholme, K., Buckle, A., Gardiner, D., Dalton, J. and Whisstock, J. (2010), 'Structure of the Plasmodium falciparum M17 aminopeptidase and significance for the design of drugs targeting the neutral exopeptidases.', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol 107, no 6 , pp 2449 - 2454.
  • Trenholme, K., Brown, C., Skinner-Adams, T., Stack, C., Lowther, J., To, J., Robinson, M., Donnelly, S., Dalton, J. and Gardiner, D. (2010), 'Aminopeptidases of malaria parasites : new targets for chemotherapy', Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets, vol 10, no 3 , pp 217 - 225.
  • Donnelly, S., O'Neil, S., Stack, C., Robinson, M., Turnbull, L., Whitchurch, C. and Dalton, J. (2010), 'Helminth cysteine proteases inhibit TRIF-dependent activation of macrophages via degradation of TLR3', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol 285, no 5 , pp 3383 - 3392.
  • Golden, O., Flynn, R., Read, C., Sekiya, M., Donnelly, S., Stack, C. and Dalton, J. (2010), 'Protection of cattle against a natural infection of Fasciola hepatica by vaccination with recombinant cathepsin L1 (rFhCL1).', Vaccine, vol 28, no 34 , pp 5551 - 5557.
  • Lowther, J., Robinson, M., Donelly, S., Xu, W., Stack, C., Matthews, J. and Dalton, J. (2009), 'The importance of pH in regulating the function of the fasciola hepatica cathepsin L1 cysteine protease', PLoA Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol 3, no 1 .
  • Mcgowan, S., Porter, C., Lowther, J., Stack, C., Golding, S., Skinner-Adams, T., Trenholme, K., Teuscher, F., Donnelly, S., Grembecka, J., Mucha, A., Kafarski, P., DeGori, R., Buckle, A., Gardiner, D., Whisstock, J. and Dalton, J. (2009), 'Structural basis for the inhibition of the essential Plasmodium falciparum M1 neutral aminopeptidase', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol 106, no 8 , pp 2537 - 2542.
  • Maric, S., Donnelly, S., Robinson, M., Skinner-Adams, T., Trenholme, K., Gardiner, D., Dalton, J., Stack, C. and Lowther, J. (2009), 'The M17 leucine aminopeptidase of the Malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum : importance of active site metal ions in the binding of substrates and inhibitors', Biochemistry, vol 48, no 23 , pp 5435 - 5439.
  • Donnelly, S., O'Neill, S., Stack, C., Robinson, M., Turnbull, L., Whitxhurch, C. and Dalton, J. (2009), 'Helminth cysteine proteases inhibit Trif-dependant activation of Macrophages via degredation of TLR3', Journal of Biological Chemistry, .
  • Gardiner, D., Skinner-Adams, T., Brown, C., Andrews, K., Stack, C., Mccarthy, J., Dalton, J. and Trenholme, K. (2009), 'Plasmodium falciparum : new molecular targets with potential for anitmalarial drug development', Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy, vol 7, no 9 , pp 1087 - 1098.
  • Donnelly, S., Stack, C., O'Neill, S., Sayed, A., Williams, D. and Dalton, J. (2008), 'Helminth 2-Cys peroxiredoxin drives Th2 responses through a mechanism involving alternatively activated macrophages', The FASEB Journal, vol 22, no 11 , pp 4022 - 4032.
  • Robinson, M., Tort, J., Lowther, J., Donnelly, S., Wong, E. and Stack, C. (2008), 'Proteomics and Phylogenetic analysis of the Cathepepsin L Protease family of the Helminth pathogen Fasciola hepatic', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, vol 7, no 6 , pp 1111 - 1123.
  • Stack, C., Caffrey, C., Donnelly, S., Seshaadri, A., Lowther, J., Tort, J., Collins, P., Robinson, M., Xu, W., McKerrow, J., Craik, C., Geiger, S., Marion, R., Brinen, L. and Dalton, J. (2008), 'Structural and functional relationships in the virulence-associated cathepsin L proteases of the parasitic liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol 283, no 15 , pp 9896 - 9908.
  • Skinner-Adams, T., Lowther, J., Treuscher, F., Stack, C., Grembecka, J., Mucha, A., Kafarski, P., Trenholme, K., Dalton, J. and Gardiner, D. (2007), 'Identification of phosphinate dipeptide analog inhibitors directed against the Plasmodium falciparum M17 aminopeptidase as lead anti-malarial compounds.', Journal of Medicinal chemistry, vol 50 , pp 6024 - 6031.
  • Treuscher, F., Lowther, J., Skinner-Adams, T., Speilmann, T., Dixon, M., Stack, C., Donnelly, S., Mucha, A., Kafarski, P., Vassiliou, S., Gardiner, D., Dalton, J. and Trenholme, K. (2007), 'The M18 Aspartyl aminopeptidase of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol 282 , pp 30817 - 30826.
  • Kanaji, S., Tanaka, Y., Sakata, Y., Takeshita, K., Arima, K., Ohta, S., Hansell, E., Caffrey, C., Mottram, J., Lowther, J., Donnelly, S., Stack, C., Kadowaki, T., Yamamoto, K., McKerrow, J., Dalton, J., Coombs, G. and Izuhara, K. (2007), 'Squamous cell carcinoma antigen 1 is an inhibitor of parasite-derived cysteine proteases', FEBS Letters, vol 581, no 22 , pp 4260 - 4264.
  • Kanaji, S., Tanaka, Y., Sakata, Y., Takeshita, K., Arima, K., Ohta, S., Hansell, E., Caffrey, C., Mottram, J., Lowther, J., Donnelly, S., Stack, C., Kadowaki, T., Yamamoto, K., McKerrow, J., Dalton, J., Coombs, G. and Izuhara, K. (2007), 'Squamous cell carcinoma antigen 1 is an inhibitor of parasite-derived cysteine proteases', FEBS Letters, vol 581, no 22 , pp 4260 - 4264.
  • Stack, C., Donnelly, S., Lowther, J., Wu, D., Collins, P., Brinen, L. and Dalton, J. (2007), 'The Major Secreted Cathepsin L protease of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica: A LEU-12 to PRO-12 replacement in the non-conserved C-terminal region of the prosegment prevents complete enzyme autoactivation and allows definition of the molecular...', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol 282, no 22 , pp 16532 - 16543.
  • Doleckova, K., Kasny, M., Mikes, L., Mutapi, F., Stack, C., Mountford, A. and Horak, P. (2007), 'Peptidases of Trichobilharzia regenti (Schistosomatidae) and its molluscan host Radix peregra s. lat. (Lymnaeidae): construction and screening of cDNA library from intramolluscan stages of the parasite', Folia Parasitologica, vol 54 , pp 94 - 98.
  • Stack, C., Lowther, J., Cunningham, E., Donnelly, S., Gardiner, D., Trenholme, K., Skinner-Adams, T., Teuscher, F., Grembecka, J., Mucha, A., Kafarski, P., Lua, L., Bell, A. and Dalton, J. (2007), 'Characterisation of the Plasmodium falciparum M17 leucyl aminopeptidase: A protease involved in amino acid regulation with potential for antimalarial drug development', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol 282, no 3 , pp 2069 - 2080.
  • Sekiya, M., Mulcahy, G., Irwin, J., Stack, C., Donnelly, S., Xu, W., Collins, P. and Dalton, J. (2006), 'Biochemical characterisation of the recombinant peroxiredoxin (FhePrx) of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica', FEBS Letters, vol 580, no 21 , pp 5016 - 5022.
  • Gardiner, D., Trenholme, K., Skinner-Adams, T., Stack, C. and Dalton, J. (2006), 'Over-expression of leucyl aminopeptidase in Plasmodium falciparum parasites: Target for the anti-malarial activity of bestatin', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol 281, no 3 , pp 1741 - 1745.
  • Stack, C., Dalton, J., Cunneen, M. and Donnelly, S. (2005), 'De-glycosylation of Pichia pastoris-produced Schistosoma mansoni cathepsin B eliminates non-specific reactivity with IgG in normal human serum', Journal of Immunological Methods, vol 304, no 40575 , pp 151 - 157.
  • Collins, P., Stack, C., O'Neill, S., Doyle, S., Ryan, T., Brennan, G., Mousley, A., Stewart, M., Maule, A., Dalton, J. and Donnelly, S. (2004), 'Cathepsin L1, the major protease involved in liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) virulence - Propeptide cleavage sites and autoactivation of the zymogen secreted from gastrodermal cells', Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol 279, no 17 , pp 17038 - 17046.
  • Mccarthy, E., Stack, C., Donnelly, S., Doyle, S., Mann, V., Brindley, P., Stewart, M., Day, T., Maule, A. and Dalton, J. (2004), 'Leucine aminopeptidase of the human blood flukes, Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum', International journal for Parasitology, vol 34, no 6 , pp 703 - 714.
  • Dalton, J., Neill, S., Stack, C., Collins, P., Walshe, A., Sekiya, M., Doyle, S., Mulcahy, G., Hoyle, D., Khaznadji, E., Moire, N., Brennan, G., Mousley, A., Kreshchenko, N., Maule, A. and Donnelly, S. (2003), 'Fasciola hepatica cathepsin L-like proteases: biology, function, and potential in the development of first generation liver fluke vaccines', International journal for Parasitology, vol 33, no 11 , pp 1173 - 1181.
  • O'Leary, S., Power, A., Stack, C. and Burnell, A. (2001), 'Behavioural and physiological responses of infective juveniles of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis to desiccation', BioControl, vol 46, no 3 , pp 345 - 362.

Previous Projects

Title: 'How to dismantle a malaria parasite' Prolyl Aminopeptidase: A target for new anti-malarial drugs
  • University of Western Sydney
Western Researchers: Colin Stack
Years: 2007-12-10 - 2009-06-30
ID: P0015943
Title: Tritrichomonas foetus - Epithelial Interactions: dissecting the Roles of Attachment, Cytotoxicity and Host Factors in the Infection Process.
  • University of Western Sydney
Western Researchers: Colin Stack, Jens Coorssen and Graham Jones
Years: 2012-11-15 - 2013-12-15
ID: P00021251
Title: Establishment of a mass spectrometer facility for natural products and proteomics research and teaching at the College of Health and Science within the University of Western Sydney, Campbelltown campus
  • University of Western Sydney
Western Researchers: Nikolaus Sucher, Jens Coorssen, Bill Price, Gerald Muench, Andrew Shalliker, Dennis Chang, Sabine Piller, Simon Myers, Colin Stack and Michelle Moffitt
Years: 2008-09-24 - 2010-09-15
ID: P00016326
Title: Dispersal of rodents and their role in transmission of bacterial pathogens between piggeries
  • Pork CRC Ltd
Western Researchers: Michelle Moffitt and Colin Stack
Years: 2008-07-01 - 2008-12-31
ID: P00016469
Title: Biochemical and structural basis for the collagenase activity of Fasciola hepatica cathepsin L2
  • University of Western Sydney
Western Researchers: Colin Stack
Years: 2008-11-03 - 2009-11-02
ID: P00016533
Title: Functional and structural diversity of cysteine peptidases from Apicomplexan parasites
  • University of Western Sydney
Western Researchers: Colin Stack
Years: 2011-06-29 - 2012-09-28
ID: P00020277


Current Supervision

Thesis Title: Characterisation of Biosynthetic Gene Clusters within Cyanobacteria
Field of Research:

Western Sydney University

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